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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. http://www.gif-paradies.de/gifs/gemischtes/glitzer/gothic/gothik_0016.gifso I Win!
  2. I am what I am
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SilverDNA


      Thank you Species! Thats where I want to end up.
    3. Keanumoreira


      Don't be sad Uncle, your loved for who you are, don't forget that. We're your family here and you will always have us.
    4. naomis8329


      what you are is what makes you special, don't ever change
  3. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    Dragons! Axe or sword?
  4. 8....http://www.amazing-animations.com/animations/cars22.gif
  5. For overly and unnecessary use of question marks http://www.amazing-animations.com/animations/superhero33.gif receives a ban.
  6. I only wanted to ad the following to that "Curiosity killed the cat". It is a mixture of curiosity and desire/pleasure that bring people to do this. It's a known fact the youth is even more and more earlier on that stage than because the grow biological faster than some generations before. The younger they are, the more curious they are to the forbidden and more like to experiment with this, witch brings them to drugs and prostitution. Another point is that the lower the income of a family has, the lower the education, the more the danger to drift into those circles. More social programs help only to a minor degree to solve the violence part of the problem. Social politics are in a vicious circle if the teacher and the family aren't working as should be and vice versa. For those who like it to be a prostitute or a lap dancer....etc. they can have it their way, but those who dislike should be given every chance and a hand to get out of it.
  7. http://bestanimations.com/Animals/Mammals/Horses/Horse-05-june.gif......8
  8. http://www.gif-paradies.de/gifs/science-fiction/raumschiffe/raumschiff_0020.gif......2
  9. http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner2.gif.............s!S5S!s...........................http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/roadrunner8.gif
  10. No http://www.amazing-animations.com/animations/superhero20.gif I Win! :biggrin: It plain simple dude. Had to read your horoscope for today.
  11. http://www.amazing-animations.com/cartoons/animations/pinkpanther4.gif........!?3!?
  12. http://bestanimations.com/Sci-Fi/Spaceships/Spaceship-03-june.gif...........?01?
  13. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    Deep sea fish (glowing) No thank you. Fireflies sounds interesting with chilly, yummy! Streuselkuchen or Apple cake? (@ Netwit2008 for your Apple Cake with Sprinkles you have combine both recipes)
  14. http://www.freegifs.de/gif/psychedelisch/psychedelisch00009.gif......9
  15. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    better :woot: than :ohmy: or what do you think? Today's we're baking for later the day for tea. So baking an Apple Cake with Sprinkles or a Chocolate Mint Cheesecake? http://www.amazing-animations.com/animations/foods5.gif
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