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Everything posted by AxelDominatoR

  1. You will be able to choose your favourite server :thumbsup:
  2. Yes, I agree with Dungeon Master being better than EoB. I like Lands of lore a lot, too. There is a new game being made in the Dungeon Master style right now. It's called Legend of Grimrock, here is a link: http://www.grimrock.net/
  3. This is, obviously, my subjective take on the matter. AoD feels more like Eye of the Beholder/Dungeon Master II (games I deeply love). Puzzles might be a bit more repetitive, but I enjoyed the game and loved small details, like you can choose one of the characters and encounter the other ones later in the game. Stonekeep graphic seems more "fake" to me than AoD ones; maybe it's because I like pixel art more than semi-photorealistic renders. Stonekeep movement is really awkward, too. You are not on the middle of the square, you are on the edge. It's really difficult at times to correctly judge proper distances when interacting with the objects/environment. Because of the bugs I think I could not really enjoy the story, too. Again, it's just a subjective matter, but I think Stonekeep is a bit overrated (not saying it's a bad game, though).
  4. Today we optimized the static server, the one serving thumbnails and other images. The images should load faster and this might help a bit with your errors while loading thumbs, too.
  5. Google DNS servers may help, I guess. Follow this guide exactly: Google's DNS servers
  6. The image is perfect, but you should try writing "ping static.nexusmods.com" on the same line and then press Enter. Sorry I did not explain it clearly :(
  7. Ooooops sorry! Open a command prompt (Start - Run - write "cmd") and then inside the command prompt window write "ping static.nexusmods.com", press enter and check if you have ping replies (usually 3 or 4 rows...) then repeat with "ping static.skyrimnexus.com". Feel free to copy/paste here the results, it will help anyway!
  8. Seems like a problem between you and the static content server. When it happens again, can you try pinging "static.nexusmods.com" and "static.skyrimnexus.com"? I'm interested to see if you can reach the server when the thumbnails are not displayed (you will have something like unknown host or ping timeout).
  9. I cannot confirm this, they are working for me. Can you link to a non-working thumbnail? An imageshare page with an image name is ok, too, but I need to check the exact thumbnail to find the problem.
  10. We're actually updating the fileservers so it may have been a desync between updates and thus our fault. Glad to hear everything is working :)
  11. Yup we've had a small problem with downloading small files, sorry for the inconvenience. Should be fixed now!
  12. I've tried the links right now with both premium and non-premium users and the download works for me. Do you have this problem with every file downloaded manually or only with a few? You might need to try clearing cache/cookies/logging out/try with another browser. If you are able to download after any of those operations, then it is probably something with your main browser, else if you still have problems can you please link here two or three different mods you can't download from? Thanks!
  13. We just optimized a bit the skyrim part of the static server. Can you tell me if you still have issues with the images? If you have problems a link to the missing image or the name of the mod would be very helpful, thanks! Same thing for the other games, because I see every thumbnail but there may be problems between caches and a direct link is very helpful in debugging the issue.
  14. Have you updated the game to the latest version using the Steam updater?
  15. Sorry, I can't understand. English or italian, please.
  16. RSS feeds should be fixed, while the other stuff will be ASAP. Thanks :)
  17. GParted is one of the best, in my opinion. It is opensource, too.
  18. They recommended you well. Cheap ones are not really suitable for sustained 900W, but only can withstand brief peaks of it. Moreover, if your PSU is not stable with voltages, you risk frying other components. Better to play it safe.
  19. Daggerfall was marvelous. One of the best RPG ever made, in my opinion. A pity it was not fully finished (item management and furniture, for example). I love Ultima Underworld, too (the second more than the first).
  20. Yes, I played it. Nice graphics, but buggy even with the latest patches. I usually prefer "Anvil of Dawn", almost from the same period.
  21. The card may be different from the main one (yes you can use a 470 main and 260 for physx). Being in a main PCIe slot is not required (better to put the main card in the main PCIe slot).
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