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Everything posted by SilverDNA
Okay. People of Europe, there is no danger from nuclear waste. The most dangerous materials from spent fuel rods are melted into glass, which makes atmospheric dispersal (as in the Chernobyl disaster or the ongoing release of radioactive materials from coal plants) impossible except for the very small proportion of material that may be outgassed from the surface. The glass is nearly impermeable to water, so groundwater contamination would be very difficult even if the waste were submerged. That only leaves direct contact as a means of radiation escape, which shielding and burial prevent neatly. So even "naked" nuclear waste is not very threatening to the environment. And because it only takes 40 years for the radioactivity of these materials to diminish by 99.9%, even a flawed storage system would be adequate for preventing the escape of radiation. So how effective is burial? Well, were the Yucca Mountain complex to be entirely filled with nuclear waste, the maximum dose to a person living nearby would be 0.2 mrem per year, taking into account the probability and consequences of volcanic eruption and earthquakes. This is lower than the radiation dose that same person would receive from a coal power plant. And such a dose is insignificant compared to radiation exposure from natural sources. In fact, eating one banana every six months would give you that same 0.2 mrem per year. So fear of nuclear waste is tantamount to fear of bananas, or an admission that European systems are inferior to a proposed American one. As far as i know this debate is about "The best alternative energy source". I think we should get to the topic again of alternative energy. To fuel the debate with something new I have found the concept of an alternative engine of cars. "See on Wikipedia the Compressed air car" It uses as the name suggests a Compressed-air engine. since most people need to go to work by car this could be, if developed further technical be an alternative to engines that use oil as basic fuel method. It is still not flawless but has some potential in my opinion.
Finally I win! :pirate:
A little older but either as good as your Flash Gordon theme from Queen is my Heroic theme against Mars Attacks. This is our "third" theme.
ub3rman123 is banned for charging and executing a ban against me for discriminating goldfish witch I don't. ....If that's sort of live is what you wish you may grow up to be a fish. ...
Heard a funny sentence about the soccer world championship and that classic set up England - Germany. Every time in world soccer championship between Germany and England, when its going about the sausage, the Germans win. (Because it's all about the sausages.) I hope we see an interesting and fair match. For my not so funny neighbors I will play tomorrow "Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the world" out loud.
*Throwing snowballs on Heyy_Adrian till he looks like Snowman! " I simply win.
Just for thinking, ub3rman123 is banned.
Well if mars attacks there can be only "one" song: I know bad movie, but very good song.
Thor again! Sorry to ban you!
Heard it from a guy called Zaphod Beeblebrox, that when Marvin interacts with other Artificial intelligence that interaction ends with a probability of 100% that the Artificial intelligence is committing suicide. Zaphod told me he witnessed the "death" of a police ship and and a war robot only by interacting with Marvin. I would miss Side Bot because of it's faithfulness. Site Bot seams to me like the strong silent guy.
Digital the other word reminds me to much of that open source project I mentioned earlier here in this or that. Answers that cost the hole world or answers that cost your life?
Let me be Dundee! I win!
8 Is this more of your liking? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQp_nz9EdhQ&feature=related
Great Scott, I win!
CONGRATULATIONS FROM ME AS WELL! / GRATULATION AUCH VON MIR! @ Newtwit CHEESE??? Traditional for Austria would be Kaiserschmarrn (Very delicious) Wikipedia link to Kaiserschmarrn and Beer as well.... ( I would personally prefer a Wiener Melange (Wiener Melange at Wikipedia) because I'm not drinking much alcohol.) I wish you to have fun and much more to celebrate MonsterHunterMaster
It comes to this: on witch side of the cage are you standing (Are you in inside or outside the monkey/gorilla cage?) I like monkeys more, I think. (At a save distance of course. ) Snakes or Crocodiles?
I've want to add some source of energy production that is overlooked here. - Water turbines go back till the use of watermills and are a well exploited source of energy production and they are save. 71% of our planet are covered with water. Embankment dams use water turbines and there are plans to use on some points of the oceans. In my opinion it alternative energy sources (solar-, water- and wind-energy) are worth of exploiting and investing in. At the moment there are world wide some very ambitious projects in planing and developing that are worth watching. The only draw back is that the great energy concerns adapted the philosophy of green energy only slowly because of the great subventions on (mainly) nuclear power plants form states, with is highly regulated by them and sported. I think we can agree on the danger from nuclear waste products that are endangering us all aside from the (un)safety of the power-plants. In my opinion it needs a shifting of subvention to the alternative energy sources even more. But because the financial crisis of the last years some states consider to build even more nuclear power plats against the new development in more efficient technologies for the alternative energy sources. I personally think that the political depressions (based on lobbing) set this all to a rate of development unacceptable for me. A politician that is at the same time chief executive officer or consultant to an energy concern has his mind on the money he/she revives from the concern more than in the future of our planet. (This has to stop first in my opinion.) I do not favor one alternative energy source. I think a combination (at the right places) of all alternative energy sources is the future for our planet.
20 SEASONS= Join date determines membership ______________________________________________ SPRING= March, April, May=Martians ______________________________________________ SUMMER= June, July, August=Unnamed ______________________________________________ AUTUMN= September, October, November=Dark Cavalry ______________________________________________ WINTER= December, January, February=Legion of Doom ______________________________________________ Dark Cavalry pick Summer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61FaPPFO1DE&feature=related
Hard backs, you have always something do defend yourself against those aggressive Monkeys. Basketball or Soccer?
http://www.gif-paradies.de/gifs/gemischtes/glitzer/gothic/gothik_0012.gifI'm so cute I must win.