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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. BG 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6of3kMxV6z4&feature=related
  2. Well, if that's true that the Taliban are training monkeys for terrorism, then I think that they are watching to much TV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBNMEwNx9x4
  3. There's a saying I know of that would fit for either metric or imperial system users here I think. I would chose the Imperial system for clothing, except shoes . (Funnily it seams to fits to me better than the metric stuff I bought. Trowsers are always not fitting in lengeth or wide when I buy them in metric system.) Maybe there is a way that we can still have both but I'm thinking that the mixed up system.
  4. Ok I have a question can you by chance give a link or the official explanation why the Australian government came up with this? (Cause it makes only sense if the standardisation should be used in companies too in the near future, or I'm wrong with this suggestion.)
  5. http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner2.gif....................Z2Z........................http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner8.gif
  6. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS75NtlH3gI&feature=related
  7. The good side of the story is that I can wear T-shirts to 12-10°Celsius. For me I'm as warm as in Vargant0s signature is stated.
  8. If I would not have a thick connective tissue that only talcum can prevents me from sweating inside a building. Now imagine me in dressed in full talcum powder and normally dressed in black.... oh a cool down storm is coming... and may the inside weather god be on your side ;-)
  9. Sex... no, wrong Sechs... No, worng either, that was german sorry six, yes finaly reach for the 6. Puh what a birth...
  10. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    @ Keanumoreira I would go for the Black Fox cause you can't outfox the fox. Watch this little funny video to know what i mean... Akatosh for your answer...if unsure ask DNA :laugh: War Orc or Battle Elf?
  11. Thanks Vargant0, that thoughts brought somethings up in my mind that I would like to share. Here in my country there is a debate about the more and more English terms in language coming up for years that have some similar arguments like the debate her on the metric or imperial system. So I ask my self the following in both debates about each argument. Is the argument "Per aris et focis." (for home and hearth) or "Per fas et nefas." (right and wrong) or "for the true good of all" (per vernum unum bonum) I would like to ad some truth of Aesop to this all "United we stand, divided we fall" ... but the choices are our own how we are united and divided. I'm not quite sure about if some of the arguments to protecting the Imperial system are to protect the middle sized companies there as well from competition. (see argument per aris et focis) So I'm asking to clarify that argument please. to see if is really as I suspect or if it is "per fas et nefas" or "per vernum unum bonum".
  12. Weather is fine here too, but it is about a quarter past 6 in the morning and I'm sweating. Bah.. I need fans lots of fans to cool down. Stay cool ....
  13. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    Ice you can lick yourself to death .... :laugh: The Black Fox or the Grey Fox?
  14. SilverDNA

    Funny Quotes

    ... but why is the rum gone?....
  15. Just dropping by to say that's too hot for my liking here on my end. I hope you don't feel like a snow man in the summer too on your end.
  16. I think of Charll-ih-ton ( and I roll the "R" and the last syllable I let it weight like a "TON" ) If I would try to annoy you, I would double the "ih" in the middle and make it sound like "Hi-Hi". :laugh: I hope you have your fun and a lots of laughter because of this.
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