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Jacob Black

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Everything posted by Jacob Black

  1. The city could have been built by the dwemer and Alyeids
  2. I have noticed that there are alreadly a few werewolf mods for oblivion (personally I think that there is not enough of them) But there is not one with a town inhabited by them. I, If the modding comunity is up to my challenge, propose a request for such a mod. The Town (called Brad) should be located in the lofty Snowy mountains I will scout out a location if any one wants to do this mod idea. the towns In habitants will all be werewolves who either lost there human forms or just like to stay in there true forms (they have lived for a long time so they wont ever grow old and are highly spiritualy adept (yes they can talk[should be able to talk]) they are just like the werewolves in Legends of the north (with all the varing fur colors: Gray with gold eyes, Gray with blue eyes , White with blue eyes, White with gold eyes, Black with red eyes, Black with gold eyes, Black with blue eyes, Brown with gold eyes, Brown with blue eyes ect) their little town is run down (from all the times they fix and repair the structures but haven't torn them down, through the years) but in excelent condition (because they take good care of their possesions and their town) and make due with what they have and with what they have got. they believe that gold is just metel so you have to Pay them (the werewolf merchants, they sell things like animal skin clothing and hand crafted items like spears, bows, arrows, bone knifes, bone swords, ect) with meat, boards, nails, books, cloth, animal hides ect or something that they can use. oh and the pubs have some kind of tea that is made from monkshood and wolfsbane (which will [should] make you into a werewolf like they are, If you want to be one) I got the idea from a cartoon called The 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo in one of the episodes there is a town where all of the inhabitants are werewolves and the tea is also a concept from this episode if you like the idea please comment and get some one to do it
  3. but it was a good idea though was it not? any chance that a team can be made to make it it would be quite awsome if it was done after all it would be like an expansion pack or some thing but this is not set to the aftermath of some war this is were the citys inhabitants have dissapeared and your main quest is to search the city for clues to what happened to them and why there are no remains of there bodys , just the stuff they left behind
  4. well as the idea suggests this was once a very high tech metropolis that the high elves opened a door way to this magnificent city. The realm was in habited before the high elves came. the high elves helped to build the city and it was the 1st and (apparently) the only city in its time to have motorized forms of transport (cars, buses, trains, ect) what ever happened to the high elves has left their own citys in cryodill in ruins and the door way to this city (it does not have to be called new york city, lets call it Comanche City, for now) was lost for many many years, until a top secret mages guild project backfires and reopens the gateway (the gateway is located out at sea off far out from the topal bay region the gate way is very very massive to accomadate some sort of steam liner [like the titanic but powered by alied crystals] as this is how they got to the city. Supposedly one of these massive four funnled ships lies at the bottom of a very deep vally near Anvil [under water]. The high elves had many of these ships built. This Steam liner is called the Comanche Express, And looks like the Titanic, as the elves like this design) to this once magnificent city (now empty and in ruins) In its prime, they say that the city was a popular place to go and really really high tech (compared to Cyrodill, hundreds of years ahead of its time) this city was truely amazing. A warning to those that venture through The ruins of Comanche City: The city is crawing with wild natives (well actully natives that are also werewolves but these guys are friendly), wild animals, and werewolves (these will have no human forms, these are the ones you have got to watch out for, Also called Lycanthropes, Like in the mod Werewolves of the North) that now populate the ruins of the city there I think now it is some what lore friendly I am going to upload some pics that show the city as it is now devoid of "civilized" life
  5. anyone watch life after people? if not then you missed an awsome mod idea there are mods out there with ruins and stuff well this would be a mod with a whole a bandoned city or town (ex New york city) wathch the series it is cool i think there is nothing as cool as seeing a city devoid of humans after about 25- 45 - 75- 100 - 200 or 300 years the ultimate ruins mod! this is a request that i think would make an awsome mod try to put werewolves and other wild animals like wolves, deer, cats, dogs, mountain lions, mice, squirles, and other wild animals it would be awsome Be sure two include The World Trade Center Towers as a tribute all those who were wasted in that terible and tragic event. I would prefer for it to be an esp file It is were the citys inhabitants have all mystiriously dissapeared and have been forgotten after 75 - 100 years a peice of debreis washes up in Hammerfall and news of a lost city bigins to circulate and reaches Imperial City, your quest is to find out what happened to the modern citys inhabitants or that is what i just thought of for a quest line do you think it is any good? there would have to be a door to get there as it would be in its own world space. No The city Would Be devoid of all humanoid races (minus werewolves and native americans these will be useing these ruins as sheltor) it is where the ones who built the city has dissapeared, the buildings(yes the buildings are New York Citys buildings and sky scrapers) and sky scrapers are in ruins but standing the cars are rusted and just setting there and there are plants in the buildings making the tall struckures into a vertical ecosystem wild animals and predaters (werewolves) are runing through the remains of this once incredible empire that now is deserted and decaying (crumbleing) and rusting away. One building whose lower floors have collapes and is actully leaning/resting against another building that is acrossed the ruined and crumbling street, the subway tunnels (underground passages) are completely flooded, the citys Bridges are falling apart and the whole city is sucuming to neglect (not being maintained) It will be the Players Quest to expore this once magnificent city to find out why the whole citys vast (humaniod) population has vanished. The player will have to search the entire city including the Citys vast library and other clues to solve the mystery of the Lost City Of New York, a city that when it was inhabited was a magnificent city of steel and glass with what the people of Cyrodill would probaly call motor coaches or horseless carrages(to us these are cars) the city was once a popular place to go to get away from Cyrodill for a little while (vacation) when the citys inhabitants disappeared the city was forrgoten and lost until the player found the door(or finds the door) that the mages project backfire opens (some how the mages expirement reactivates the door like portatal to this once magnificent city and asks you{the player, the hero of Kavatch} to investigate so are you all up for the challenge if you need to know more i will post some more images
  6. Shirts contd thats all for now (there must be some other way to proviide pics)
  7. i really really love wolves and find it a sham that no one has made wolf shirts for the game i have pictures here if you are interested in taking my challenge
  8. Dude Did you say sonic screw driver? because that can act as a universal key which is what i have allways wanted
  9. oh sorry as for the pic that was the bigest 1 i could find and i did download the elwier mod thanks for telling me
  10. You were close but No that is not what i meant It is an unenchanted weapon that is a dowl rod see the pic to see what it looks like it has a red end on it
  11. As I set here and type this, I have a Dowl rod leaning against my bed but this is not when I got the idea my mom bought 4 of these things they have a diameter (thickness) of 5/8 and are 36 in. long. When I saw these and picked one up an idea accured: What if these were to be made into weapons for The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion? It would be funny to wack NPCs and Guards with this thing they should not be a one hit kill weapon. Yo should be able to wack NPCs and Creatures multiple times with out killing them.(this Gives a whole new Meaning to the saying " Beat you with an Ugly Stick") And You gussed it, the Weapon should be called The Ugly Stick, cause, well, its a stick (Dial Rod Actualy). This Is just for fun, I thought it was a funny idea oh and when you swing it (the real Dial rod) it makes a low (very low) woosh sound so the mod one should too
  12. Hi again i have fixed the game i can now enter tne mountains but the ship wreck that leaks skooma is still frozen
  13. thanks i have down loaded the crash prevention program but it still crashes in the mountains I can see into the cell but i cant enter the cell, oh and there is a new problem a ship that is sunk leaking skooma or something when i get to close to it the game freezes, do you know how to fix this?
  14. The file i uploaded is just a resource for whoever made the Clocks Of Cyrodill mod The Clock Towers Need chimes too after all Big Ben has one! This is a resource for anyone to try to make the Clock Towers chime at twelve Like Big Ben does in London. If you Are the Maker of the Mod Clocks Of Cyrodill Please up date your mod with this wav so that the clock towers chime please give credit. This is a modders resource if you get the Clock Towers to Actually run the wav, as I could not find a way to do it myself, then that is great and cool but please try. Good luck and may the spirit of the wolf guide you Note: the file is ONLY a sound file (.wav) You must find a way to make it work As i could not find away to acually do it my self sorry
  15. I have a resource for who ever Made the Clocks Of Cyrodill mod and need instuctions on how to upload it {tes nexus just close this thread I found out how to upload so it is ok now}
  16. well i updated it it has more pics if you have not looked but thanks for telling me
  17. can u take a look at my mods wanted post and comment cause ther is ike two races, clothing, and weapons that i want for my character
  18. I did not mean USE the same models and textures and sounds I ment is it possible to make a werewolf mod where they ARE like the ones in morrowind (not bound to the nighttime)
  19. Actually it would not be breaking any laws or rules. Bethesda made both Morrowind an Oblivion did they not? And if it is All I ment was can someone try to make a mod that has werewolves That are the same/Similer as/to the ones in Morrowind (movements and the transforming thing at any time of day) I Did Not mean Take the exact same ones from Morrowind and convert them for Oblivion I just wanted to know if it was possible to make a model (with differn fur colors and glowy eyes of course then its not that exact one) and make one that does what they do in Morrowind Cause I am tired of the night only thing (Werewolves are nothing like vampires and so should not be made as Vampires) werewolves can be in the sunlight or moonlight ( nighttime) and you could use the werewolves amulet in Stead of Hircines ring (same effect) to turn into a werewolf
  20. Is It possible to put werewolves that are like the ones from The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion pack with Hircines ring and those cool howling ambient sounds into a mod for The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion? If it is possible Will anyone do it?
  21. you can do that? what about the dismemberment thing is that possible?
  22. aww, well it was a good idea was it not, cause i saw a lot of Resident Evil style mod requests and mods, thats all
  23. Not a bow, but this should be able to be used with any bow. I mean An arrow with dynamite tied to it that can be fired from any bow in the game at target ( creatures/ NPCs) But you were close though
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