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Everything posted by HalloweenWeed

  1. A. It's "player.forceAV". B. Don't use it, use "player.modAV carryweight 5000". That's what I use. Then, using "player.modAV carryweight -5000" will undo your modification, at any time you want.
  2. For that matter why did they "break" the whole point in wearing heavy armor with such a low armor cap? If you don't know, it is pointless to get more than about 666 armor, which can easily be done with Elven armor and smithing perks/potions. That said, despite it's many flaws, there is still no better game than Skyrim.
  3. Perks can add quite a bit of damage to your hits. Not only that, but at Lv15 the game is not generating anything but low-level opponents. I'm guessing some of the difference in your success is your ability to choose perks that enhance damage and/or sneaking bonuses, instead of the perks you chose in your earlier playthroughs. The experience you voiced is why I usually increase to Legendary difficulty at about Lv.15.
  4. Just FYI: I believe that would require a script mod, and thus any playthrough save would be dependent on that mod for the rest of the game.
  5. Imagine this: Multiplayer Skyrim where other players can just temporarily jump in and replace the enemy AI for brief periods, as the Dragonborn approaches the enemies. To increase the difficulty level, not intended to stop/defeat the Dragonborn. All is processed on the Dragonborn player's PC, and the other players just take over the AI, using an automatic server to dole them out, similar to players jumping into some other games (was it GTA5? And MGSV I think) to antagonize the main player. That way the Dragonborn player has zero lag introduced. I think the Skyrim fanbase is big enough that many ppl would do this (as an antagonist).
  6. Actually I intend to be a Forsworn in my future playthrough, and non-Dragonborn, but there are no advantages, instead there are plenty of disadvantages, I suppose that technically falls into the category of "something special," but perhaps not the way you intended to use that phrase. I think Skyrim is too easy, even on Legendary, and so disadvantages would give me more of a challenge (I have talked about it in somewhat recent posts).
  7. ^ +1 My feeling exactly (except for the disabled part). Well said. I play other games, but Skyrim is one of only two games I keep coming back to, and still loving it. And kudos from me to you both and everyone you mentioned. :thumbsup: (The other game: Far Cry 3).
  8. That was the Greybeards (High Hrothgar) shouting at you. They were probably calling to you. You just happened to be there at that place at that time.
  9. Actually this sort of thing can be caused by other applications/services running on your PC in the background. In order to determine this, you need to watch your framerate. You can do this by turning it on in Steam (making sure the overlay is enabled for Skyrim) or other framerate utilities. Without this info, we are just "shooting in the dark" at possible problems. Oh crap. doncoll what are you doing? #@&*#$^&@!!!
  10. And most mods from early 2012 no longer work, 'cause most have not been updated.
  11. Has anybody else ever shot down a hawk in the Forgotten Vale (Dawnguard)? Previously I thought they were maybe just too high from me. But just now I got near a mountain crest, and fired dozens of arrows at the hawk, at very close range. I am very good at shooting flying hawks, even around Solitude over the ships (I can hit about 1/4 of them - the ones flying at a lower height). No I know there are a few that you can't shoot down, and when you shoot those the arrows "stick" to them, and they continue to fly with arrows "in tow" - even after a reload or leaving and returning many days later). And those arrows "in tow" are often not physically touching the birds. But this is not what I am seeing in the Forgotten Vale. So I wonder if anyone else has successfully shot down a hawk in the Forgotten Vale. MOD: Plz move this to "Spoilers." Srry.
  12. Yeah I am using Unbound in my current playthrough. However I have converted to dragonborn since low levels in my current playthrough, I wouldn't do that as a Forsworn. I'm currently thinking (Forsworn playthrough) minimalist, no black books, no Dawngard, only wandering, Khijiit, or Orc traders & apothecaries; no bards college, and perhaps even no College oW quests or interaction. Should make for a tougher play - good. Thinking of possibly adding in survival mods too, such as campfires, eating and drinking, and Frostfall among others. And since I won't have access to holds, no point in trying to use the Hearthfire houses, (nor in-town houses) either. EDIT: Actually I'm thinking of trying "Alternate start" instead in the Forsworn playthrough, because it gives me more fitting starting places/options (I think). I need to re-read about it first. I still have a lot to do in my present playthrough, I haven't explored most of the new content/places added by mods yet - so it will prob be months before I do this - I plan ahead LOL. I wonder if I can befriend almost all the 'bandits', and attack just the Stormcloaks, Imperials, and hold guards (and of course dungeon monsters). I hope I don't run into any big "gotchas" in this attempt (keeping in mind not doing main quest lines, no Thieve's guild, and probably no DB). TY anyway.
  13. Hey has anyone noticed, the OP hasn't said anything since the OP?
  14. It's still a viable issue, as you can't make some followers wait. One such follower is Serana in Dawngard. It's annoying as hell when you are sneaking into a Falmer encampment, for 15x or 3x sneak attacks, and she runs ahead attacking them - and like you said, taking your XP.
  15. The highest one is the only one that matters.
  16. Hmm, I wonder if they are being attacked by DoS bots - but not enough to bring the server down. Actually it might be attacks on the servers of the dependent web page modules, not nexusmods.com, that would explain why this forum works fine. In particular, the ones that serve the changing of the tabs in the pages. I can't access the mods pages here from my work because apparently some of those that I am citing are blocked by my work institution - perhaps the ones that serve the css files? When I try to access the mods pages I get white basic HTML page view, with no tabs, and missing a lot of pertinent info - after a minute or two of wait, and that's how it's been since October 2015. But I can access this forum just fine from both home and work. EDIT 8/15: Just found out staticdelivery.nexusmods.com is blocked to me at work.
  17. Perhaps you are accidentally hitting guards, or other faction members, repeatedly, while defending against threats such as vampires & thieves? Actually, and this is not relevant to your problem: I intend to do a playthrough using that console command to make me a Forsworn in the future (non-Dragonborn). Well, not really a "playthrough," more like just play around with it. With the Stormcloaks, Imperials, and all holds hostile.
  18. Yes, agreed. But there are more: SKSE, SkyUI, and the Unofficial Patches a.k.a. USLEEP and the U HD patch. For me it's been graphics mods, such as Realistic Water Two.
  19. I would just use the console (UESP wiki) to change faction affinity. You can look up faction IDs here: Factions (bottom of page - index)
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