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Everything posted by riker148

  1. Is it okay if i post my entry on the Thursday
  2. Looks like i'm going to need to dust off the old Photoshop.
  3. I had saved my 100th post for this thread. And good luck with fixing the last few things :happy:
  4. They tried to re-create the old series Daleks and I think they Failed misreably.
  5. I think she was but i think the Doctor knew there was somthing more behind it. Also part 2 was very rushed, it was stupid how it suddenly jumped to TARDIS after they had dealt with the angels and gave very little explanation of how they got out. Part 1 10/10 Part 2 5.5/10
  6. Looking forward to Angels part 2 and so do i have faith :rolleyes:
  7. Probably going to be like that for a few weeks
  8. i check it about every 2 hours http://tlcogdrwho.ipbfree.com/
  9. I prefer the old cybermen. The new one's just do not seem as ruthless.
  10. I have suprisingly not liked it much so far but the Angels seem to be bringing me back because before this episode i think they had actually made it to kid orientated if you get me. Demeggy it does not matter how many weeks it takes you (as long as it is not another year :tongue: ) because i can tell how much hard work you have put into this and i know this is going to be brilliant.
  11. Nice changes, like the little Doctor among that massive TARDIS. Ahh be brilliant if one day a quest was implemented which was the end of time
  12. Hmm how should i put it............. Ahmen to that! I remember it like it was yesterday.
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