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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. ...................I win.......................
  2. ban Thor for sleeping on his keyboard.
  3. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    Edit i take, edit I do. @Keanumoreira Both plays of Shakespeare's plays mean something to me. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" what fools in love do in that verbal artwork of comedy and magic (My words here are inadequate to express what inner joy I feel seeing, hearing or reading that play). "Hamlet price of Denmark" another verbal artwork of drama and inner pain what injustice can do to a soul. ....and by the way I've got a good recipe of Irish Stew for your ham. :thumbsup: Chicken or Beef?
  4. gormonk is baned for illegal use of the color pink!
  5. Kirk: "Mr. Spock - Scan the romulan spaceship!" Spock: "OK, Sir - is 300 DPI good enough?"
  6. and another one A bus full of old Irish men and women was driving on a highway in Germany. Suddenly there was a panel with a big arrow and the word "AUSFAHRT". Fifty kilometers away there was another panel with the same arrow and the word "AUSFAHRT". Fifty kilometers away there was another panel, the same one; and one of the old travellers touched the elbow of his neighboor and said "Well, it's must be a big town !"
  7. One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. The proceeded to each buy a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage three flies landed in each of their pints, and were stuck in the thick head. The Englishman pushed his beer away from him in disgust. The Scotsman fished the offending fly out of his beer and continued drinking it as if nothing had happened. The Irishman too , picked the fly out of his drink, held it out over the beer and then started yelling "SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT, YOU male without a father!!!!"
  8. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    Orange it tastes better as juice! William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" or "Hamlet"?
  9. Two things to take in account: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjMiwGHTffc
  10. It comes down to "one" thing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwFzvg3L2Qg
  11. An old one from the time of cold but sometimes not so cold war. And it's about the German Bundeswehr (military). What is the German Bundeswehr good for? The German Bundeswehr is only good for, to stop the enemy just as long, till real military arrives.
  12. Achtung actually means Attention/Warning. As for the other word, I have no idea. I know! Some times it's funny what google translation does. (for the other may Wikipedia be helpful: Prejudice)
  13. After completing the game this song made me cry .... (KQ6)
  14. Granted, but your signature overwrites every thing you write and because I really want to Cockaigne it overwrites your the past, the present and the future posts here as well. @ Keanumoreira follow this wiki link to Cockaigne : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cockaigne Now I wish that Keanumoreira could come with me to Cockaigne. (because I'm a grateful and happy man there) :biggrin:
  15. The place I get most frequently and completely undressed is the bath, because I'm shy too.
  16. Wish granted but you get the bone, I get the steak! :biggrin: I wish myself to Cockaigne.
  17. SilverDNA

    This or That?

    Ninja Mages for even more fun. A trip to space or a trip to New York (remember both have aliens :smile:)
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