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Everything posted by twowolves80

  1. I second this. Those details are exactly what Kit (the Dev) is looking for so she knows what needs to be done once Vortex is turned loose. :P
  2. Yeah, I knew he had said something to that effect--one thing about Dark0ne is he don't miss much. I was just being a lazy-ass and didn't want to go on a snipe hunt for it. lol Thanks for that breakdown, though! :)
  3. I want my gifs back! Why? Because I don't gif a crap! lol Sorry, I couldn't resist! :P
  4. To be fair, I've not done a lot of endorsing, either, but it does raise a point that should merit consideration: What about the people who download the mods for the first time and don't like it? Or there is something wrong with it? The craptacular mods then become monetized simply from people trying them out. However, I believe Dark0ne mentioned something about something (could I be any more clear? Probably! :P ) that would push such mods to the bottom and thus, they really wouldn't be getting much since their download curve would drop off. Would you please, please, please go repeat this exact post in the other two threads that are discussing the new site? lol Otherwise, I may get accused of trolling or brown nosing because I like the new site, too, and have been trying to defend it against a minority tide of bogus posts.
  5. Found this article and couldn't help but chuckle...maybe we can convince them to use a two-headed bear on the flag? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-california-declares-independence-from-rest-of-state/ar-AAuLdwL?OCID=ansmsnnews11
  6. Hmm...yeah...too bad the basic premise of your conjecture (and that's all it really is) is flawed, and therefore, your entire line of reasoning is flawed as well. Nexusmods.com was already broke by virtue of it being an outdated and outmoded format, and it would have had to been brought up to internet standards anyway as the internet continues to evolve new protocols and coding. Therefore, since you chose to ignore the OP and the basic premise of this thread, your comment has been dutifully reported as it contains zero (that's 0) constructive feedback.
  7. I'm sure that Dark0ne will pass along your sentiments to Kit and the others. :dry: Because that's gone over so well for other members in the past... *...looks at the Banned thread...*
  8. Care to put names to them? Otherwise, feel free to use the Report button if you feel that you're being trolled. I have been having hella issues with Firefox, lately. Both Chrome and Firefox need to knock off the B.S. and quit frelling around with the, "We're running Java! No, we're not! Now, we're getting rid of Flash! Wait, now it's integrated!"
  9. Less lookin', more cookin'. "Let's dance."
  10. Luke 4:24: "And He said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country." lol True story. Well, at least I know some people are actually reading it! Thank you! I think if newcomers to the post would just take the time to read the OP twice to let it sink it, most of the controversy, if there even is one, would vanish. There's also the filter button up top in the search bar that would allow people to find information more readily if they would use it on the forums... I find it somewhat amusing to see my own reactions to some of the posts becoming more and more aligned with those of Ethreon or others who tend to wax acerbic in their posting...lol I'm not the most patient person in the world, either, so if nothing else, it's a good exercise in teaching myself patience. Another thing, too, is that I don't believe most posters in this thread are monitoring multiple threads the way other power users like myself do--so we who do monitor multiple threads generally have a better understanding of the overall situation in that we see a great deal more of the admin comments revealing the nature of Vortex and the new site, and what is to come. That is why I've been trying to cross-reference to other threads more (or back to the OP). I have only one other thing to say, really. Dark0ne, hurry up with Vortex! http://oi65.tinypic.com/2lngzg5.jpg
  11. By the same token, just because a majority is silent doesn't mean it disagrees, either. The pattern is from, if anything, people posting shtuff that does not belong in the thread. This isn't a, "I hate the new site, change it back or I'm leaving and taking all my toys home!" thread. Period. If you don't like the new site, fine, but don't make the web dev's job harder by being a weeaboo in a thread that is meant for her to be able to collate constructive feedback. Mocking isn't tolerated. That would be considered flaming and would be a violation of the TOS. That being said, yes, I get the idea you're trying to convey. You have to remember, too, that many times, the admins and power users have gotten a bit jaded because it's always the same whining and rage-posting and s***-posting and generally clouding up a thread that had one goal--consolidate the constructive feedback for the new site in one location so the web dev, Kit (that's her name), would be able to immediately see what features people want to see changed, and what features need to be removed or added. That is a contract to us, the members, but we have to fulfill our own end of that contract, too, by paying attention to what has been said, what the directions for the thread are, and what the dev is looking for. That doesn't give us carte blanche to clutter up the thread with one-line posts like, "This site sux balls. I want the old one back. I'm leaving until it comes back." What possible information can be gleaned from that that will improve the new site, since Robin already said the new site is here to stay and there's no point in arguing over its existence? Again, what info can be taken from that that will directly benefit Kit? Is there something in there about buttons? No. Is there something in there about re-arranging some of the layout? No. Therefore, it's interference and noise, and is utterly useless in the context of this thread. I find it funny, too, that in this thread, and in the other 100 + pages of the other, a moderator has not once stepped in that I can recall--no, I take that back. I think a moderator altered one of my own posts, though the reason why and the context I can't recall right now. Other than that, no moderator has once stepped in. I would like to think this is because some of the regular posters in this thread are doing their best to keep it on topic and self-police our behavior so that there is no need for moderator-interdiction. Vortex will allow the site to be used on a mobile device in a new way--queue-ing your mods while you browse on phone so that as soon as you fire up Vortex, it will download them for you. No, I don't know the details anymore than anyone else--I just read a lot of forum threads. 20% of the site traffic is from mobile, so very clearly many users are using the site on their phones, most likely on lunch breaks to check out the newest mods, or when they're otherwise away from their PC.
  12. What the hell are you talking about? The reason they are not going back to the old design, as has been stated by Robin, TheVampireDante, Ethreon, and myself, among others, over and over and over: Vortex is dependent upon the new design in some way.The new site integrates (supposedly) with Vortex in such a way as to allow you to queue downloads via mobile when you may be at work on lunch break and just looking at new stuff on the Nexus on your phone.That is why the old design cannot be brought back, and anytime you are accessing the old site, you are doing so at the grace of the site owner.The old site and the new site use two different coding methods, two different formats. Mod authors would have to make two separate front pages for their mods, and then update both pages every time they updated the mod. So, thanks to you and your, "Ermagerd! I want the old site back!" the modders would have to do double the amount of work. Congrats! http://oi65.tinypic.com/2lngzg5.jpg I thought this was the seventh time...? Wait, I think if it dies ten times, the eleventh time is free. I have a punch card somewhere... Yes, it's dead since it acted as a community, with few exceptions, against mod authors' right to sell their product. As if mod authors were meant to serve this "community" for free. "Sell their products?" Your verb usage is wrong. No modder anywhere is allowed to "sell" their product, because that would be a trademark violation. And most of the mod authors can and do serve the community for free because this community is where they live, and you want where you live to be nice. Apparently, that 12,469 count under your name is the number of users of the community you carry on your back. Robin has the other 19,000+. lol Wait, let's check the Nexus Metrics Machine (patent pending): Nope, still alive. See the first portion of the post as to why you are being redirected. As for laggy, I call b.s. If there's lag, and you're in the US, you have Comcast and Ajit Pai to thank. If you're not in the US, you have whoever controls your interwebz. The new site uses coding that is up-to-date and therefore, will be faster than the old site. And lastly, thank you, Kit and Robin for fixing the cross-traffic problem (and you people say they don't listen). For awhile, you click on someone's name, go to their forum profile, hit the Nexus Profile button, and it would take you to the homepage of the new Nexus site, not their profile. Or it would take you to a blank screen. Now it takes you to the right location. Thanks!
  13. The improvements are coming. Right now, it seems that they are only focusing on bug fixes through their Github account. As soon as Kit is done with Vortex and it's released, she will turn her full attention to the website, according to Dark0ne. We just have to be patient.
  14. totally agree on this. Same thing happened to last fm. Devs keep making same mistakes over again Tsk, I tells ya...Members keep making the same mistakes over and over again by not reading the OP. So here, I'll spell it out with the big red crayon: 1. Old site is going the way of the dodo because it's too expensive and labor-intensive to have two sites showing the same information. Modders would have to create two different mod pages for a single mod. Vortex will not be integrated into the old design. 2. This thread is for posting glitches and other broken features so that the dev (and notice, there's no apostrophe and "s" after that) can comb through the threads to find issues that need addressing. Idiotic comments like, "This site sux balls, you're breaking Nexus, I'm leaving and never coming back," et cetera, are probably going to be ignored as they provide no useful information to the dev. 3. The old site is not coming back, so no amount of bitching, wheedling, whining, crying, ranting, threatening to leave, cussing out Dark0ne or the admins, or rant-posting is going to bring it back. Dark0ne gave everyone a chance to vote on the new website a half year ago or so (and I'll admit, I'm one of the ones who missed that post) so that people could post ideas they'd want to see integrated into the new site. The only response was crickets and a few, scattered bits of feedback. Therefore, for those who were here at that time, guess what? You have nothing to say about anything that Dark0ne decides to do about the new site because you had your chance and missed it, and he's not going to bring back that thread simply to satisfy you. 4. If you think a poll would provide some dramatic new light on the situation that you're just sure would show that the majority wants the old site back, go for it. I'll get the popcorn and laugh. You, who are not the site owner, do not get to dictate demands just because you and a bunch of loud-mouth malcontents are unhappy because no one addressed your concerns directly. Dark0ne deals with, on average, I'd say at least a thousand messages a day he has to comb through. He doesn't have time for that s#*!, and neither do any of the other admins who are otherwise working behind the scenes to make sure Vortex is delivered on time and as solidly as possible so that they can then focus their attention on the website, as was stated very clearly in the OP. Robin owns the site. Robin decides what goes. Robin makes the rules. It's that simple. You can either choose to be a part of the new design by helping to brainstorm ideas to make it better, or you can fall by the wayside and moan about how it isn't exactly to your liking. Vortex is slated to be able to do this, which is why mobile was integrated. That way, you could look at the mods on your phone, star them, and then when you get back to your pc, they would either be waiting in your download queue, or would download automatically as soon as you opened Vortex.
  15. Failure on both is actually cause for making them wash Robin's socks for a month. Yes, we're that cruel. http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Batman-Shocked-Face-Meme-570x285.jpg You monster!
  16. That is some mighty goddamned fine feedback. Have a kudos. Why can't we all post constructive feedback like this? Makes my posts look like a pile of puke. That, too, is mighty fine feedback, in both your posts. You ranted, you raged, and in the end, you came through in the clutch and served up some constructive feedback by having an eye for detail. Thank you. Kudos earned. They had a web dev, and then lost them, and so had to design much of it on their own without expert help. Now, Kit is here, and her orders were as follows: 1. Work on Vortex, make it work. Failure results in fifty lashes. 2. Once Vortex is finished, finish fixing our new site that we did the best we could with until we could get a proper web dev in here. Failure results in fifty lashes. Okay, okay, the fifty lashes part is probably an invention of my overactive imagination, but the rest is 100% valid. That was the OP of this thread. Didn't you even read it? Once Vortex is released, she will turn her full attention to the site. The best thing we can do is continue giving actionable feedback--stuff she can read, say, "Oh! Yep! I know exactly what they're talking about," and then fix it accordingly. See above. Where do you see in Dark0ne's OP (that's Original Post for those who may not know) anywhere the dev (Kit being the only one I know of who is the dev for the site) seeing feedback and then saying f*k you? Where do you see Dark0ne doing so? Nowhere. Just because they're not responding to individual posts doesn't mean you're ignored. They have thousands of such posts to wade through--they can't be everywhere at once. Don't worry, tho--I got your back with the soundtrack you need for this very moment in time: https://youtu.be/Re72di5phM0 http://oi63.tinypic.com/2j506mo.jpg Keep 'em coming! One of these days, if someone hasn't done so already, I'm going to collate all the feedback and post it in one post on this thread...
  17. I should have explained it better. Nature generates everything dynamically, in the here and now. There are an infinite number of variations that can occur, and the harmonic patterns occur spontaneously because our brains store memories holographically, so that stored experience, with its own fractal pattern, interacts with the fractal pattern being perceived. When it syncs, it generates harmonic oscillation for want of a better term. Every person is unique, and every person's memories and experiences within a cultural context will be different than someone else's from another culture. So it's not rigid. Nature is a furnace of creation and according to Banach-Tarski, will never run out of infinite variations. All I did was to apply the Banach-Tarski theorem to the surface of space-time rather than the surface of a sphere. Because we live in a binary universe, there are two constants: subtractive and additive. Positive/negative. Up/down. Left/right. Beauty lies between the two ends of the spectrum, and I think that when harmony occurs spontaneously we perceive it as beauty All of reality is a fractal hologram. So really, the ability of two particles to "communicate" across vast distances instantaneously is not a violation of special relativity's second postulate, but indicative that "both" particles are part of something fundamental underneath reality. So it's all connected, like a hologram. I therefore think that beauty is perceived as these fractal holograms synchronize spontaneously with the fractal patterns stored in our brains holographically, even though we don't "see" fractals, we see them physically through the sense of sight, or hear them through the sense of hearing, etc. The fractals don't have to make sense to us--sometimes, the patterns are too big to see, or the intervals are too long. But the math says they are there nonetheless. Those fractal probabilities generate reality dynamically through our self-awareness. This occurs at the quantum level every possible second of the day. I say quantum because these events are occurring in zero space-time intervals as the quantum "froth" of probabilities resolves into hard reality. Sometimes, it resolves in spontaneous patterns, and those patterns are what our brain perceives as beauty as that perceived pattern interacts with the holographic memories stored in our brains. That is why "harmony" is important to this.
  18. Ha. So in essence, mathematical certainty takes a back-seat to how we want to view the world based on the logical, philosophical constructs we create to interpret the results of the mathematics (which lay outside the purview of opinion and supposition). Do you deny the empirical relationship between reality and mathematics? The only reason we are as sure about as much of reality as we are is because we can perceive it through mathematics. The only thing I seek, therefore, is a mathematical framework as opposed to one of philosophy. Logic can be twisted ad infinitum; mathematical certitude cannot. Therefore, i value mathematics over logic any day of the week. Philosophy is logic viewed from within the system; mathematics is logic viewed from outside the system. And still, the Banach-Tarski theorem stands; time is fractal, and if time is fractal, then space is fractal, too. And if both space and time are fractal, then the sense of beauty is pattern-based, and has a quantifiable mathematical value, even if those values change on a system-by-system basis. This further strengthens my argument that beauty is a recognition of patterns, where that recognition is borne of your current coordinates on a probability tree...eh. Forget it. I guess I am only seeking the reasoning behind the way reality and consciousness interact so that I can determine, and be comfortable with, the fate shared by all of mankind, and failing to find one, I'd prefer to remove myself from the system entirely sooner rather than later, as the entire system then becomes abhorrent and unwanted, something that is reduced to mere puppetry and tired routine.
  19. I didn't say time was eternal and unchanging. I said time was fractal, which implies dynamic change that is undending. Banach-Tarski Paradox proved the fractal nature of time when applied to a timeframe instead of the surface of a sphere. Tomato, tomahto. Therefore, it does not contradict the laws of causality. If it did, it wouldn't exist.
  20. Not buying it. At all. Beauty is subjective. Fractal mathematics and the way the brain works are finite and quantifiable. The human brain developed through evolution to identify patterns out of the chaos of information that were beneficial in some form. Just because we may still be hazy on what exactly the purpose of beauty is, it still serves some function because nature never wastes. All of creation exists to do one thing: Transfer energy from one point to another. That's it. Nature seeks efficiency above all else, and most fractal patterns in nature evolved to take advantage of this precept: Maximize growth, minimize energy loss. Mathematically, it must balance on both sides of the equation for a statement to be true. We live in a binary, fractal reality that is nothing more than a hologram. The brain itself is holographic in nature as proven by the research of Karl Lashley in the 1920s, David Bohm in the 60s and his Bohmian Mechanics, and Standford Neurophysiobioligst, Karl Pribram. If all of reality is a hologram, then, this suggests that beauty is a form of energetic potential that our brains perceive and home in on. Beauty, therefore, is intrinsically tied to logic and creativity. If our brains store memories as holograms (across the entire surface of the brain as nerve impulses, as proven by Lashley and expanded upon by Pribram), that suggests that beauty is tied also to how the memory of it is stored. And Kant and Schopenhauer can take a flying leap. They deal with philosophical concepts, not with mathematical certainty. Math is eternal, and will be around long after Kant's words fade into dust. I speak specifically about the physiological process, and reason behind, the sense of beauty, not simply beauty for beauty's sake, with no understanding of the why. These are facts. Time is infinite. The universe is, for all practical purposes, infinite (it's more of an infinite moebius loop in terms of physical size). Time is also fractal, as proven by the Banach-Tarski paradox. The physical world is fractal as proven by Madelbrot. Fractal patterns appear in everything. And we know they exist in actuality because the mathematics behind them says they do--this isn't a mental exercise, this is physical form given shape by the laws of mathematics. Therefore, it makes sense that the human brain evolved to find some quantifiable, though hitherto unknown, reason for being able to perceive beauty. Nature wastes nothing. Nature is not inefficient except by design. Nature, like water, seeks the path of least resistance when evolving, so this "energy transfer" of us perceiving beauty must have some evolutionary purpose. There is a reason for everything, even if we can't see the forest from the trees.
  21. I didn't buy an i7-4790K because I was saying, "Oh, my God! I've got to have a four-hundred dollar CPU that only clocks at two-point-eight gigahertz!" No, I bought the damned CPU because it was 4.0, period. If the effective clock is now going to be reduced to 2.8, I'm suing. That is unacceptable. I hope the FTC sues their ass, too. Especially as they haven't offered a way to disable their "patching," which is more akin to the crap Apple pulled with their OS and reducing "spikes" to save battery life. It's false advertising after the fact. We're not talking about two or three-tenths of a point, we're talking about a 30% reduction. That's 1.2GHZ on a 4.0GHz proc. SKSE is heavily dependent upon the kernel working just so, so I can only imagine the nightmare this is going to cause. My kingdom to the first person to come up with a way to block Intel's patching permanently. They have just lost all credibility in my eyes, and I imagine those of a lot of other people, too, and that is why I said, they just lost an entire generation to AMD. And it will be a cold day in hell before I give Intel or AMD (as if they were ever a competitor in the first place) my money. It's high time for a third party chip maker to get into the game and break Intel's monopoly.
  22. Wait, no one is getting rich off this?! Wth?! :tongue: Seriously, though, I think Nexus now has bigger issues to worry about, as does the SKSE64 team, now that Intel sh*t the bed with their "patch" for a security flaw on the hardware side that they didn't know about for ten years. So that makes the above sentiment look something more like this: That aside (stay on topic, twowolves), I think the mod donation system is a good idea, and yeah, there are some issues to work out as they come up, if they come up. I trust the admins, though, to be pretty on top of it. I don't really see people making a lot of tiny mods; you'd have to sink a lot of time into it and it's not worth the effort. No one is getting rich off this system. Now, about making an Etsy-style backpage for Nexus...lol One step at a time. :D
  23. https://www.cnet.com/news/chips-exploit-meltdown-spectre-security-flaws-afflict-arm-phones-and-intel-pcs/ Bravo! Intel just announced they uncovered a serious security flaw that will slow PCs (dependent upon workload, which means gamers/modders are f*ked) by as much as 30-50%. I dunno know about the rest of you, but I smell a class-action lawsuit resulting from this because in order to address the loss of speed, especially considering that this flaw is a physical one that has been hard-baked into the chips for the last ten years, the only advice from Intel is "users may need to upgrade their RAM and/or mobo." Congrats, Intel, you just pulled a Bethesda. Yeah, the flaw was something you didn't know about, but nonetheless, you just created a great deal of animosity towards you from PC enthusiasts who are now going to consider AMD. You f*king morons. You just lost an entire generation to AMD. Just like Bethesda and their sh*tty Creation Club to sell crappy MMO-style skins that no one will ever see in your Skyrim game because it's not an MMORPG. I'm not updating the software hotfix; Intel can sod off, I'll take my risks considering no one has ever used this flaw before. I don't have $800 to drop on a new CPU, mobo and RAM. Any class-action lawsuit that comes up as a result of this for delivering (for the last ten years, no less) a product so ridiculously flawed that there's no way to fix it on the hardware level I'll be signing. This is begging the FTC to get involved, and I hope they do. Enjoy your 2010-era gaming as the already-glitchy alpha of SKSE64 is sure to take kindly to this.
  24. The problem is, it was going to be ready, but Dark0ne didn't have the help of a pro for the entire process of the initial website set up: Vortex is right around the corner, though, so just hang in there. The website is being actively worked on, but only to maintain functionality and squash bugs until Kit can really take a look at the UI and address a lot of the great feedback suggestions being brought up. :smile:
  25. "Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit." --T0P
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