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About Rodjama

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  1. I had major issues with the captcha mechanism on my gaming machine. When enabling the audio, it doesn't match what's on the screen... After several attempts with & without the audio clues, I gave up. This was yesterday, but today no issues of course logging in & did not have to fill out that silly captcha rubbish Very odd!.
  2. In response to post #62065522. #62067477, #62093057 are all replies on the same post. ....
  3. Looking forward to the stable release! But for now, I value reliable gameplay with my fav games above anything else, so its persevere with NMM for now.
  4. Where on earth are nexus mods for FO4 within the new layout website? There is no tab for games! Is this some kind of dumb joke? :(
  5. Keep up the good work! know its demanding but highly satisfying... right? Happy and prosperous new year to ALL!
  6. With only 4 factions to pick from in vanilla, hardly worth considering at all. But MM probably has the best chance because of their altruistic motives.
  7. I understand exactly what your saying and FO4 is available in my part of the world on 1 retail DVD disc but the catch is it's only part of the game.. rest has to be downloaded. That is fine IF one has reliable and affordable internet connection, something Bethesda "assumes" PC players have... I use to be very annoyed about this but as an individual, I have no control over it. The move away from optical media like physical disks is just a technology trend in the computer world. Portable USB flash drives have seen the death of optical media like DVD etc. As far as long term storage is concerned though, optical media is still more reliable than data on potentially volatile Nand flash when it comes to archival storage potential "Sharing" games with friends is frowned upon by businesses trying to make money on each and every product they make, and why should your friends get "freebies" of product when the business has put a lot of time and money into bringing the product to market in the first place? They are not running a charity, they're running a business to make money and ultimately end up keeping people employed. The video game business is like any other business, making money is the name of the game (pardon the pun).
  8. Heck, I use to get skyrim crashing when it felt like it, often in higher levels and this is with only 1 -2 mods and also in pure vanilla. Yes, all patched up and game files verified by steam. It's the game engine, that's why Bethesda sometimes gets called Bugthesda. Go figure... All this on a system that can run other games just fine...
  9. Ok, so going by that discussion you linked too, the .44 pistol will actually be alright in this game and of course even better with crafting it up. I use to flog those off or give them to a settler whenever I found them... but I'll think again when I find such loot. Don't know what it is about that weapon, but it always has a certain "feel" to it when fired that other hand guns just can't match...
  10. PC I have on-board realtek 7.1 sound, and USB Logitech 7.1 G35 Headphones I switch between the two depending on what I'm doing, if I'm watching YouTube videos, I'll set the RealTek onboard sound as the default device, if I'm gaming I'll set the Headphones as the default device. This is the only game where I've had this problem. It seems if text is being displayed next to the cursor, (IE contents of a body, container, safe, etc) at the same time something is looted my game will freeze. Ok, I was only asking because I had Creative's X-Fi Titanium card for years that gave me good service until I found it causing too many CTD's and lockups in this game. After removing it and of course the drivers for it too, and reverting to my motherboards realtek sound chip, the CTD's and lockups have been reduced significantly so far. Its inferior sound quality imo but it makes for smoother gameplay experience so I shouldn't complain. All this after Creative released win10 drivers for this card too. However, steam released another update patch for FO4 yesterday, so I"m yet to see how much more stable and CTD free this game is...
  11. A pacifist character build in FO4? hmmm, could be challenging to say the least, but depends what difficulty level you plan on launching him with and continuing throughout the game with. Personally, I just stick to the one difficulty setting from start to finish, no matter how hard is it is. If I'm doing anything that nearly always gets my character killed, then I'll rethink my strategy first. I neglected to mention in my first post, that I have only deposited 3 luck and 3 Charisma into the character's build and haven't put any more points in them since, the rest of the points were spread out pretty much even among the other S.P.E.C.I.A.L classes when starting out. I've gotta say, roaming around the FO4 world with low luck makes scavenging more adventurous... lol... or else your character misses out on stuff :smile:
  12. It's the engine, I've seen forums whereby discussion often leads to flame feasts about how buggy the engine is in the first place. Its a bit like building a skyscraper, if you don't get the foundations right, how the heck do you expect the extras on top to be stable??
  13. This is why I opt out of beta releases...
  14. Do you still get this problem in vanilla game? Sounds like could be driver issue, those GTX 10xx cards are still relatively new, I'll bet Nvidia are still optimizing relevant software.
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