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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://rlv.zcache.com/meanwhile_in_a_town_called_spoons_tshirt-p235379576110848049qiuw_400.jpg
  2. 1http://www.feinkost-spehr.de/angebot/pservice/FeinkostSpehr_Spanferkel__Catering_f_Berlin_u_Potsdam_638px.jpg
  3. 1 "Everything in the world is getting closed ... just my pants of course not! " Heinz Erhardt
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnXxLK-un2w Bann Lara croft and you
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnXxLK-un2w 1 Meanwhile in Tomb Raider
  6. http://theundergroundconservative.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/eggnog.jpg Yes I have thought of it. I like those too ( Eggnog)
  7. http://www.breitlinglounge.de/galerie/albums/userpics/10004/Merkel2.jpg1
  8. http://foosel.org/_media/blog/2009/06/20090618-bundestag-fail.jpg1
  9. At the moment I am having one of these http://lewebpedagogique.com/vocabulaire_anglais/wp-content/blogs.dir/45/files//recipe_sp_irish-coffee_3301.jpg As I said it'll take some time but they are coming
  10. Oh I give them only to selected friends with PM or I have to kill some one ( They are secret)1
  11. That's always a cool mum! She can handle those recipes I think 2
  12. Bann you for not using large colourful text
  13. This one still eludes me in making http://www.rezeptwiese.de/images/recipes/0002/9270/frankfurter_kranz.jpg Frankfurter Kranz 1
  14. only one thing to say about that- DON'T THINK! you're banned for thinking
  15. 1 If you don't fell able give it to some one who you find able in your family and let them have a try. It will take a little time to convert it to english.
  16. IIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----------------- Win--------------------http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner2.gif
  17. and the feet of Barbra Streisand so I bann you again
  18. Nice Sly! http://studentorgs.pepperdine.edu/sao/images/Tiramisu.jpg I also make dough with the same I use for the strawberry role I can give you the recipe if you can convert it to metric it's fairly easy 1ops i've forgot it's tiramisu
  19. http://masca1.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/apfelstrudel-portion.jpg 1 looks like this but i like it steaming
  20. 3Hot or cold Sly? with vanilla ice cream or without? Hot with vanilla Ice cream I would like
  21. http://www.stockfood.de/Pix/KNOD/H20/247809_T.JPG 1 Bohemian napkin dumplings I've got still trouble with
  22. yes with proper supplements but not the classical it's a newer version you may call it 2.0 Pork, breaded Cream pepper Sauce Asparagus Potatoes
  23. Me? I've got a little arnie in it too so I bann you
  24. Sly it's as easy as modding but you should start with easy ones It took me three times to get the streuselkuchen fine and now I'm doing variation instead of vanilla cream I'm doing apples with a very little cinnamon in it ops 1
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