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Everything posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. Apparently it was an issue with our CDN provider. They fixed the issues on their side and from my tests file downloads appear to be working again. Can you guys confirm everything is fine for you as well? Sorry for the trouble!
  2. The problem seems to be more complex than it looked at the beginning. I've tried fixing it several times in a quick way but apparently it misbehaves more than I'd like and doesn't update the avatar when it should. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'm reverting the code not to use the CDN at all at the moment until I can fix the issue in a 100% reliable way. Your avatars should now be shown correctly (hopefully) but they will not use the CDN so they could take more time to load. Sorry again folks :(
  3. Can you please specify which file is not working? I quickly checked your latest publicly updated mod and it downloads fine.
  4. Just wanted to tell you guys I identified the issue and I'm working on fixing it. Everything should be back to normal very soon (maximum of 30 minutes, give or take).
  5. I've pushed a fix for that issue. Are you able to download without problems now?
  6. There was a problem with the management of certain IPs on our servers. I just sent a fix that should hopefully correct the issue. Can you please try downloading those files again?
  7. We experienced a problem with our Dallas server, it should be fixed now. Can you please confirm everything is working as intended now? Sorry for the inconvenience!
  8. Hey guys: I finally managed to lock every single file (even those without extensions, sneaky little things). Hopefully that will stop Norton from complaining now!
  9. We updated some code related to the HTTPS in the past few days. Are you still experiencing the same issue?
  10. We're looking into this issue. In the meantime, can you please tell us your browser versions? We recently renewed our HTTPS certificate and maybe older browsers still need to update the certificate database to the latest version.
  11. Unfortunately it wasn't really our choice: it's a requirement for PCI compliance and that's a mandatory change we had to implement on tuesday in order to be able to continue accepting money through our payment gateway.
  12. Hello, we upgraded our SSL certificates and unfortunately that means some older browsers who don't support the latest secure transactions by default are denied connection. Can you please try this workaround: Type in about:config in the address bar and move past the warning. Type in security.tls.version.max and replace the 1 with 3 to enable TLS 1.2. and see if it works?
  13. Due to a change in the underlying architecture (because we needed to address some serious performance issues) now we have to send the avatars to a different server so the change will not be immediate. I'm trying to reduce this sync time as much as I can (it will still take about 5 minutes to sync your new avatar to all of the image servers) and the browser cache is likely causing the problem you are experiencing with one page showing one avatar and one page showing another one. A temporary fix would be to wait 5 to 10 minutes after changing your avatar and then reload the page refreshing your browser cache (Ctrl + F5 for most browsers). I'm still working on a way to make this seamless and quick, sorry for the inconvenience at the moment :(
  14. Thanks for reporting, DjaySaint. The issue is definitely there and I'm working on it.
  15. Not at all, thanks to you for reporting :) It actually appears as a similar issue if you can't have a look at the code and database, so don't worry too much about your perspective: it's still perfectly fine :D
  16. I'm sorry about the inconvenience, we're still trying to find a cause for that issue. Seems to be related to gravatar and the way our website handles some of the gravatar addresses. mlee3141: I see your avatar is the same on both the forum and the websites, are you still experiencing the same problem? It doesn't seem to be related to the one reported by shadowlordforever.
  17. I'm sorry about the long wait, but I found the way of manually purging the broken content from the CDN. In the next few minutes I'll be parsing through the list of broken files and remove them from the cache manually. Please tell me if you still find broken files as it should (hopefully) be a quick fix from here on.
  18. We're having issues with that server at the moment. I put a temporary fix in place so everything related to Washington DC is temporarily handled by Dallas, but as soon as the server is fixed everything will be back to the normal configuration and you will be able to choose Washington DC again. Sorry about the inconvenience!
  19. Is there any chance you are using Washington DC as your preferred download server?
  20. Yes there was definitely an issue. I put a temporary fix in place in the meantime, so you should be able to download the file properly now. Can you confirm it's working as intended?
  21. I'm working on a fix for this issue, I'll let you know as soon as I have some (good, obviously) news!
  22. Yes, we may definitely have issues with reuploading files using the same filename at the moment as we don't know the internals of the caching mechanism either. I will have to speak with the guys from the CDN tomorrow to solve this and other performance problems that may be caused by the same caching mechanism too. In the meantime please upload a file using a different filename. I'm really sorry for the issue :(
  23. In response to post #18751044. #18751199 is also a reply to the same post. That was my fault. I was merging code and one call to an outdated routine slipped past and that meant some newer files on some games that are configured in a particular way gave an error. I'm really sorry for the trouble it caused :(
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