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Everything posted by riker148

  1. Big update on the blog... Riker, you may be interested in reading this... Demeggy i can not thank you and Cipscis enough for retuning flight mode as that is the feature that really stands out for me and it is good to see that the release is in sight because this mod has been in production for almost 19 months and to see it finally released is a blessing. Thanks again and looking forward to that demo vid. Plus just wondering could you answer my question about being able to summon the TARDIS?
  2. Too bad to hear about the flight mode as that was the main feature that i was looking forward to. That feature is what kept me checking the mod everyday among every other brilliant feature and i do hope that you one day reimplement it and give it another try because this is the one feature which really make's this mod different from all the rest. Because this mode it what makes it different from just being a teleporter. :blush:
  3. 3 weeks and counting lol Also any news on when the 2nd demo vid is coming?
  4. Good to see you are back Demeggy and i'm happy that your job is sorted but i'm just wondering will there be a way to call the TARDIS whatever the location you are at?
  5. Just been browsing the net and found an awesome fan made trailer:Link
  6. ah sorry dude but atleast you have somthing to look forward to, and i have just finished it now....its really awsome krudd, just like a real doctor who episode you would expect to see on the tv, just its a game! seriously its worth waiting for.... well depends on how much you like it. I said it was good :biggrin:
  7. What i love about the game is that it is purley WHO
  8. Also to any Who fans head over to the Doctor Who official site for the first interactive game: The city of the Daleks EDIT: just completed it and it took from 1 - 1:30 hour which i was suprised and i must say it is a damn brilliant episode and i cannot wait for more. The graphics may not be the best but when played on very high they are not bad as the game was intended to be played on almost any PC. This Dalek episode is better than the one that was aired on TV. P.S Demeggy there are some good sounds of the TARDIS included which are easily accesed through it's program file folder which may do good in the Mod But sadly for our American freinds you will have to wait till july and sadly you will have to pay for them. At least we britons are now getting something for paying our TV license. :rolleyes: You can get it here
  9. Enjoy your night but when will we see the Demo vid part 2 because i loved seeing the first one. :rolleyes:
  10. Soooo any updates from the blue box? :smile:
  11. WOW, The TARDIS interior looks better than i ever expected good work Demeggy :thumbsup:
  12. In honesty, once this mod's done, I've got 2 other side projects, one Who related, I've been working on in the background. One's pretty much finished, and is incredibly simple (the none Who related one), and the other one, Who related, is just a concept at the moment. I think i found the post
  13. whoa this mod has really shot foward in a manner of speaking in the two days i have been away. So i am really looking forward to this mod and it seems as though a release is in sight but after the mod is released i'm going to be a tad sad as we have our own little community at the moment. So thanks Demeggy for all your time and effort you have put into this mod as without you this mod would not have been a reality. :thumbsup: Also i remember you metioning another who related project a couple of months ago, just wondering will it still be set in FO3 or another game?
  14. Nice touch -Emergency power mode :biggrin:
  15. Well done cambragol it's one brilliant logo :thumbsup:
  16. I'm sure if you pass the theory you will be fine :whistling:
  17. Thank you, i am sick of mods which require you to do something complex and really it is just pressing one button. :happy: Yeeeah... I'm beginning to worry about the complexity of flying the TARDIS now... i'm sure all of us will figure it out
  18. Thank you, i am sick of mods which require you to do something complex and really it is just pressing one button. :happy:
  19. Will whoever wins the screwdriver also be able to get the 10th doctors through the mini- quest?
  20. I should have kept mine a tad longer to change the Doctor to Fallout :yucky:
  21. Almost time, the tension is growing :mellow: :sweat: EDIT: the time has passed :down:
  22. Thanks again that means a lot to me. http://tlcogdrwho.ipbfree.com/index.php?s=&act=idx
  23. I Dont want to make her angry, i know what happend to Captain Jack
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