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Posts posted by Beefyh

  1. http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/5254/mingthemercilous.jpg ......0


    "Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here. If you had known anything

    about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror."~Ming the Merciless


    O thats not nice.....



    Now rly rly bai :P

  2. alonsomartinez -> if you are really interested in upgrading wolves appearance, new mesh must be rigged(I do not remember proper word) to the standard dog skeleton - but i think you already know that. I do not think adding fur would look nice, due to fact i have tried it myself in blender(I know some basics) and later in game.

    Beefyh -> errors in console are definitely on your side -> paste some of them here. The reason why they pop out(if it is connected with this mod) is that you use save with previous version of WTA with a newest one(some arrays are simply not initialized). I am using console myself to track any bugs connected with bad arrays index - and there are any :)


    It seems to have fixed itself :)

  3. No... but, he talked about how the community has changed for the worse. That, in my opinion, is one way it has changed.


    I really don't think that's true at all. The community isn't going to change because of the mods that are posted. I don't think it's degenerated at all due to them. And if they seem to be getting more credit then you would hope for... it's probably because nothing better has come out at the time. It takes a long time to make good models, and even more time to make a good quest mod. Converting something to BBB takes less than an hour for one who knows what they're doing. So you're bound to see more of them. On that note, Saaya has begun to compile all of his BBB conversions into one file page, so you won't be seeing as many as you used to.


    I said in my opinion. It is just clutter to me, but it may be riches to the next person.

  4. I was looking for replies on page 254 lol.


    The wolves will eat your dog for fun. And the pheasants. So yeh.

    Heather has to do stuff. My Wolf gets to reeeeelaaaxxxx.


    Smile! :) You only get ripped apart once.





    Granny, where the fk do you go to adopt? 0.o The back room of petsmart? I hear that's where all the 'unexplained stuff' goes.

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