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Status Updates posted by Nadin

  1. I've been feeling kinda nostalgiac lately, which is troublesome, given how nomadic I was as a child. Thought I'd swing by here a day or two. Won't stay long, but if anybody wants to swap emails, phone numbers, skype, whathaveyou--it would be good to catch up, I think.
    1. Ithildin




      PM on its way shortly.

  2. Okay, so, I've been thinking about this--I've barely been on here in what, months? A year? And what little I've been on has been really sparse, so.....I'm officially taking an indefinite hiatus. (I've fallen way out of touch with everything here, and....I don't think I've actually done anything with modding in years. ._.) Not sure when I'll be back, if ever, really. THE THING IS, THOUGH. I miss you all. A lot. So please--message me, and I'll give you my sky...
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. brokenergy


      You can try to win! We can talk about stuff that is not mods
    3. VisseNekku5746


      Which really is what we've been doing for years now
    4. Deleted54170User


      Hello?! You know what I would like right now? I would like a little Xmas in August. Even a cool rain would help bring the temperature down a little.

      Pray for Rain, Plz Nadin. Pretty Plz, With sugar on top!

  3. I'd noticed the change in format but god no nexus why did you do this
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AliasTheory


      Happy Birthday man. Hope you have a fantastic one.

      I'll take some cake if you don't mind.


    3. VisseNekku5746


      Man, other people are aging so fast...

      I hope you had fun doing so!

      Wait... does this mean that you can get a drivers licence? In america that is.

    4. bethjunkie


      Happy Birthday Old Man Nadin!!


      As far as the Nexus goes, I think the profile features we were used to were part of the forum software so when Nexus upgraded (lol) to the new version, they were stuck with what you see now. Same thing happened at Bethesda last year. Sucks all around.

  4. I am, no worries. And consider; you got two more days of vacation than I did. :D

    Read your poem, by the way. Really well written--I don't think I could rhyme that well if my life depended on it. Which isn't likely, unless I get kidnapped by an insane rapper, which only really happens in California.

    It also had really good imagery, by the way.

  5. I'm good, mostly. I started going to a public high school (part-time) in September, which is....interesting. Sucks up a lot of the day, though--why I haven't been around much. Then the holidays messed with my health a bit, what with me being diabetic and holiday food being delicious....

    Thanks for asking. And how about yourself?

  6. Hey. Sorry I missed you leaving; stuff got really busy. Hope you're doing well, wherever you are.
  7. *Takes presents*

    ....It's all gardening tools....

  8. I'm back! Sorry I was gone so long! Might be gone again pretty soon, sorry!
    1. Show previous comments  56 more
    2. Nadin






      So I am! Also, ow. Funny, but...hope that business is okay.



      ....Damn. I meant to be back, but I'm gonna be away from the computer until tuesday or so. Bye again! (I'm coming back this time, though.)

    3. VisseNekku5746


      õ_õ Tuesday.

      Oh and I'm sure the business is doing fine... At this economy, any business will shine bright without trouble... yeah...

    4. Ithildin


      ^^"Damn" indeed! Still, gives me an excuse to use this (again). http://oi44.tinypic.com/2hwzkhc.jpg
  9. It's been mixed. And how about you?
  10. Striding pumpkins, I see. An honorable pastime.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vvk78


      Possession sounds like an innovative game.


      If you are talking of a morality-based game, the best example would probably be the Witcher series, where even shades of grey mattered.


      There was also a good mod for TES IV: Oblivion, called "Choices and Consequences", which tried to implement a better morality system into the game.

    3. Ithildin


      Doing this in your absence: http://i44.tinypic.com/2hwzkhc.jpg


      Nah, I don't think it's overused. :P

    4. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* I read the new BackonMonday and realized just now that the older people told me of what not to do, only after, they learned how from their own experiences before anyone knew there would be consequences. Hmm? *snicker*
  11. Same for you--joining in the halloween craze, or just felt like something new?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AliasTheory


      Also shooting proximity mines directly at people.


    3. Nadin




      Although I liked the hacking minigame from the first game, weird though it may have been.

    4. AliasTheory


      Pipe Dream is fun, but not when it takes a minute during the heat of a firefight. It's incredibly distracting, and you lose the whole atmosphere and franticness of the combat altogether. Bioshock 2 made the hacking real time, which allowed all of that to be retained.
  12. https://backonmonday.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/shades-of-stealth/ Not my best, but I should have another post up by this time next week.
    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Nadin


      The dialogue was terrible, and the characters varied between decent, mediocre, one-dimensional, and terrible. But on the other hand, the special effects and stunt were excellent, as was (most) of the plot, and the acting was....pretty good, usually. It's worth watching now if there's not too much else on your plate, but it definitely has room--and capacity--to improve.
    3. Odile


      hmm might have to check it out for a couple episodes


      argh wednesdays

    4. Nadin


      The first episode is free on the official website, which is pretty nice.
  13. Consider this my apology for being around only sporadically:
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Nadin


      .....Or not. I've spent too many nights up late to do so again; I'll finish the post tomorrow morning. Sorry about the delay.
    3. AliasTheory


      Eh, take your time. We need quality here.
    4. Ithildin


      I can haz nice writing, plz :3
  14. Happy birthday! Been a hell of a year, hasn't it?
  15. Hello yourself, sheepman. I haven't been around much, as school's been busy; but seeing as you're leaving soon, I'll try and hang around more.
    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. brokenergy


      *point's dagger at Nadin*
    3. Deleted54170User


      *Keeps a safe distance and watches to try and figure out what the ruckus is about.*
    4. vvk78




      *Points gunphaser at the crowd*


      Yo mateys, gimme all your cookies!!!


      *slips on a banana peel, and accidentally shoots the gunphaser at the Tesla Cannon*


      *the sky lights in a cornucopia of myriad exploding colors, which fall down like rainbow raindrops on the dumbstruck crowd*

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