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Everything posted by Edsh0t

  1. Still no answer, not even sure he got on or even if he is still active here. Glad to see another heartstone fan. I also have a request relating to Heartstone, but mine is about General Flax's bandolier/heartstone
  2. * I was really tired when I wrote this, as such it made little to no sense. A new request had been made with a more understandable text, please delete this thread.*
  3. Sent a message to the author of dragonplate ebonsteel armour asking if he was interested. Awaiting his reply.
  4. So, I think the Bloodskal is one of the most badass weapons of the game, especially because of the ranged attack. However I dislike using two-handed weapons, and while there are plenty of great mods that allow the enchantment to work with any one-handed weapons, I unfortunately like to dual-wield, which just doesn't work with any mod I have found. That's fine Since I can't use it to it's full glory I want my follower to use it, but unfortunately the raged effect doesn't work when the blade is given to npcs. Is there any mod out there that allows this? I have looked and found nothing, so, anyone willing to work on this. Is it even possible?
  5. Sorry for necroing the post, but I'm having the same issue. I have tried recycleactor, and while it did give me back the shield activator, both the weapons are still blocked. This happened after placing and removing the blade of falksreach and hag's wrath.
  6. Sorry to bother you all, but I'm a big fan of the Interesting npc's mod, and Skjel the Gray is one of my favourite followers, mostly due to him being hilarious, but as you may know, with him being a skeleton weapons and armours don't really equip well, so I was wondering what CAN he equip? Could he use ancient nord armor and weapons like the skeleton mages of dawnguard?
  7. Sorry for necroing this post, but I'm having a similar problem, in which quest items simply won't spawn in my world. It started straight away in Whiterun, with the missing Argonian Ale and that guy's sword. NPC's can still give me quest items, but items out in the world simply won't spawn. Maybe its the immersive weapons or immersive armors?
  8. O.o Holy hell I never thought of this before. Brilliant! I'm all up for it, is anyone currently working on it?
  9. Damn, well if that is unavailable, what other build-able house mods do you recommend?
  10. So, I have been looking around our massive mod library for player home mods, and despite the amazing and grand works you find, with a few of them including build-able cities, I am surprised to discover that there is not a single mod that allows me to freely choose which add-ons I want for my hearthfire houses. For example, if I want to build my house in lakeview and add a garden, a library and a master bedroom I will be s#*! out of luck because garden and bedroom are on the same side and I can only choose one of them, is there a mod that allows me to freely choose ? If not, any recommended player house mods?
  11. *this was a double post due to laggy internet, ignore it please*
  12. That would be a bit too complicated albeit nice. But i think there are mods that allow you to grow your own town starting from your house, but its too much for me, i want a quiet place for the family.
  13. I know right? Not to mention that the supposed extra storage room is sorta useless.
  14. That's both really high and really specific. Mind if I ask why?
  15. I'm not sure if this exists or not, but since I have been looking around for a while now with no results, I'll assume it doesn't. I'm looking for a mod that allows me to freely distribute which wings/add-ons to add, as in, instead of choosing between three for each side, i want to be able to choose freely between them and which side I want them on, so i can , fr example, create a house with a greenhouse, a library and an armoury.
  16. Create the storyline first, then ask for the mod. What you are requesting is way too vague.
  17. Immersive Armours ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19733/? ) has a samurai armour, and a lot of others which I personally recomend. Use it in conjunction with Immersive Weapons to add a few Japanese and Chinese weapons.
  18. I felt the same way, the vampire faction was not fulfilling and honestly the rewards are weaker, since after a while Vampire Lord is weaker than your base char. Not to mention the death Hounds are weaker than the Huskies (their level cap is 25 vs the huskie's 50) and the only follower you get is Serana, which you can't even marry, not to mention she caps at 50, although she is unkillable. The room you get is not personalisable either, you should also get the chance to rebuild the Castle, the same way you rebuild Dawnguard's fort.
  19. So, we all love the Wabbajack, and everyone loves using it for the most humorous antics. But, I think it falls short in terms of representing the impredictability of Shegorath. Now I have no idea if this is possible, but is there any way to make it so the Wabbajack's weapon type changes each time it is drawn? As in circling between being a dagger, a bow, a greatsword, an axe, an waraxe, a mace and so on. They would have course have the same random enchantment of the staff, which would be activated on hit.
  20. This seems amazing, and I think that are some mods that partially address this, but none of them are fully satisfying. I like the Idea of having the guilds join in, preferably after reaching the commanding rank in each of them, and I wouldn't mind having to recruit each citizen individually or forging and enchanting the armour of each and every one of them if that would allow me to create my own faction. I don't really agree with either the weak-willed Emperials nor the extremist Stormcloaks.
  21. So I play an Argonian Vampire, and was looking forward to turning my dear Shahvee into a vamp through the quest The Gift, when I found out she is one of the marriable NPC's excluded from said quest. Is there any mod that expands the list of NPC's that can be turned?
  22. Yea, the real problem is the work involved into it, no one would do it for free. it requires good Meshes, or permission from other modders. Just to put it out there, the mod creators of the mods I mentioned before did give their consent, as long as the modder that decides to work on this sends them a message, and mentions them.
  23. I already know about that mod, but as I said before I'm really into wearing masks, so what I really want are masks made to be worn by Argonians.
  24. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24913/? This mod offers a few compatible meshes.
  25. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24913/? Here you can find a male body mesh for spriggans.
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