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Everything posted by redprincess79

  1. Alrighty, I guess I'll just upload it since nobody seems interested in testing it.
  2. I created a new Morthal mod that's pretty simple, yet useful, and I was hoping that people could help me test it out before I release it. It's meant to be a companion mod to my other mod, Tranquil Windstad. It does a few things: 1. Adds an additional family and building to the game, consisting of a blacksmith, a general store merchant, and a little girl. The merchant will sell Hearthfire items so that if you buy Windstad Manor, you won't have to trek all over Skyrim looking for straw, glass, or goat horns. I'm having a problem with the blacksmith sinking into the ground below, so you can hear him, but not see him. I have tried to fix this several times and assigned him a new marker, but he sometimes still gets lodged beneath the building. Very annoying, and hopefully someone can help me fix. Please! 2. A cook to Highmoon Hall, who also happens to be a merchant and will sell you excess cuts of meat, ingredients, and Hearthfire food items. She sleeps in the backroom along with the housecarl, which is now also the kitchen. 3. A complete makeover of Highmoon Hall, as I found it odd that there was no staff besides the Housecarl, and the interior of that place was just absurd. It's now more functional and has a cookpot, plus oven and clutter that makes sense. Also redid the bedrooms, added dining tables and an alchemy table. 4. Added some additional fishing clutter, trees, cows and chickens. I thought it was silly that nobody in the town had a cow, and that nobody seemed to be fishing either. Basically I just tried to liven up the place a bit, but I didn't want a bunch of useless clutter, so this is nothing like JK's mods. 5. Makes Ingrod the Younger a candidate for marriage. I mean, since she's never actually going to be Jarl, why not? Just complete her quest and she'll be available. It's probably not compatible with anything else that modifies Morthal, but again, I need testers to tell me whether or not this is true! If you want to download the file and play around with it, that would be great. But please only do so if you plan to give me some feedback. Thanks! Link for the file is here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/t43k3ys8twgtlqg/TM_1.0.zip/file
  3. So, I've taken over an older Mothal city mod from Oldrim and am reworking it for SSE. It was never finished, and I've had to create some NPCs from scratch, although most of the buildings were already there. I've come across several problems I was hoping someone with experience could help me with, since I don't have a clue, despite watching Darkfox's excellent tutorials on youtube several times. Both my blacksmith and my general merchant shout at me, "you're not supposed to be in here" whenever I enter their buildings, at hours when they should be open. Which is strange since they are both added to factions that are for merchants, have AI packages that seem to be working, and I've gotten the timing right. But for some reason, they apparently don't want me in their store! I've made it so that none of the doors lock at any point- mainly because I couldn't find a decent tutorial for NPCs locking doors, and they didn't seem to be working when I tried anyway. So....what gives? I am obviously overlooking something, but I have no idea what! My other NPC is a hunter, and I've given her a schedule that partially involves her going out into the marshes to hunt. She started doing this, but went agro on everyone and killed the mill owner! Also, the combat music started to play when she kept warning me- an innocent bystander, to back off! All of these NPCs have been added to the Morthal faction, and the crime faction, so I can't understand why she is going all aggressive on everyone, especially when they are just doing they're job. I'm wondering if I used the wrong hunting package. If anyone has any insight, I'd appreciate it. Or if you can at least point me to an in-depth tutorial regarding merchants or AI packages, I'd appreciate that. I'm over here pulling my hair out. Thanks!
  4. I had a user tell me that he's having problems with followers not following him into the main hall of my mod, Tranquil Windstad, from the entryway. The mod is a decorative mod of the Heathfire home, totally clean. I've seen the issue that he's talking about a few times- the followers will not continue to walk past the entry. But in my games, it's always sorted itself out after a few days, and followers behave normally, for the most part. After offering him an alternative file, which didn't work, he asked a modder friend to test it out. She reported having the same issues, and said that it was a navmesh issue. I found this surprising because I haven't touched the navmesh at all in the main house. I only added navmesh to a different location that didn't have any, but it was outside. I opened up the CK and took a look, but I didn't see anything at all. So I'm hoping that someone else can take a look and tell me why followers aren't following into the main hall. The hearthfire houses are set up quite strangely, so I'm thinking that maybe it's a trigger of some sort that isn't being turned on somewhere? But I have no idea, I'm not that advanced when it comes to the way Beth set up their Hearthfire Homes. In any case, I'd be very, very grateful to anyone that can figure out what is wrong! I worked tirelessly to get this mod to near perfection, and to have this issue but not know how to fix it is so frustrating. The file is here: https://rd.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12933
  5. Agreed. I'll wager that if you release the two together you stand a better chance of people actually downloading the mod. If you care about that sort of thing.
  6. Are follower mods the #1 thing that people make? Or is it player homes?
  7. So, I am working on a Hearthfire house mod. Actually, I've been working on it for what seems like ages. I edited the landscape in CK, trying to get it to do exactly what I wanted it to. After awhile it was perfect. Then I took a look at the navmesh and realized that since I manipulated the vertices, the navmesh is now all wonky. Some of it sits under the ground, and some of it sits above. I tried getting it to smooth out on the ground, by using the F key like you do with objects. That didn't go so well. All the vertices became green but nothing happened. And how do I get the vertices that are under the ground above it? And obviously I can't delete it because that would cause serious errors. And trying to regenerate it didn't work either. I tried googling for this information but nobody seems to have any answers. Does anyone have any answers? I've only navmeshed interiors so this is a complete first for me. How can I fix broken navmesh? Help! If someone could take a look at it for me or help me with ANY of it I would really appreciate it.
  8. I want to improve on a mod that I've been working on for some time, Tranquil Windstad. I'd like to add an alchemist's shack/green house just outside of the main house, but separate. If I add the building by itself, it will be there before the player buys the property, and I don't want that. I'd like to be able to add the building by either talking to the steward, or setting up a very simple building menu to the existing Hearthfire workbench, or even having the building appear only after you buy the property, like the chests and workbench do. I know the workbench option requires a script, what about the other two options? I've looked at a few tutorials for scripts, but I'm a bit lost and the tutorials were setting up their own workbenches. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where I can find this info or outright tell me how to do it? Which of these options are easier? I'm all for doing the easiest thing possible. Thanks!
  9. I am actually working on a mod that makes ALL the skin in the game pale, but I'm still testing it out. In the meantime, I would suggest using this mod, because it's much paler skin than normal for human females: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51602/? And yes, it works for SSE.
  10. Oh, I wish! I want CACO! But she still hasn't even updated the original. Looks like she's working on other stuff.
  11. In case anyone else is having this issue, just wanted to say that Alternate Start was overwriting the lighting.....so as soon as I switched that the lighting changes were taking place, as long as I built the house again.
  12. I really need help testing out my new Windstad Manor mod. You see, the mod bakes itself into a saved game- to a certain extent. If I make lighting or image changes in the CK, I can't see them when I go back into game inside the house. Things like furniture moving are fine as long as I rebuild the house....but right now I'm struggling with lighting. Therefore, I need to start a new game in order to see the changes. Getting the deed to the land requires finishing the quest, "Laid to Rest" for Morthal, which is a somewhat difficult quest in that you should probably be at least level 8 before you attempt it. But I don't want to have to keep playing the game to finish that quest just to test out my mod! That's a huge waste of time. I tried using console commands to "finish" the quest- but when I went to go buy the property the characters hadn't recognized that I finished it, so there was no option to buy the land. I also tried setting the ownership to the specific cell, but that didn't work either. No chests or drafting table appeared. Not sure what I need to do, but how do people work around this issue? I can't mod it properly if I can't test it out! AHHH!
  13. Darkmatter? Or Darkhorse? Dark something....that guy has a lot of very helpful tutorials.
  14. Really Sakora? That is exciting! Will I have the ability to control eye shape and size? When do you think it will be completed? Jeir, those are really pretty presets. Thanks for the link :)
  15. Out of all the SKSE mods that I'm going without in SE, I find that I miss Racemenu the most. I mean, it's such a great way to make a unique looking character, and I get annoyed with the limitations of character creation without it. Is there any alternative program out there yet? I'm probably just wasting my time asking this, but I'm being hopeful there is something I don't know about, lurking out there somewhere.
  16. I wouldn't call Apachi Skyhair realistic. I mean, they don't have hairspray and hair products in Skyrim to my knowledge, so that eliminates half the hairstyles right off the bat. I recommend KS and Lore Friendly hair, those seem to fit in with the world a lot better and no hairspray needed (for many of them at least). I'm going to agree that it can't be realistic without Frostfall/Campfire- that mod is a real game changer. If you are playing Skyrim I also recommend Trade and Barter, plus a need mod such as Ineed or Realistic Needs and Diseases.
  17. I'm only interested in presets, not textures. Thank you for the link though, I didn't know WICO had presets.
  18. Hi there, I'm looking for some presets that don't require the Racemenu mod (obviously), as I don't like the vanilla options very much, especially for men. I found one by Navetsea on oldrim nexus that has very lovely women, but there isn't much for men around. I seriously need better looking Imperials and Bretons! Does anyone have any suggestions? It seems everything I like requires Racemenu, which I am missing sorely, and which we won't have til SKSE comes out.
  19. I don't think it's being worked on anymore. It's been over 7 months and there hasn't been much progress at all. Sad but true. :(
  20. It sucks, but nobody seems to know. I have discovered the actual pieces used in the homes, but I can't find the textures either. Frustrating because I want to replace them!
  21. OBVIOUSLY this is already happening. I see mods that are up that clearly don't work and won't work- mods that require SKSE and mods that require the CK. STOP IT PEOPLE, JUST STOP IT!
  22. Mr. Unmeaty I was wondering the same thing myself. Currently I just merge mergable mods to get around the limit. But a solid answer would be great.
  23. Apparently CBBE works right out of the box. Testing in 3,2, 1.
  24. First thought was: 1. Oh, my- I can't believe these NPCs are so ugly!! LOL, I had forgotten how wretched they all are, especially the men! And the default skin/body textures are just awful. They seem to be more dirty too from the originals, which is just horrible. Thankfully I've heard the body mod work right out of the box. 2. There was a horse standing next to Hardvar in the opening scene. WTF?! I don't recall a horse ever being there before. Why ?? Am I getting some sort of bug or was that horse there for everyone? 3. Lots of extra grass and plants- would be nice if there were new plants but that doesn't seem to be the case so far that I have seen. Pretty though, especially Whiterun and Riverwood. Love the new water textures, such an improvement. The "god" rays are beautiful, the way they catch the light of objects and then glisten and glow is just lovely. 4. I wish they had improved the lighting. Trying to remind myself to be patient, but I can't wait for the new ELFX to come out. I don't think the improvements on PCs are as noticeable as they are for the poor fools that play on console, since most of us play with heavy graphic/lighting mods. All of the youtube "first look" videos I watched were done on consoles, probably because the PC improvements are pretty underwhelming. Especially the textures- yuck. 5. The game was amazingly smooth and shadows were no longer looking so crappy without tweaks. Yay! Now I just have to remind myself to be patient. Patience! Patience! Patience!
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