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Everything posted by riker148

  1. I see anyway i wish you luck within trying. P.S i love your E-mail
  2. Don't worry Demeggy, you won't get any cynicism from me after all the hard work you have put in :thumbsup: Anyway i thank you so much for creating Captain Jack Harkness, i shall now download and play and Demeggy would their be any chance of creating activators or whatever they called inside the TARDIS console room to allow jack to look like he is interacting with it?
  3. It's always the GECK and shortly means 1 to 2 hours right?
  4. Good to hear that and if you do have to work through the night i shall be right here! Hmm i need something to do... I might go and check the uploaded files as i have not had a decent look for a while. And WOO 627th post, wow this is one long thread!
  5. Any ETA of when we are going to get that Download? :happy:
  6. I think that is very unlikley, maybe immpossible but you never know......I Hope they are :tongue: Maybe the Dalek weapon? Damn, Demeggy bet me to it :whistling:
  7. Okay, now i am extremley interested :rolleyes:
  8. Have a nice Holiday, you deserve it :thumbsup:
  9. Hopefully you are able to get it fixed :wink:
  10. Hey Krud!! Good to see you are still here and Demeggy looking forward to that suprise today
  11. Yeah, i wonder where they've gone but i'm sticking here till the end :rolleyes: And ooooooooooo.......... Freebie download, i can't wait Just wish i was here for the release of the mod :teehee:
  12. . I love the little speech as it explains exactly what i'm thinking
  13. Cheers, y'know, it does actually... I agree. There's a bit of a bug with it at the moment where the screen effect doesn't want to particularly show up at random, so I'll be looking that over. I took my housemate through it for a test run this evening, and he was impressed, so I'm happy with it. You should be happy with it how much work you have put in especially with how you have tried to replicate everything perfectly. Good Work :thumbsup: And also, actually how many mods take the time to create a manual....not many i know of, which shows how committed you are to the mod and Who.
  14. The Console Room Wall texture and i like the Dalek gun as it gives the mod more of a Who feel. And "Top Secret" suprise eh.....I wonder what it could be :wacko:
  15. Good to see from the images that you got that texture problem sorted out.
  16. For those of you who like star trek and Dr Who , here is a brilliant short film made by Rick kelvington My linkhttp://kelvington.com/?cat=47 I must say it is one of the best fan made video's i've ever seen.
  17. Yesssss, good to finally see a release date but unfortunatley for me i go on holiday one day before. :( Anyway i can't wait to download and play it. Good work Demeggy
  18. Good to hear the scripts are finished, as i know they have been giving you a lot of trouble. Also any insights on what Models you are working on. :blush: I've been watching a lot of series 2 this past week and it makes me reliase how much i miss David Tennant and that old TARDIS. Anyway like i said before good to see a Release in sight :happy:
  19. Hey, no problem at least we can now see we are getting a whole lot of who with this mod and what the video shows you deserve the rest. And 2-3 weeks YAY :biggrin:
  20. I am very pleased with the work you have put in Demeggy, well done :thumbsup:
  21. Ok, no problem and 20 MINS! wow let me get the popcorn lol looking forward to it. And i have just watched the first part and will the swimming pool's water be irradiated? And what's up with fraps lol
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