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Everything posted by Xeivous

  1. good, also probably should have mentioned this before but what body replacer(s) do you use.
  2. More pics would be nice. back, front.lower-body
  3. I picked up AC 2 last week and I noticed these fellows http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor Thought you'd like to see.
  4. A witch? A WITCH! A WITCH! WE'VE GOT A WITCH! BURN HER!!!!!! sorry, had to do. hmm would make a great way to obtain the outfit...
  5. Picture links would be nice.. Also the body replacers you use if any.
  6. Hmm I rather like this, I think I'm gonna have to request a remesh for UFF... But since you want HGEC, I'll wait for that to be made first.
  7. It isn't our opinions that matter. The guy(s) that run the site say its a no-no
  8. Am I the only one whose head is feeling funny after reading the op's posts? Also I like one of the swords, the one with the writing on the blade, can't remeber what pic, think it was last... I need something for my head.....
  9. I saw similarites with the grey fox cowl myself. It's okay, glad to see you are learning. Seen some of the stuff you've done for kieran.
  10. This is gonna be a bit of tougher do. Pretty much need a helmet made, It's calle a Sutton Hoo helmet, it's Anglo-Saxon... and it looks awesome, much more so than a similar face-like helm in oblivion... Pics in here http://www.jelldragon.com/specials/spec1163.htm Modler creativity can take over if the details prove to be too fine. Thanks and kudos for great modlers.
  11. I like this.. also I've noticed that there are not enough clothes/armor for Uff, despite that it's modeled wonderfully...
  12. There are more katanas on this site than I can count... Plenty of oriental stuff here.
  13. ok, Lachance tells you that sithis is the void, and tells you to imaginate him as a moonless night, or something like that, but then they say Sithis and the night mother gave birth to the DB, then in multiple ocassions they refer to him as a someone, it IS a matter of points of view, as anything, i respect your opinion and i dont mean to be rude but they give you multiple reasons to think he's a someone Sithis IS the void, according to lore. The gave birth to the DB is as in sense of speaking, and in mutiple occosians they do refer to him as a kind of god. If the void would have the power to create a faction, than the void would be a god. Sithis can't be given shape. ok, you are the fifth or so person to complain about these, so 5 against one, i guess you are right, i always imagined him as a someone but apparently it's the common belief that he is the void and just that, so i will edit the incial post and the whole idea so as to NOT include sithis in it, letting the sithis part apart, do you like the idea ?? as in DB extended QL ?? and please post ideas on who would give you the quests because if not sithis then who is superior to a listener (to give you the quests? i dont dare to say night mother because you will be all over me again, with the whole listener-night mother thingy, so ideas please. Well the night mother does have a physical form, but for sithis we could just do "Get ur quests by praying at some altar" or the statue of the night mother itself, considering it (spoiler) gives you the list for the weekly gold thing...
  14. That thing for Sithis? Ugh.... Honestly, we have no idea what Sithis is to begin with. Not one of the divines, nor a dedric prince.
  15. I was more mad over the Arthas comparison to Sauron.... Too much wow for me...
  16. Ah, well just wanted to know. Didn't want to sit and wait, knowing nothing.
  17. Kieran, out of ideas.... IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!! /tinfoilhat
  18. @ Kieran: I'm begining to think that you are the #1 suggetor on this forum Not to bug, but didn't you say you were gonna make me an axe?
  19. Must... resist... arguing.... against... stupid.... comparison.....
  20. There was a guy who did make stuff like this... I know he had goblins and maybe a mudcrab..
  21. Strange metaphor, but great time for response!
  22. Title saids it all! http://www.wowhead.com/item=46996#. click view in 3d for all the angles you could possibly want!
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