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Everything posted by Deleted15964729User

  1. You can validate the files (this will also sometimes force a stuck update) like so: http://i.imgur.com/ypX1OJE.png
  2. The first two things can be bypassed by using FO4Edit to make the changes, at least thats how I deal with similar problems when changing perk sounds and such. The generate lip part I always assumed is what LipFuzer is supposed to do, but haven't dabbled any with that...
  3. I assumed it was the same as palette files for combat armor and the rust on some power pieces.
  4. On my phone so I don't have the link handy. But there is a save I've used by jobac here on Nexus. Should find it in the save game category. It has vanilla and automatron completion when I got it. The other DLC was in progress so they may have been updated. Otherwise I can offer you my gest save, Nuka World is in progress but Far Harbor is untouched. All WW are done however. It does rely on Looks menu and I've used F4SE with it.
  5. It's probably not too tough to spare a team for PAX promotion. Didn't they make their first game recently to show VR technology or something (funhouse something)? Might becoming a thing. Instead of producing screenshots and video for promotion they make something you can take part in actively. I wonder if they collaborated with some modder (anyone want to get something of their chest) or got help by some dev from Bethesda to make this. Seems unlikely they wouldn't bring in someone with vast experience of the creation engine for such a important event. Nonetheless an interesting approach and sort of reminds me of the image Microsoft has been keen on projecting in recent years.
  6. Try looking for ForthyFive, the used that kind of naming for ForthyFour at least. Except sometimes they typod: WPN_PistolFortyFourWestern_Reload_Charge_01.wav WPN_PistolFortyFouWesternr_Reload_MagIn_01.wav EDIT: Did some poking around real quick. The .45 is used by the combat rifle, submachine gun etc right? If so these should have what you need: \Sound\WPN\RifleCombat\ \Sound\WPN\RifleSubmachineGun\ \Sound\WPN\RifleA\ \Sound\WPN\RifleB\ Or check this screenshot of all weapons that uses Ammo45Caliber: http://i.imgur.com/CkH13gU.png If you are trying to ADD a new sound to a custom gun that uses the .45 Caliber and don't want to replace all .45 sounds you have to create more than one new sound (unless you recycle some of the vanilla ones). I suck at explaining but check these screenshots: Find a rifle that uses the ammo ie Combat Rifle, check keywords: http://i.imgur.com/NEkwl9J.png "Use info" on relevant keyword to bring up where it's used. Double click forms to open them: http://i.imgur.com/UYfdaAP.png Find the sounds and their "physical" location: http://i.imgur.com/IT1Mjrm.png Decide what files you want to change if any. Perhaps you will be satisfied with manipulating the output model or volume etc.
  7. I remember Intel and other having similar issues. Check out this for clues: https://github.com/GameTechDev/Intel-Texture-Works-Plugin/issues/4
  8. Seems to be related to how alpha is handled when loaded. I use the intel dds plugin which gives you a choice when opening a file to load transperancy as alpha channel. When I do that I see the texture errors. Took a short video to show what I mean, I'm way too tired to explain properly in text:
  9. I'd say use the intel plugin for photoshop, it seems to be the one plugin that does all texture maps perfectly. Another useful normal map creator is: http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/
  10. Ah sorry about that. You need to load Fallout.esm and Armorkeywords.esm though. Create a file called CreationKitCustom.ini in your Fallout-dir just like you do for the game for your settings. Add this line, it will allow you to load multiple esm's: [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 EDIT: Also noticing that it wants to load all ESM instead of just the masters. That is new. No idea why it does that. EDIT2: Armorkeywords.esm requires all DLC if you installed it with those options of course, thats why it loads all DLC regardless. Masterdepency of the masterdependency. I will make a esp that uses the chembench and only needs Fallout.esm instead.
  11. There are plug-in for Paint.NET that lets you run photoshop plug-ins. Probably there is something like it available for Gimp as well I would imagine. I'll find links when I'm at my PC. Edit: 8bf filter plugin seems to only run filter, not file-type plugins so probably not useful after all, here it is though: https://psfilterpdn.codeplex.com/
  12. Everything you wrote seem correct from what I've seen and experienced. However I haven't encountered any specular or normals in FO4 that have utilized the alpha channel for anything. Edit: I do feel material files is a bit of an untapped resource. Most mods and vanilla textures seem to be using same values for smoothness, roughness etc.
  13. I made a quick template plugin for a gasmask with custom textures using the vanilla mesh. It needs AWKCR as it is craftable at that mods worksbench. Check it out here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13912?
  14. You are using wrong textures on wrong body/mesh and thus you get UV funkiness. I'm not sure why you want to remove the BGSM or add a material swap. CBBE is as far as I know made to replace textures the vanilla textures for all females. Re-install CBBE and make sure you set it up according to its FAQ and guide. Gopher has a very recent video on how to do this, it's featured on the mods description page.
  15. If you feel the light is weird it would seem your specular is the culprit. However you can also adjust speculairty in the BGSM so you may want to fiddle with that before remaking the specular. Here is a tutorial on specular maps: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3611/?
  16. Yes, also may want to add keywords and add "COBJ" so to make the armor craftable. This has some useful information in regards to what you want to do: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/6091/?tab=9&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodreadme%2F%3Fid%3D6091&pUp=1 Also: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?showtopic=3744435
  17. CK will pack any other files than the plugin that it detects your mod is using. So if you for example take a clothing item and add a materialswap pointing to some custom textures it will save the bgsm and textures (the mesh will not be saved unless you are using a custom one). However you have to choose create archive after saving a plugin for the CK to bring up the required files-dialog (if it detects that any files beyond the vanilla files is needed). Sometimes you have to do things a bit differently for the CK compared from FO4Edit. I still prefer using FO4Edit for most things personally. EDIT: If you click "Edit" or "Select" world model (armo) or male model/female model (arma) when you are editing your item in the CK you will get the model data-view where you can change material(s) used. Make a custom material beforehand so you can choose it in this view. EDIT2: Nexus has a great tutorial for mswp's: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_Material_Swaps_in_Fallout_4
  18. Some people have had problems in Photoshop if they have both Intel and Nvidia plugin installed, perhaps you should make sure your folder are clean of any plugin from either and install the one you want. However since you seem to have problems in more than one software your .dds files may have failed to extract properly. Try using Archive2.exe (..Fallout\Tools\Archive2\Archive2.exe) which comes with and is used by the Creation Kit to extract your files from the BA2 again. Only downside compared to the other tools is that you can't batch un-install all archives in one go (even though you can use it in the command prompt I was never able to get it to do batch extractions). Like khazerruss said Paint.Net reads and saves .dds-files "natively" without the need for extra plugins, it's way underrated IMHO. It supports the following compression: http://i.imgur.com/Jr0capA.png
  19. For your first of these requests I recommend you check out: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7432/? For the second one check out this mod if you haven't (I'm not sure if it also has Legendary, Glowing etc): http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16241/? For the third, this seems to be what you are asking for: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11749/? Alternative might be: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12006/?
  20. Hey! Love your stuff, you do great voice acting! Have nothing constructive to add, just wanted to show my appreciation for your work.
  21. You are jesting surely? You don't have to email them, they know about the update and will update when they have time. Receiving tons of emails and private messages on forums is not going to speed up their work. Please don't make every update unpleasant and more of a chore than it has to be. http://i.imgur.com/d3Pwzue.png
  22. How would Nvidias corporate interest be furthered by nefarious schemes to scam contest winners of their prizes? The prizes usually consists of their own marked up product which probably doesn't cost them much to produce in comparison, that they use the consumer price as worth is just part of the marketing 101 to enhance their brand. Their GPUs are basically something they throw at reviewers across the globe, so why would they seek public attention with contests with the intention to never award the winners their prizes? I'm not saying people have not received their prices before, as DOOMBASED shows this is plainly a problem which people are quite vocal about. When AMD released the RX 480 the person in charge of a competition they held asked that winners contact them within 24 hours so that they could get the cards sent promptly and not be end up bottle-necked "as usual". I've seen plenty of posts about it before despite this being the only Nvidia contest that I have taken any interest in. Clearly it would've benefited Nvidia's own agenda more if they sent out prizes within a week instead of taking months. To argue that Nvidia holds contests with the malignant intent to not award the winners makes no sense. More likely is that the person(s) in-charge of the the competition has other obligations and have been assigned to handle Nvidias affairs in the competition in addition to their normal work. From what I've experienced at the places I've worked it's probably something that has been delegated to the assistant of a mid-level boss that already has a unreasonable workload micromanaging their quasi work-related affairs for their boss. Incompetence and a low priority is most likely the reason for the lax way their contests are held. After all, a corporation is an amoral entity created to generate profit. Nothing more, nothing less. GeneraLuBu: I've read your stuff over at Bethesda and on Reddit. It's perplexing how you say you want unity and are only interested in Nvidia delivering on their part but still from time to time ridicule other users and both allow and engage in backhanded attacks against other mod authors (especially the finalists without an entourage to argue on their behalf). I get that it's frustrating when people derail your threads but still, if you want unity you gotta be way more evenhanded and afford everyone the same courtesy. If respect is given selectively it's not a community, it's a sect.
  23. Sound like there is a rule for it that wins over you mesh edit. Tried doing a material swap? It's this one one right? AmmoPlasmaCartridge "(Ammo) Plasma Cartridge" [AMMO:0001DBB7] . Using model: Ammo\Plasma\PlasmaCellMagazine.nif? I'm looking at it and there is 3 meshes for it and 2 materials so I'd say go with the material swap and skip editing the mesh. *spends 20 mins digging through plasma cells entries in fo4edit* Ok there is a shitload of mods and materials so nevermind what I said. Can you do a texture replacement? All the materialfiles I could find all point tot the same three texture files so editing them to your liking using the vanilla path should be enough. Unless there are even more materials that point to some other textures that look similar. Here are some of the nifs i could locate. Think I'm way too tired for this so I'm gonna stop confusing you and hope you manage to piece it together :) http://i.imgur.com/wverrWw.png http://i.imgur.com/ROEwdFx.png
  24. If I were you I'd start reinstalling all mods from scratch to make sure they are the latest version. I think in the end that may save you time.
  25. I get the same opening your nif. Perhaps the glass material is defined in a seperate bgsm? Sorry for not being able to assist much, meshes are a bit of a unknown to me. http://i.imgur.com/ifFsQuv.png
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