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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. ... so close and yet so far away from reporting anything ... Blogs and other news seam to be more independent now than the most of the Murdoch empire ...(It seams someone in the management fears the truth and told the personnel to be silent or be fired) ... could this be true ?:whistling:
  2. http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/Signs%20for%20Posting/1194327948492.jpg 0
  3. http://i808.photobucket.com/albums/zz6/Silver-DNA/Signs%20for%20Posting/9995f1c88a6b6d188c5f462928c744191224217333_full.jpg Nuff said ...:sweat:
  4. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1106/distractions-culos-demotivational-posters-1309176923.jpg Zero!
  5. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1106/censorship-censor-kill-freedom-evil-demotivational-posters-1309425854.jpg 0
  6. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1106/zero-days-days-without-war-demotivational-posters-1309211558.jpg
  7. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1107/fighter-pilots-f18-carrier-takeoff-pilots-demotivational-posters-1309993159.jpg 0
  8. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1107/russia-invades-sarah-palin-was-right-dammit-demotivational-posters-1310078631.jpg 0
  9. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1107/for-summer-vacation-summer-vacation-went-chocolate-falls-demotivational-posters-1310299596.jpg 0
  10. SilverDNA


    No, you have correctly quoted from one of the lesser clauses of the 14th Amendment. It was however in reference to the war debt of the Civil War and that the former Confederate States could not escape the requisite taxation to pay for it.The southern states argued that they were not part of the United States when it was incurred and hence not liable, not an argument that had much traction. So if your contention is that it's validity( the national debt) could be questioned which would by nature be a constitutional challenge of the 14th Amendment...then I see how you were thinking. It should be noted that the 14th Amendment is one of the murkiest of the lot, it has been interpreted and reinterpreted at least six times by the Supreme Court, so not the firmest of constitutional ground to stand on or against. I wasn't grounding on it but referring because this might be applied in some way or another .. in this case aside from the worst case (witch would hit the whole world) the irony against the rating agency's. was my primary target rating Italy down before it isn't even sure they cant stabilize their finances and threatening to rate down the US witch would lead too to a destabilized market, and the world economy would certainly be affected by it. I've only did some cross reading over it about back in may that's why i remembered it so well because of the backward absurdity it applies on pensioners like you so i was worried that you are soon as poor as slippery Sam and on the run. The deception part is the thing is that angers me most in this because on one hand the politicians and their parties preach thrift, and on the other hand hold it open to the economies and their lobbyists... one must be totally lobotomised and to see the vulgarity of this opportunity witch is abused a lot and mostly not in the public because it would be instant political death to each one that submits to it
  11. SilverDNA


    If i got it correctly "The validity of the public debt of the United States is not questioned." but I'm not an expert on US amendments.. but you might enlighten me if i went wrong there.
  12. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2011/3/28/93cab20f-5c9e-4fab-afd8-14b50f6ce41f.jpg 0
  13. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ERA0A_lpOlI/SNuqtvLc8NI/AAAAAAAAA7Y/hz9MRKHw3uc/s320/mecoffepc.gif Down to Zero!
  14. http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1005/give-a-man-a-fire-and-he-will-be-warm-for-the-day-demotivational-poster-1273552083.jpg ZERO! Look at the happy news of today ..in section Forum rules and strikes.
  15. SilverDNA


    Not to mention the three American rating agency's that have already announced that they will down rate The US. But what they did now with Itally is a shame, but now I would like to see what happens if the worst case comes to america and democrats and republicans can't get a compromises on the Budget. Those three rating agency's vs. the 14th amendment and the pensioners. A rogue, anyone who thinks evil about it after what they done in 2008 now they are doing the exact opposite manipulation again... The real scandal is that this behaviour of the political elite of a nation doing damage to it in the name of the citizens. Deception remember? And you have all to applaud to it afterwards because they are afterwards the great saviours and prevented a disaster.. :facepalm:... now haven't the parties not constructed this damage? .. Well then they shall pay with there money and raise their taxes 1st i say! No one should follow leaders that aren't going 1st as good example with there own political decisions.. The politicians have been since a long time now pulling this rope a bit stronger and stronger. ... I wonder how long it will take now till the majority of decent honest citizens stand up and say loud "No!" to that kind of political and economical fraud that is taken out on their backs because of the ruthless businesses gains of unscrupulous Banks and rating agency's that manipulate the market and have a lobbyist on every side of the political parties and politicians that spread in the name of the citizens the lies of those lobbyists as well as taking behind the back the Cheques of the banks to deliver the opinion of those to the people. What can one do about it ... Make up your mind who really profits from those political arguments gold weight every ounce of word the politicians give. Be a critic is democracy on it's honest, especial if a politician tries to grab into your wallet. That's my 2 cents
  16. http://cheezhawtness.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/087fbf04-94e8-48c6-bd4c-cdbe35daf071.gif Someone pooed! Zerro!
  17. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/9/22/0be9df10-8cf1-4e58-86d7-82a1748730b7.gif Mntz Zero!... Mntz... Zero!
  18. http://gallery.brawl-hall.com/data/media55636/9/01.jpg 0
  19. Dobrodošli natrag nećak (veliki zagrljaj)
  20. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/9/17/cd702b5a-07b4-478a-a585-fada39ffc867.jpg Thanks delicious ... :happy: But what do I do now with the R at the end ...oh I know now re-omelette and another one and another one ....this can take some time dont mindfff ... Sofy bef munching anofher one re omelette againf (munch... munch)
  21. Happy Birthday Naomis!
  22. http://verydemotivational.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/963b169e-5779-4b95-9f5b-97eafb0ffe24.jpg 0
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