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Everything posted by frank lee
These are not only beautiful models but work as holdout weapons Glock18c & 20
Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?
frank lee replied to Zephyr2011's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
My people are from Normandy, the families castle is in north Yorkshire, your ancestors would have been better off staying in bed. . .Lol. Seriously they would so mess up a British game it would be eyewatering, remember Hellgate London? The only way to carry it off would be so politically incorrect, so culturally insensitive . . .words fail me. You cannot go far enough back in our history to escape stirring up prejudices that are best left alone. Might as well set it in Northern Ireland and be done with it. :sad: -
Anybody wanna tell me how this is possible?
frank lee replied to HiddenLurker's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
A character, dead something or other, wearing Legion recruit armor with a machete worth 999caps. I didn't get that for it though . . -
Is there a mod or a console setting or . . . something that can indicate which Location music is playing in the game at any time? Like absolutely say which piece of almost identical spooky mood muzak is playing, rather than trying to reverse engineering the info out of the GECK (which hasn't yielded any reliable results) Assuming of course, the music setting aren't glitched :unsure:
Moderator advice please. If someone were to take their radically modified 'Bethesda Sw/Fallout New Vegas/Music folder (stuffed full of music they do not own in the legal sense of the word) and zip it and put it onto MegaUpload for example. Would that person, by posting a link to the file in the Mods, be breaking any rules or even the spirit of the thing here?
Any way to save the brotherhood
frank lee replied to TommyDJ's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
I wont hear a word against the girl, the number of times I've winged her with full auto in those wild fire fights and never a peep of complaint. I've got to check her Hp, wont ask for a stimpak god bless her cotton socks. Just a bit annoyed with the NCR, you mean we nuked our selves back to the stone-age and still haven't grow out of the 'if your not with us your against us' mentality. -
Any way to save the brotherhood
frank lee replied to TommyDJ's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Until you hit 'Don't tread on the Bear' now I'm stuck with choosing between the brotherhood and not working for the NCR again. Oh well, rapidly coming to the concussion that Col Moore is a psychopath anyway. . . -
I'm hustling for a 'land surfing Radscorpions' mod. The buggers move like s**t of a shiny shovel, nothing messes with them, low mileage. . .OK they don't come with a radio fitted but whadda ya want already.
Is more than one FoNV instalation possible?
frank lee replied to frank lee's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
Yup that did it. It got a bit tense there for a while :wallbash: but I back up and save to separate drives, especially system restore points. Nice one, thank you friend. And Fonger, something like drinking and driving or hitting girls, not gonna ever happen. -
More love for the melee/unarmed pacifist
frank lee replied to Geeves83's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Thoughts; y'know one of the ways of avoiding violence is a 'don't f**k with me aura' and I was a bit disappointed that in this Fallout the 'terrifying presence' perk was as far as it went. I was just stood over that weasel Saint James and his dialog was; "You got nothing on me" I'm thinking, well yes I have actually, the most powerful handgun in the game is pointed at your guts and before you think of that power-fist boy, this is Enclave Hellfire armor. I wouldn't know where to begin thinking about how to make a mod that granted clothing and especially armor an intimidation factor. And it may be (very) difficult or impossible to pull off but it would be worth the effort if it could be done. -
Funny this should come up, I've just permitted my game to do the update (3 I think) and BANG! Between 3 and 5 fps. . . . . well thank you for that. I guess it rewrote the (heavily modified) default .ini or generally f**ked with something I'd rather it left alone. Well thats what system restore points, backed to a remote location are for. Lan cable unplugged once more!
Did you mean this; Flashlight because the Weapon modifications are specific to each gun aren't they? Come to think, I've never seen a six D cell MagLight like the police use. . . X-Files NV 8)
I think I need another install of FoNV to generating video footage. Because of the bloody steam I can't put the another install on my work machine as its 'stand alone' an has the stuff that I won't risk on internet. My games machine has the game I've been playing, saves, mods etc but for the vid I have in mind I want to strip out all the mods that don't pertain to the project and install some pretty deep ones that will mess with my 'play' game. And my internet machine would have a nervous breakdown if I tried, so it's got to be on the games machine. I queried Bethsoft a few days ago and they haven't bothered to reply, but then they didn't reply to a request for information weeks ago so I'm not holding my breath there. (We've got your money, now f**k off) Anyone have any advice, or even ideas? I'm thinking of taking the whole Bethesda folder and stashing it in the Recycle Bin (which is a kill file) then installing the game again. I can dupe the recycle bin and keep the install I'm not using in it, so the two (might not) interfere. That's the best I've come up with. . . I am going to try another vid like but different, very different.
I said I'd do a voice if you can use an English accent with a regional dialect (I can scale it back but my flat vowels are a dead give away) However rereading this, I wouldn't put the enclave base behind the 'go home courier six' thing That particular pass opens onto one of the biggest unused terrains and I recon the pass is for a DLC. That, the Mojave outpost and the 'Northern Passage' in the north have got DLC written all over them. Personally I'd take either one of the small corners or take it off the map all together. If you find a place where the current NV used game comes the closest to the edge of the map, 'Crescent Canyon east' in the south or 'Nellis Array' in the north and keep going you have kilometers of real estate that probably wont be developed in DLCs. Just some thoughts. . . I really like exploring and have tramped all over those barrens.
Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?
frank lee replied to Zephyr2011's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hey, the 1930's Shanghai thing is nice. Dancing gangsters and kung-fu perks. Given we are speculating about a fantasy here I suppose you could model a communist state that worked :laugh: -
Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?
frank lee replied to Zephyr2011's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I more like a step sideways or a very large DLC.. they really need to make some major changes before they release the next one.. I mean a whole new engine, mechanics and whatnot.. otherwise the franchise is going to get stale very fast.. it's kinda sad when you go through this site and realize that people making Mods in their free time are making bigger and better enhancements for the series than the developing team who has a multi-million dollar budget and entire teams of professionals Exactly, the question is how much more mileage are they going to get out of the Americana thing? It's growing staleness is the very reason this feels like a big DLC. Unfortunately for the China idea I visited Communist countries before the walls came down and unlike the 50's Americana there is practically nothing to laugh at, nothing funny at all! If you wanted to make an unbelievably bleak, repetitive world devoid of anything but the blackest humor then a full on cold war communist state would be perfect. It says a lot when it took a catastrophe like Chernobyl to make the place interesting (I.e. Stalker). -
I come not to praise Ceasar but to Bury Him
frank lee replied to Fonger's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Legitimate Fallout 3 DLC Conversions -DLCC- here restored the baddest, best looking and beloved Hellfire armor. Many heartfelt thanks to FinalFrog! How do you like you Praetorian guards, rare, well done or crispy? -
To cheat, or not to cheat?
frank lee replied to JohannesGunn's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Yes, big time, the weapons degradation is ridiculous and was devised by someone with zero knowledge of firearms. Using something like a super-magnum rifle cartridge, which is a stupidly powerful round, would give you over a thousand rounds before the barrel was seriously worn and you could fire a .38 revolver forever with unjacketed lead before you would detect any measurable falloff in accuracy (given its not that great to begin with). Benchrest shooters and serious competitors may re-barrel a couple of times a year and they can go through 5000 rounds in that time! Guns are worn out, first by aggressive cleaning and second 'Maximum load' handloaders than everything else put together. -
Surrender and Judgment Mod
frank lee replied to knivesomara's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
That would be a brilliant mod if it could modify the NPC's behavior but I doubt the game could manage that. The inability to reform or redeem people in the game demonstrates a very bleak outlook when I come to think on it. . . -
I come not to praise Ceasar but to Bury Him
frank lee replied to Fonger's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Spoilers
Legion have a huge anti-technology bent, they think it makes everyone else weaker or something. Of course that doesn't stop Caesar from being a hypocrite by wearing a Displacer Glove and having the autodoc. I see, that would account for the looks of disgust I got when I pulled out the Fat-Man! I'm wearing Hellfire Armour and your all wearing little skirts, do the math :down: -
Whats the deal with Steam?
frank lee replied to Harabec Weathers's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
JUST UNPLUG THE BLOODY MACHINE, for gods sakes its not rocket science. -
Er, I just came from one of Ambassador Crocker's office, after one of our little chats and Alerio the Legion agent was waiting, lurking around the corner! I walked past him and turned at the end of the hall he wasn't going in he was just stood there. F**k me a Legion agent can just hang around the ambassadors office and no-one bats an eye! He would have probably died of natural causes, eventually anyway.