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Posts posted by SilverDNA

  1. Thanks Vargant0, that thoughts brought somethings up in my mind that I would like to share.


    Here in my country there is a debate about the more and more English terms in language coming up for years that have some similar arguments like the debate her on the metric or imperial system. 


    So I ask my self the following in both debates about each argument. 


    Is the argument "Per aris et focis." (for home and hearth) or "Per fas et nefas." (right and wrong) or  "for the true good of all" (per vernum unum bonum) 


    I would like to ad some truth of Aesop to this all "United we stand, divided we fall"


    ... but the choices are our own how we are united and divided.


    I'm not quite sure about if some of the arguments to protecting the Imperial system are to protect the middle sized companies there as well from competition. (see argument per aris et focis) So I'm asking to clarify that argument please. to see if is really as I suspect or if it is "per fas et nefas" or "per vernum unum bonum".

  2. I think of Charll-ih-ton ( and I roll the "R" and the last syllable I let it weight like a "TON" ) If I would try to annoy you, I would double the "ih" in the middle and make it sound like "Hi-Hi". 




    I hope you have your fun and a lots of laughter because of this. 

  3. I like making any child laugh (babies on up to teenagers).

    I like making adults laugh too (spread the laughter).

    I'm in to spread the laughter there's to less laughter in the world.


    I like eating and cooking  -  there's sometimes a smile   :smile:  to be earned by this.

  4. Lt. Cmdr. Matt T. Sherman (Cary Grant):

    When a girl is under 21, she's protected by law. When she's over 65, she's protected by nature. Anywhere in between, she's fair game. Look out.

    Operation Petticoat

  5. I do not believe in freedom of will. Schopenhauer's words, "Man can indeed do what he wants, but he cannot want what he wants", accompany me in all life situations and console me in my dealings with people, even those that are really painful to me. This recognition of the unfreedom of the will protects me from taking myself and my fellow men too seriously as acting and judging individuals and losing good humour.


    Albert Einstein

  6. Yes, the EU food rules are funny and caused me to shake my head constantly about them. :wacko: Debates about Cucumber straight or bend in a special way lead me only to the conclusion that the EU officials have to much time and money to waste. :( I think this is a political decision that must come from the countries that use the imperial system. And I don't think that Britain should submit to those EU food rules. I don't like them either. I only think that common sense should be used to determine, if it is time to change to the metric system. To submit to EU rules stands for me on another paper ( In my personal objection Britain can change to the metric system and oppose the stupid EU food rules all in one.) So if I was misunderstood on my earlier post I ask to forgive me.


    For me that would mean that I can speed up the sharing of some good recipes I gathered and share them with some friends in the US and Britain for I'm not knowing how much dry yeast the supermarket stacks in Britain or the US is selling to use with how much flour in basic (that's very time consuming to find out)

  7. I'm thinking this is all about pride, fear and money that let's the Imperial System going on while the rest o the world has taken up the Metric System. In my opinion pride can keep back necessary progress for a longer time than it is good for anybody. The fear I see is to acknowledge that the times for the Imperial system is over, because the Metric System is more easily used. Money and time are needed to change from the Imperial to the Metric System.The people that would have the most trouble from that change would be those who have used only (and for a longtime) the Imperial System in life.


    I believe in democracy and the world has decided to use the Metric System. In my opinion it would be better to throw the pride over board and invest some money and time to change to the metric system for the better of the people of the countries in which the imperial system is used. I think this could have a little side effect that imports and exports would be rising (not significantly but a little) over time.


    @ ginnyfizz


    1000 Kilocalories (kcal) = 4187 Kilojoule (kJ) and I'm eager to help you convert every cooking recipe to the metric system as well as to exchange my metric recipes to the Imperial and give them to you. :)


    (I like to eat and thous I like to cook)

  8. I was meeting a friend in a bar, and as I went in, I noticed two pretty girls looking at me.

    "Nine," I heard one whisper as I passed. Feeling pleased with myself, I swaggered over to my buddy and told him a girl had just rated me a nine out of ten.

    "I don't want to ruin it for you," he said, "but when I walked in, they were speaking German."

    ( Explanation = "nine" is acoustic very near to the German word "Nein" which means in English "No")



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