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Everything posted by SilverDNA

  1. nosisab gets slapped in the face with .... http://www.die-tortenbaecker.de/Unterordner/Tortenfotos/lecker/Butter.jpg I love classics....
  2. The worst of all is that if you are on Cloud you are under US laws even if the server is in the EU (reason is that Microsoft is an US company). So the basic is that if one company / consumer is suspected a terrorist or have dealings with terrorists the cloud data is searched by the patriot act... now the rely bad news is that Microsoft if it gets the order to search with National Security Letter, a user / company under the suspicion of being a terrorist or have dealings with terrorist hasn't even the rights to inform anybody not even the country's authorities the Cloud server stands in to search. and the Microsoft employee's are under the total silence due to the National Security Letter. now imagine how easy it could be for US Companies that work with the FBI to prove that parts of the foreign company (military) have been shipped to terrorists... a rogue that thinks evil about this ... But it even goes beyond that now imagine all data on your illnesses of an health insurance company is available on a cloud system... oh .. oh..:pinch: now what could Microsoft and the FBI do with this super database of information? ... Let me guess sooner or later they have access to all data from every person because those data bases are outsourced to a Could system ... Now think of legalizing later the access of governments and other companies to that Super Data base... they know what you like they know every correspondences you have and with whom be it love letters or Company correspondence's ... now here is a Germany saying ( don't know if you have a similar ) " f a criminal gets away once, he will do it again even more impudently than before!" Companies have already taken steps to ensure their safety only making contracts with European companies that build their own cloud like services. Here German Tellekom is working on this. there might be others i don't have on my radar. I personally see it coming that we end up in Orwell's 1984. I marvel every time how farsighted Orwell was on his horror scenarios or wonder if the governments and companies are taking Orwell's books as work Instructions on a long run or both in any imaginably mix. No cloud for me please I value my privacy and i value my individuality and my little freedom I have and my human rights.
  3. Earth : +3 Wind : 0 Fire : +3 Water: +10 Next round Earth : Wind : 0 Fire : 0 Water: +3
  4. ub3rman123 just got slapped with a http://img1.jurko.net/avatar_5398.gif
  5. Wine (Whether white or red or a rose one i like a good one)
  6. Wall ( the Great one that is even visible from space :thumbsup:)
  7. @Marxist ßastard "destroy our monkey spheres" ? ( I see no need either in repeating your complete post) Classical case of "Sophisma ex homonymia" (Sophism from the homonym) If somebody nowadays is fooled by this then it is ultimate droll. Because i said never written destroy the monkey spheres but breaking witch would be also be interpreted as overcoming so your argumentation is in terms most others understand "puting words in my mouth I Did not said". "Do you really are so alone and afraid of the others that you seek to destroy them?" Could be an answer that Freud or C.G. Jung would have used in a debate with you. I personally refer more to the point out to you good old Horaz "quam temere in nosmet legem sancimus iniquam." (How thoughtless it is to sanction a law unjust to himself.) and did i appeal to all "In dubio pro libertate." (If in doubt favor liberty) And since somebody has lost the appeal to humanity that was hidden within parody /comedy view on humanity in the original link from nyxalinth I state it here again: "Show civil courage and don't look away if someone needs help because next time it could be you that needs help!"
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