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frank lee

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Everything posted by frank lee

  1. I'm struggling as well, with something I suspect is not that hard if you have a clear idea of the workflow. I find the GECK tutorials pretty unhelpful as I'm not trying to make a new vault! Are there any templates or decision tree diagrams out there? The level complexity of the subject (Fallout's .ecm) and the GECK's less than friendly user interface deserve better learning materials.
  2. I'm limping along on a sad g-card so this is what I've done; Disabled the mouse acceleration, Toggled the emotions, done the water thing, lowered as many qualities as I can stand and run the D3D9 (which worked for me) done some other stuff I can't recall now and I still can bring the game to a grinding halt Oh yea, make FalloutNV.ini an exception if you use Ffdshow codecs. So I get to spend some time in the GECK. . . . : )
  3. To be fair, this argument applies to pretty much every major PC game released in the last three years or so, with a few notable exceptions. Not just games most major applications now! Yea, so sit in your damned air-conditioned California offices and whine about software piracy when anyone outside of the first world has to be the local equivalent of a millionaire just to register the f**king thing online! Sorry this is something that bugs me, I've said my piece I'll butt out.
  4. I was worried about that, but isn't it in the impact data 'effect duration' properties? As in how long they remain/last 'BallisticStoneImpact' has an Effects\ImpactBalisticConcrete nif which I'm guessing is the actual decal an that has a duration of 0.2500 an that's the value (again guessing) that say's how long the decal remains. . . . I can't feel the bottom here. . . .I can feel another re-install on the horizon though! Lol,
  5. Well here's an issue with steam to consider, Not everyone with a computer is connected to the Goddamn Internet! 99% plus of the people here in this board are, I have been for the last ten months since I paid a small fortune for a satellite connection to my remote mountain village. But not everyone is. Had FO3 been 'steamed' then I would have got to play it sometime around February 2010. Software companies that assume we all live in urban conurbations with broadband should wake up and smell the skinny triple latte! We do not all live in LA!
  6. As a navigation tool I have this down to a 9mm paintball gun. Firing red or green splotches at doors and floors in dungeons will be a huge help. That is what I'll try first. If I can make a set of impact decals from the in-game graffiti textures then we go on to better things. . . eventually a decent spray can/gun would be easy to find but harder to get the paint together, and would start with simple tags (hearts, skulls and smileys) then with more skill would open more complex tags. Whether the 'minor crime' status could be made into a 'graffiti scene' sort of quest I leave to someone with more experience. But think about the XP you'd get from painting 'NCR ROOLZ' on the side of Caesar's tent : D Sorry ceallach83, I cannot see how drawing live into the game would work, except with the Paintball gun.
  7. OooKay, no-one seems interested so I guess I'll have to have a stab at it myself. I want a weapon with almost zero damage just for spraying tags or markers onto surfaces. The primary object is to aid navigation, some of those vault and interior mazes really do my head in! But there are all sorts of applications for this come to mind. Custom graffiti decals with a minor crime penalty (trespass seem appropriate) for tagging someones property. assembling or crafting the ammo from materials including turpentine. Deathclaws running round with my 'Anarchy' or 'Che' stencil on their ass appeals to my juvenile sense of humor and could earn an entertaining number of experience points for 'tagging' something as inherently risky! Figure I'd best start my modding career with a modified 9mm pistol to fire paintballs, (start small eh!) OnyxAbyss did a paintball mod in 2008 but it changed 'all' the weapons in the game by replacing the decals. Advice for creating and inserting custom Impact Data Sets anyone?
  8. If I remember rightly, it was Chrysler that made all of the cars in 'The Movies' game. Product placement, given how much you see if it in films and how much the games market is worth I'm surprised we don't see more.
  9. I'm coming to the concussion there is a bug here, it seems as if you wait for a NPC in its native cell, it goes into a holding pattern. I did the ambassadors quests again and as long I was in the embassy he wouldn't get out of bed no matter what time it was. That's not too bad because you can just go to his room and he gets up and completes the interview as if he's in the office. Delivering Sgt Contreras's note to Isaac of the Gun-Runners is much harder. Issac is only available at the reloading bench outside the weapons shack and after waiting 48 (game) hours without him showing up? I want to do business with Contreras and I really don't want to upset the Gun-Runners. Ideas?
  10. The Chinese communists in Fallout will use Metric plus imperial from the legacy of the British empire as well as a traditional Chinese set called Shi which was an entertaining base 16 system! I like feet and inches but I have to admit millimeters are very useful.
  11. Is it going to be much harder to take something that's not a weapon and give it a weapons attributes? If I wanted to take the Paint Gun from 'factory clutter (000ce385) and give it the animations from the 9mm with just (1) of damage and a 'trespass' crime value and (this is the biggie) leave one of the graffiti decals behind am I trying to join to many desperate elements here? I'm trying to get a spray can, tagging thing together but I'm a GECK novice.
  12. Doesn't the load order work from the .ESP's 'date Modified' property? Might be wrong or coincidental but when I was having problems I deleted all the ESP's then unpacked them from their .rar's in the order I wanted them to load. . . And it worked but that may not have been the reason it worked.
  13. Cass is mental too! I wasn't even gonna try Boone the ex-ranger if a boozy former caravaneer is roaming off picking fights all over the place.
  14. Shadows helps but I had to up the actor view distance because getting shot at by NPC's that I couldn't see was quite annoying. Switching the mouse acceleration thing off was a huge help too. It's starting to feel like I've rewritten half of the .ini file by now : ) Definitely in for a reinstall when I get my card back!
  15. If someone modeled wayfarers or aviators would RayBan have a copyright issue? That provokes the thought would RayBan actually produce the model or complete mod for 'product awareness'? I wonder if anyone's asked them. . .
  16. I'm running the game on a quite adequate machine but my proper graphics card is in the shop and I'm using a 'courtesy card' which is. . weak. So I have the water effects minimized, reduced the 'clutter', I have the D3D9 in and now I have 'temo' console as well! Anyone have anything else? The 'long term' problems aren't troubling me, I've reinstalled twice already from. . .er, messing with stuff I shouldn't have.
  17. Pardon if this has come up before but is a tin of spray paint a dumb idea? For navigating mazes, vaults,office buildings and caves etc. Could it not arm as a weapon and fire one (or more) of the in-game stencil textures or logos? Or is there some profound technical reason I'm not up to speed on. Custom logos and time duration could be rolled into some skill deal if you wanted to get really clever, or just number of uses and it would help a lot for FO's dismal pipboy maps.
  18. As bugs go its not a bad one, you just have to get him out of bed. Door way to right of reception, turn right down corridor, Last door on the left.
  19. Yea, definatly but needs Rayban Aviators and Wayfarers to go with
  20. I spent a day and night waiting in his office to deliver a report. Eventually I went to his room and got him out of bed! Staff quarters are to the right of the reception. the ambassador has a bug or its a high stress job!
  21. The lock-blasting cheat for FO3 was brilliant, you could set the mod to be really twitchy needing a high explosives skill to open hard doors without destroying the things contained. Timers would malfunction, explosives could fail to open the door and still alert every opponent for miles. Played at that level it was hardly a cheat, while getting the hang of it I destroyed as much as I successfully opened and on one occasion nearly killed a companion! I was really hoping that they would roll it into this game as an alternative to lockpick as it was much fun.
  22. Until I saw this thread I thought 'Damn! There goes another keyboard'
  23. I'm with you on that, I've nothing against the Khans and it's a shame Papa Khan has to go. but the Fallout world accentuates my 'End justifies the means' tendencies and if one (possibly great) mans life will increase the NCR's chances against the Legion. . .so be it! To that end I wanted to know if chopping him down in public disguised as a legionary would help rouse the Khans against the Legion. This is called a 'false flag' operation in the military and can be found in the rules of war (though mostly in the small print at the end!) Historically FFOPs are often a strategy of desperation and commanders that try them and fail are normally crucified by their own side but when they succeed high command can always justify them.
  24. OK, my instructions are to assassinate the Papa Khan so I detoured to a legion camp killed a recruit and now I have his outfit. So why don't I cut Papa Khan down in public dressed as a legionary. Will the Khans believe it's because they withdrew from the alliance or am I just too sneaky for this game/scenario? It comes down to how far do the costume/disguises go. . .
  25. Run it for 10 or 20 hours, couple of glitches, nothing serious. But then I don't do steam!
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