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Everything posted by Xeivous

  1. Same button for my keyboard... ~ is shift+`
  2. HGEC? UFF? TGND? <insert female body mod here>.
  3. Seeing as real spectators have consistently been disliked, I'll remove them from the OP. And i think Syntax's script would suit my needs. As for bound armor, I'll allow what the script allows for. Shield would be a yes, the armor depends on the script deciding if it kicks you out or not.
  4. I do not have MMM, and AI works when I turn off DR. (sorry if this ended up bumping this from a far page, I posted before I went to sleep) For a little bit of what is happening, as you may have noticed standing on a rock with just melee enemies around pretty much messes them up, jump off and they beeline you. I sat on a rock, some melee wanting the rip off my face. DR on, jump off. Melee enemy: .... load same save DR off, jump off. Melee enemy: RAWR *it runs overs and attacks* edit: I just had a weird moment... I fast travel to some town, get attacked by some monster, and its using DR abilities and mine are also enabled along with the bind reseter. DR was turned off...
  5. So I'm using Deadly reflex v5 beta, and occasionally (read: fairly often) enemy AI seems to forget it has the ability to move. Any ideas?
  6. ` *left clicks horse* kill*enter* `
  7. I personally use the mod for some of the clothing... care little for the races.
  8. There is a lore group that does this. Morag Tong. I was thinking earlier of requesting a sort of Anti-Thieves/DB guild thing, for good roleplayers and general fun. edit: Realized that Kieran had posted the name of a mod, thought it was a comment... But my point still stands and imo RH doesn't seem comprehensive enough for me....
  9. The difficulty of deciding if I should sign up or not is determining how pissed at the game I'll get. Also I do need a way to kill some time till October, my load list for this game is nearing 70.... I could dump my wow subscription on my sis, as she plays a lot more than I do (too bored, waiting for xpac, maybe). All I do nowadays is post on your thread, try to get my arena thing done, and wait for permission to use a model I want converted to UFF...
  10. Hmm, interesting. Also on the topic of gory races http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20098
  11. I think I would prefer David's idea of using a script that checks for armor class, though problems would occur with unarmored "skill" mods and my idea for allowing shields... Would it be possible to create a script that checks the player for items equipped in foot/leg/torso/hand/head slots, and then do a secondary check for armor class directly derived from said item? Because that could potentially remove conflicts with unarmored "skill" mods, and allow for clothing enchanted with shield spells and any temporary shield affects. Ex: Script checks for torso item, if something there, it checks if it is from heavy/light armor skill, if so, it activates the forfeit script. edit: I just looked at David's sig and realized I use several of his mods.
  12. @Kieran Midas magic has some awesome AoE spells...
  13. Well if you don't use body mods, just say for vanilla, its your request...
  14. @Kieran I'll go break out Midas Magic....
  15. It was meant to be a sort of x-ray thing, from half-life 2 ep 2 if you didn't notice. Also a switch to hgec? Interesting...
  16. I'm gonna try to get some pics... Unfortunately, trial accounts aren't allowed to get to major cites, As they are in T4 Areas. If I happen to sign up and before this is finished I will gladly provide pictures or pictures for further requests.
  17. @Kieran As an afterthought, the armor is potentally squick-worthy depending on how much it covers... ... I just thought of something you would suggest.... I'll pull a picture instead of explaining it http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=51932_1 http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=51932_2 http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=51932_2 Links cus pics are huge and will stretch the page....
  18. @Kieran, you should just be able to steal the script off the KotN quest... Or have someone help you... @Uber you get the idea.
  19. Well obviously the first problem would be frame-rates, my comp had trouble with the final fight from the bladesong mod and that had about 40 npcs total in it full scale... But the commands should be child's play, especially with OBSE
  20. Hmm? Council of Thirteen? Interesting... Are you going to have them all swarm the player or do something akin to fighting the ghosts of KotN?
  21. Any body mod you want this for in particular?
  22. The guy bellow me has a better explanation
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