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Posts posted by Beefyh

  1. It's Arladris's mod, so he gets the final say, but I'll post one anyways :)


    ^^ This one looks bada**. jk.


    ^^ has a nice build. The rest of his body isn't visible though.


    ^^ looks like it would match the head.

    Btw, do you mean that you'll model one? Or are you talking texturing?

  2. Pretty nice laptop, although the screen is kind of small and the native resolution is really low. I'd say you would have no problem running vanilla Oblivion at 60 FPS most of the time with everything cranked up, especially with that low resolution. Adding things like Better cities, QTP3, and RAEVWD will still bring a modern system to its knees because of the nature of the game engine. I'm not too familiar with mobile GPUs, but all the mid- to high-end cards should run most games decently. Stay away from the low-end stuff, though; you get what you pay for.



    What do you mean by low resolution though? It's widescreen, so I would put 1366 x 768 on it. Or do you mean that there aren't many pixels and that it wouldn't have to render them.

    Adding textures won't be a problem for me. I am used to low graphics and I really don't care what it looks like if it plays.

    My laptop that is currently hosting my Oblivion gets 12 FPS on low. :)


    Thanks for your time mate. Kudos.

  3. I had a much longer topic but the nexus sites seem to have gone down for a few minutes or something happened to my internet (Probably the latter) sooooo. Yea.


    I was thinking of buying this computer and I was wondering about the FPS I could get on it. Can anyone give me a rough estimate?

  4. that stormtrooper armor sucks. the textures are horrid. try re-texturing it, and maybe i'll take it.


    That's not very nice... It's not his anyways, and you don't really have to be that rude to people trying to help you. :/

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