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Everything posted by Xeivous

  1. Injured Tail sounds more like a Argonian name to me...
  2. I figure that this will be an interesting bow. And no it did not disgust me. Nothing you have suggested has disgusted me. Some stuff on this site does creep me out tho...
  3. And will block out the sun, so we may endorse in the shade.
  4. I believe I know what he's getting at http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/8246/ragarmoronperson.png sorry for the pic being huge... and kinda crap... took me like 5 min okay?
  5. I have a feeling, that someday, I'm gonna be sitting around downloading several gigantic files, released by you...
  6. Not much isn't possible with OBSE also your title reminded me of this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB6fq9Aadwk
  7. I believe alienslof (sp?) made some jeans for RM... edit: By searching jeans I found 4 mods including slof's http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26016 Slof was the only one who had black ones. I guess they are skinny jeans...
  8. I understand Buddah, also, I'm going to edit my original post to allow for jewelery usage, after considering some of the jeweler options offered by mods. Also, I'm going to clarify my post a bit.
  9. No armor, period. 'Cept shields. So no rings, no boots, no robes. I feel that the obviously roman inspiration should leak more into the arena.
  10. Gonna try this... I'll get back to ya
  11. So I use Beautiful people and want to use this race called Hircrine's children. Eyes and stuff don't work. It says to merge with beautiful people. I get TES4Gecko and I've tried merging but without success. Kudos for helpers.
  12. Setting texture size to large worked! THANK YOU! kudos bro, you just earned them.
  13. I've recently run into some trouble with a few clothing mods, as some of the textures don't show right, rather as a multi-colored glass-like splatter or sometimes a sort of wire-frame with the multi-coloredness. Also Icons do the same. Problematic files Sirens and tritons Icons for items only Uff-Rm Nature bounty icons and items, tested on female only currently Uff Elven Elite Texture on panties as well as it's icon Uff/Rm Undead races and shop Textures for some items as well as icons. Uff/Rm Syntyches armor shop Majority of Items as well as their Icons. Any help is much appreciated.
  14. You mean this one? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5067 I use this for my rogue, and love it. Basically, it adds a constant shield effect that scales up/down dependent on your acrobatic skill, and goes away when wearing a cuirass. It even counts hits to your unarmored parts as acrobatics training. ya that
  15. My Inability to figure out where the hell cities are is a block.
  16. I know there are numerous arena mods that affect what you can't/can do and such, but I need something a little more than whats available. List Of Features 24 hour use No wait between grand-champion monster fights No armor can be used*, excluding shields and rings/amulets, if used, kicked out of fight (assuming it isn't grand champion fight or later battles in which you can use armor) Combatants don't use armor, exempting shields and perhaps some nice enchanted jewelery. Optional Allow for "clothing" to be used.** * The idea is to make the script that the arena uses to detect the raiment detect if the character is wearing any armor. **Not sure how possible this may be, but allowing for clothing but not armor would be nice. Thanks and Kudos.
  17. There's some shaman armor made of deer pelts out there.. But more animal-istic armor would be great.
  18. @ Kieran I doubt I'll get far enough to get the equipment you want. I'd probably have to suscribe and get to like lv 40.... endless trial takes me to 10 at least... also, I don't really like the witch-hunter class...
  19. less work for us modders... hopefully... :sweat:
  20. There is also a mod that links armor-rating to clothes via you acrobatics skill...
  21. @Kieran Hehe... thought you'd like it.
  22. @ Koolaid Hehe... nice @ Kieran links to concept art?
  23. Some of this stuff could be interesting... What body mods do you want this stuff for?
  24. All this thought of warhammer as gotten me to download the trial patcher is taking a while.... thanks guys. also, If I make a witchhunter and get the outfit. I'll be sure to post pics to help. assuming it doesn't get made before...
  25. I would love to get back to hating cliffracers. Also I wish to challenge your boast of the crows being too small to snipe with a bow...
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