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Jacob Black

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Everything posted by Jacob Black

  1. I wonder If L33 can make them? For Me These would Live in the jungle and desert areas (Somewhat)
  2. Ok I Have some images. These dudes look awsome and would be awsome to play as they are very intelegent wolves that have evolved and can walk on two legs. They look completely like regular wolves. look in my wolf diversity images section to see what the race needs to look like These Will Be in the land of the lost mod (instead of the chaka dudes These will eventually be there to)
  3. Hey guys Download Beta V2.1 This will (I am not making promises) Probaly fix the missing portal and several other missing meshes so tell me what you think Please note that I am aware of the fact that mist marsh and the jungle vally are identicle. this will soon change as i am going to clear out these areas and remake them (any one now were i can get swamp trees (though I might be able to Use Black Marshe's trees
  4. I'm Back!!!!! Guess What That stupid Grand Theft Auto IV Quit working (it wont even start) I am Now Back from my Vaction So What Has been going on, Because the Werewolf Is Back And Ready For Action! Any one download My beta yet? The stargate to the jungle wont show cause I accidentally forgot to include the mesh (oops) the sky scraper needs some size adjustment and The mod needs a lot more done to it so Tell me if it works overall and if you like it
  5. To Keep from getting boqrd with my favorite game The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. I am going to play gta 4 (do not worry I will not quit modding oblivion nor will i ever stop playing oblivion, besides i do not know how to mod any game but oblivion, tes iv oblivion rules ) as i said this is only so i will not loose interest with tes oblivion because i love this game and it will always be my favorite long live tes oblivion! i will return to playing and modding oblivion in several months so basically i am taking some time off
  6. What? The Fling Dutchman have you not heard of the story of the flin dutchman it is an old ghost story
  7. You mean the Flyin dutchmen Ghost ship (the real legend one not spongebobs)
  8. no i did not mean they do it I said Maybe I could try to alter the grumites apearace i did not mean that thaey had to do it That is not what i meant Now Here is something I cant do myself (Mainly because i do not know how to do it myself) I need someone to try to put some collision on the inside of the Land of the Lost's New and improved Stadium (Ok so its the arena) and a few more things I will list Behind the balconees This area needs to loose the fake doors (I can put the animated doors on my self I just need collision and alll the fake doors removed) and needs walls (again I can improvise and use some other pices for this) so basically I just need it fixed to were you do not fall through it and can walk in the "Bleachers" and need The invisible collision thing around the "feild of death" or playing field uh the place in the arena were you have battles Removed because when you go in you cant seem to get out this would be greatly apreaciated and gwould get to have your name in the credits for the help
  9. and maybe try to alter their apearance a little to make them more like the slestaks (the sleestak could use the skelecton)
  10. cool all that needs to be done is to remove the spike tentacle things off thier backs
  11. Do the grummites look like the Sleestax and were can i get them
  12. for all who do not know I have up loaded my Land of the Lost Beta down load it and tell me what you think I need some one who can do meshes and textures I need Dire wolves (might not need these,might be able to use the Southlander wolves), Sabertooth Tigers, Wooly Mamoths, T-rexes, Spinosaurs, Jurrasic Park styled Velociorapters, Sleestax (cold blooded and slow Not a threat, repeat cold blooded and slow not a threat) The Chacka dudes (primitive primate dudes) and i will think of more later
  13. Hey Phil Download And try my New Land of the Lost Beta I know about the discription but it is late so If i can remember i will do the read me and discriptions for it tomorrow But down load my beta and tell me what you think (reason why its a beta is because i am still working on it)
  14. oh I am not done yet but I will up load it The funny thing is that I was not seting the Land of the Lost esp as the active file and that is wy it would not save to the Land of the lost world space to see what it will look like (whell sort of) go to the file server and find the file I uploaded for philcollins Note: I am going to remove these files and make this my upload for My version of the Land Of the Lost (that is if You do not need these files anymore philcollins ) and I will give credit to anyone whose models and textures wind up in the Land Of The lost Oh and phil have L33 look at the pic (if I uploaded it Because I am going to need A new sky texture for the Land of the Lost (this place has 3 moons, Nirn only has 2 moons, if this is posible)
  15. Hey Dudes I found what I was doing wrong the Cs is now working fine I just added a door and a frame (just like in the Movie The door opens) And I added A viking ship I will Take A screen shot if you want to see it
  16. Hey I am curious How did you do Create a world space and land be cause i have an idea i can create my own world space with all of the things that would be in the Land of the lost cause i am really wanting to add more objects and stuff as an update
  17. Hey Phillcollins There is a World Trade Center Mod If You Can get it to work you could put one of the towers in The Land of the Lost Hey Phile My building saved but there is no land i can up load the esp all you have to do is copy the whole building and past it in to place
  18. Hey phil collins sorry i forgot to tell you exactly how to doo the building here is the fun thing once you do it it is fun and easy i will tel you how to do my building here is how Now i know it looks hard but here is the cool thing all I did was 1st i draged and dropped the 1st pannel then i double clicked it then i set its angle as you see in the screen shot after i played with the refferance dialog i found my angles that you see after that I just Copied and pasted the panels the i moved them in to position The angling only has to be done once per wall and one per panel(wall 8 Wall 5) I now that it looks challenging But it is really fun This is nothing you should see the ones In Duke City Now when I saw these I though that it Would be too hard But I tryed and well it is not hard at all What takes the most time is the precision angling and adjusting of the highth and lining them up Here is how easy it is I actully re built this building 5 - 6 times (mainly be cause my cs is not working right) in one day It looks hard but it is not Me and My brother bouth said and thought this I gave it a try and it is really easy it just requires precision to do this just zoom in and move the camera [shift click] so you can see where you are lining up your panels Beliee it or not it is actully fun I hoped i helped and good luck and have fun
  19. i did just that oh and phile i got the cars from the mod Duke city as well as the building panels and roof and the electronics well im off to bed now it is 11:45 PM
  20. How Do I send The Folders ? Phill collins do a search for land of the lost on the file server
  21. i was trying to add more buildings and stuff to a worldspace called Land of the Lost and yes it is conected by portals
  22. Also phil collins iv got some cars and electronics that need placed too ill supply you with the required nif files ok
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