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Status Updates posted by Brittn

  1. I can see what I could do :P
  2. Could it be???? could you really be back!? :D
  3. O.O that is all I have to say about my 2 hours with Skyrim.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. matoraan


      hey guess who´s unbanned.. sort of...
    3. Brittn


      MATORAAN!!!! ^^


    4. Brittn


      eheh thanks Pag...and a good day to you to :P
  4. I have been been better but eh Im alive so I cant complain too much :P ...How have you been?
  5. awwwww...I cant waite till this coming Tuesday now! ^-^...my teacher is letting us have a free day and hes bringing his X-Box and Skyrim :D HELL YES!!! XD
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ithildin


      Birthday - great! They aren't making you wait another three weeks! :D
    3. matoraan


      on what school are you? teachers playin skyrim and all
    4. Brittn


      its at our Tech school in Graphics Communication Class...so we were learning ;)
  6. My parents are so cruel...they got it last night and they have it on display in the living room...and there is a note on it saying: "If this package is touched or moved or picked up to look at and hold then it will be returned..." :O they are so evil!
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Brittn


      is that a pun pie i smell??? because sniffing this in this house could get me grounded......annnnnd trust me I would much rather be dead than grounded in this house >.>
    3. Flintlockecole


      Start a garden within the box, it'll seem like outside.
    4. Brittn


      hummmmmmmm...maybe I should... **starts to look for a box**
  7. So.....something should go here....just not sure yet. When you find out...you should tell me so that I too can be in the know..OK? Sound good?
    1. Ithildin


      I promise, you'll be the first to know. :-)
    2. AurianaValoria1
  8. Humm...I have learned to never, ever, ever fall asleep on the bus...Baaaad things happen to good people. O.O
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Brittn


      first you put ice to solidify it then put in the peanut-butter ...and if that dont work you put in baby oil or olive/grape oil :D

      it take awhile tho we spent 1 1/2 hrs on it cause you have to comb it out and I had like 2-3 biiiig clumps because of the wind

    3. Ithildin


      Good grief - an hour and a half! Did I say jerks? I meant ... something that ought to be censored. D:<
    4. Brittn


      LOL eheheh I won the battle so eh :D
  9. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  10. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  11. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  12. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  13. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  14. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D :btw Im the first to post :P:
  15. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  16. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  17. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  18. TRICK-OR-TREAT! Happy Halloween :D
  19. ** flicks your nose back and walks off like nothing happened **
  20. ....and. thanks..I try soooo very hard lol :P
  21. **runs away screaming yes at top of lungs and trips you, then steals your tape and runs off to hide from the Po-Po. **
  22. One must let go, but never forget. One must keep, but not horde. One must treasure, but not hide. One must realize and change. One must live, laugh and love ---this is something we all must do, and something that Im still trying to grasp :)
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brittn


      guess I should have been more specific...I am referring to the past.
    3. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* The spirit of travel has cancelled my plan's temporarily.
    4. Brittn


      I will be dancing when Skyrim comes! :D


  23. Going to hang with some friends for thier Birthdays so I wont be back till Sunday or Monday. Dont have too much fun with out me!
    1. Ithildin


      Have a great time! :D *waves*
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