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Status Updates posted by Brittn

  1. haha why thank you ^.^
  2. I is Ninja...> Q|-<
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BlueDanube


      ohh nuoooooo >O< !!!!! fiery white bull dragon !!!!! ....mmm did i say it right ? .... We're Dooooomed !!! D:
    3. Brittn


      ohhhsss nooooo


    4. Keanumoreira


      Well....I'm convinced. X)


  3. shhh..you no see me... Q-<
  4. **pops in and sneaks up on you while you sleep..then suddnely a loud BOO! and runs away all ninja like**
  5. so it seems..so it seems....I guess I'm just too ninja for you to handdle lolz :D
  6. I came back..your the who hasnt come back..so now I ORDER YOU to come bac...or I'll poke you with the spong of death!!! **dun-dun-dun**
  7. daw..that sad to hear..but yesh we do need to catch up :)
  8. Hey Haz..just a lil? humph lol but yeah same over here :D
  9. I dont get movies these days..I mean you put a lil boy in a scary movie and its creepy, but you can sleep that night. Then you put a lil girl in the same movie and its like the world is coming apart. You cant sleep for weeks and you cry everytime you hear a ding...why is this??? O.o
    1. BlueDanube


      ask the japanesse ... they're the one invent it, its their fault !!! , remind me with the time i first watch the ring....
    2. Brittn


      hurmm... ** wonders off to find a Japanesse person **
  10. Doooo I really haaave to come back??

    **drags feet to chat box**

  11. >.> <.< >.> **pokes Doc and runs away**
  12. Ninja....why you have to be all ninja like..you know you can pop up anytime...right?? :P I missesss you.
  13. I like to be insane because sanity is just not good enough for meh.. ^o^
    1. tokyobiohazard


      i agree thoroughly *hammers a nail with another nail* (futurama reference)
    2. Brittn


      hahah..I luvs futurama....all 8 that I have seen XD


  14. So heres the thing about Summer..there is noo school...so you could guess that one would not have to get up out of bed until like 12o'clock right? Well, will some one plezz tell my body to stop waking up at 6o'clock!! gah..I shall go nuts if I loose too much more sleep.. :X
    1. AurianaValoria1


      Stop waking up at 6 o'clock, body!


      There. Did that help? ;P

    2. Brittn


      It DID! lol :D
  15. Happy Easter.. :)
  16. gots meh..a pic up...
    1. sorceress99


      Your quite lovely Brittney. Very nice.
    2. dunmermaiden


      I agree with Sorceress99 :D
  17. well heller there lolz :P
  18. -throws glitter- o.O
  19. Fintan my new white baby dragon
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