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Everything posted by dissentuk

  1. i cant get dogmeat to stop growling. i had to leave him in a locked room cos he wont stop. anyone know how to fix this?
  2. I'm still up for doing anything involving sound. pm me if you needs yea?
  3. they are both vaults. one is called secret hideout and the other is a vault out the back of rivet city. sorry i can be more specific because the mods dont have a perticularly defining name.
  4. how do i set my jump height ? i tried setgs jumpheightmin (100 default) but it doesnt work. any ideas? thanks
  5. bassically, i downloaded a couple of mods. one is a pretty cool vault with residents and stuff. in the vault is a lab with a bunch of chemical sets which dont work. does anybody know how to set them as useable and how to insert a couple more. also, another vault mod had a feature for growing cave fungus. how might i extract that part and combine it into the other vault mod? any help is much apreciated!
  6. i remember in garrys mod you could set up a bind # "tfc". is it not possible to do the same with fose?
  7. i wanted to thin out and edit a couple of mods togeter as a base. will fomm allow me to do that or can i edit them all side by side in the geck and save as a new mod??
  8. i think it happens quite a lot. i remember reading about it on the geck website. just end the task after saving in your task manager is what they recommended
  9. i totally see where you coming with the wasteland bit. i like the idea of turning moriary into some evil *censored* that rules all vice. does anybody know how to combine mods into one .esp? thanks for your input guys
  10. thats not my work. it is a houseboat mod. i just wanted to know if it could be made into an actuall working boat.
  11. but could you have a boat that actually floated on water then put a hoverchair mod on the back to push it forward?
  12. good plan! i'll proberbly come visit if i can get a ride down the river!
  13. im sure a simple version can be roughed out. any ideas for buildings or should it be a custom? could a script like npc spawners be usefull? anyone with experience if you could shed a little light....
  14. thers a mod called the collecter which is cool, lots of nice statues and things. gold coins and bars is cool as well. some town expansion mods play nicely as well like the megaton eonomy and outskirts. lots of cool shop mods as well as the dc interiors. that will help the exploration thing be more fun. as for propper quests i havnt found any i thought would be good to download....
  15. im hoping it might not be all that hard. can anyone give me an idea of the scales and limitations i might not be taking into consideration.
  16. i had an idea for a mod which i posted which seemed to gather no comments whatsoever. without trying to be to persistant i wanted to re write the idea into a less drunk christmas day idea rant and see if anyone can share their thoughts. i wanted to make a building in the wasteland that can only be accesed after talking to moriarty and being sent to collect somthing for him from said location. so the general idea is that after you collect the package and take it back to moriarty he gives word that you may freely return to the building to generate yourself some income when you need it.... 1. the building at first it appears to be a scavanger alone in a rundown house, but after the package quest he will let you downstairs to what is pretty much a seacret grotty bar/ club. 2. the set up the bar only really needs to have 3 rooms. main area with bar, seats ect. it needs a changing room and a main office. 3. the mod itself bassically the main bar will have an octagon shaped 9ft cage in the middle which when a button in the changing room is activated in transports you to the ring where you will face an opponent or random selection in a fist fight or choosen melee weapon(wastelander, ghoul, raider, enclave ect...) what would be ideal is if that if you loose you get knocked out and the fight ends which transports you back to the changing rooms. untill you regenerate your health to full you can not fight again. i think there should be a prize money involved that you earn for each sucessfull fight. any input on the building ( premade and suitable which i can mod) or somthing you can make would be good. also scripting ideas as to how to achieve this idea would be brilliant. i'm capable of some tasks but my knoledge is limited ANY FEEDBACK TO EXPAND THE IDEA TO MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING WOULD BE GREAT AS I WILL EVENTUALLY BE MAKING MY OWN MODS WHEN I FINNISH UNI IN THE SUMMER cheers
  17. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1262020887.jpg << could this actually float or is the scripting of fallout not complex enough?
  18. this thread is meant to be an exersise in imagination so feel free
  19. thats exactly the reply i was looking for. see this as a rpg thread....
  20. nice so far. could do with tarting up the inside of the house the scavanger lives in a little more. couple of broken motorbikes more junk, that sort of thing. i would definatly recomend making one of the houses ocupied by 3-4 mercs as a mini barracks. i also think that the red rocket station could do with having somthing built into it, like the undergrond hideout has a man hole cover. there is definatly more that could be done to this but im having a hard time thinking subtley...
  21. i dont think so, thats what i love about this forum. people working hard fro the greater good. YOUR WORK DOES NOT GO UNAPRECIATED!!!!!!!
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