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Everything posted by redprincess79

  1. I really love cooking in Skyrim ever since I started using Ineed, one of the easiest need mods out there. The problem is that many of the mods that add recipes to the game are pretty old, or they are complete overhauls, or they use vanilla textures and desperately need to be updated. I'd like to create a new mod with simple recipes using resources already provided by the DLCs and Skyrim itself. Or, if it's easier, I'd like to update or expand on someone else's mod that has dropped the ball and/or disappeared from the modding community altogether. I'm thinking something along the lines of Cooking Expanded- which uses what is already there and adds custom soup textures. The issue is, I'm almost completely new to modding. I have CK and have dabbled in editing NPC's appearances, getting rid of the stupid "gray face" bug, and merging plugins. But this mod is a completely different thing altogether, and I assume that it takes different skills and tools. (I don't even know!) Where do I begin? I was reading a tutorial called The Milk Drinker's Guide to Modding Skyrim, but apparently that has been pulled from the Nexus, and google searches aren't giving me any tutorials that tell me how to begin with something like this. I've also found that people have a habit of referencing something I have no idea what they are talking about, and typically don't clarify. If anyone has any advice or wants to point me in the right direction, please do so! I could really use it. Thanks!
  2. I think this is evidence that perhaps I have too many mods- but basically I use Ineed and I love cooking in the game. When I installed a outdated mod, I realized that I had vanilla textures to a few of my soups. I took the mod out and installed my game again because the issue still didn't go away. Right now, I'm adding in mods very slowly and paying attention to what every mod changes. What I noticed is that I had some awesome textures before, and now my soup textures look disgusting. When I did I search I found the textures I was missing- these! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12118/? However, those files aren't game ready, and nobody posted on there that they were using that resource for their mod. So now I'm wondering, what mod have I used that changes the ugly Hearthfire soup textures into these beautiful soups? Does anyone know? So far I've ruled out Static Mesh Improvement Mod and Cooking Expanded- neither one of those changes the textures I've referenced.
  3. I personally like the Better Males series...but it will change all the guys. I also like the "Fine Face Textures"- makes all the guys in the game decent looking, and some of them HOT.
  4. I have a very simple request. In fact, it's so simple that I"m surprised nobody has done it before. But with all the horse mods, I have yet to see a mod that adds more Vanilla horses for purchase in all the empty stables in Skyrim (especially Whiterun). It's silly that there are only 5 horses in the game for you to choose from, and I would simply like double or triple the amount housed in the stables that are already in the game. Or, horses can respawn, so that once you buy one, another horse that looks exactly the same will appear. This would be useful for when you are traveling with more than one follower using UFO or AFT such as I do sometimes. Or, if I want my followers to have the same colored horses that I do, instead of all different types of horses. Sound easy enough? Can someone do it?
  5. I second this! I tried using a mod that added more NPCs everywhere, but everyone had the grey face bug and it look ed pretty bad, so I ended up taking it out.
  6. I actually use AFT instead of UFO, but here are a few pointers that I have noticed with this. Firstly, make sure that this quest is turned on in your journal, otherwise you won't get the dialogue. Secondly, she will take Lydia but you need to try dismissing Lydia and then asking her to follow you again before Lydia leaves the temple, then try to see if you get the dialogue. For me, it worked. Also, try giving her new blades members one at a time, and not when you have more than one follower at a time, assuming you do. From what I have noticed, Delphine won't accept any hirelings. I tried to get her to take Erik, but she wouldn't, so don't bother trying to get her to take any of them. Good luck!
  7. Well, if you do remember, please post the link.
  8. I second this! I want to see a better floor in Lakeview manor, without those stupid cracks and all.
  9. I'm looking for any mod that changes the interior walls and floors of Lakeview Manor. I really dislike those textures, especially the horrible floors. I'd like some dark wood in there, or perhaps some stone instead of the clay walls. Almost anything would be an improvement than what we have been given! I'm really disappointed with those homes and I want to make them nicer. Seems like there is a mod for everything BUT this. But if I am front, please point me in the right direction.
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