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Everything posted by martinthemage

  1. One of my characters was a marksman, he survived :tongue:
  2. Ban ub3rman123 for wasting 10 mins of his life.
  3. Hi everyone I found this website called betatestgamers.com, which claims to let you download games for free, in return for a 600 word review. But, from what I've worked out, this website is a scam, and I thought I should warn you about it. This is what I have worked out: 1. Most games there have already been released 2. Game developers wouldn't let anyone do that, give away their games for free 3. None of the navigation links will do anything, it claims you have to sign up to get their 4. The sign-in form is in straight html, a bit suspicious? 5. THE WORST PART: It tells you to watch an instruction video, which tells you that you need an FLV player. It links to a virus, and the video DOESN'T EVEN EXIST! It pretends to be a media player, which it does quite well, that only loops and tells you that you need to download the codec. EDIT: 6. THE CREATION DATE SAYS TODAY! The 5th one is very clever, clever people spent a LOT of time making all of that up. What does everyone else think, did you get tricked by the fake media player, and download it?
  4. Fist I bang my fist on the table because I have only 1 TONGUE !
  5. Does anyone remember The Settlers? That pixel that resembled a sword? The soldiers that take turns to swing their weapon's at each other and miss? The sound of pigs grunting in the slaughterhouse? What do you think of the squares of color that made up The Settlers II? I once completed 9 missions, and lost all of my saves :sad: How far did everyone else get?
  6. I liketh the idea of the eth gameth :tongue:
  7. Throat I launch the seasoned, dipped, salted chips down my throat.
  8. Teeth I bite the dipped, salted, chips with my teeth
  9. Whats that bone-coloured monster hurtling towards me?! Ah, its a bone-coloured monster, I should of realised. Well, I've made this lifesize sculpture of versemir the witcher so..... *holds up sculpture to monster* ......*monster turns around and runs the other way* ..... *monster sees real version of versemir the witcher* ..... *turns around and runs the other way* ..... *sees the sculpture* ....... *sees the real* .... *sees the sculpture* ...... *sees the real* ..... *monster is so confused it explodes* Pheeeeewwwwww :tongue:
  10. Chips I shake the salt onto the chips. Am I getting this right?
  11. If you're sure you typed in the correct password, then I would advised contacting the admin. But it could just be that you entered it wrong when you signed up, I once mistyped my email address in something I signed up for.
  12. :wallbash: Only joking, I choose the one with glasses (i can't find it in the list) tomAYto, tomARto, potAYto, potARto ????
  13. Oops, I double-posted ( :mellow: ) I win now, so it doesn't matter.
  14. Happy birthday, even though i'm not quite sure if it was yesterday or the day before :teehee: http://www.skyscanner.net/news/Present.Gift.JPG
  15. I tried to edit this, but it made another post my mistake. Sorry :ermm:
  16. Thanks David, but I actually did that before you posted, and I should have posted saying that the problem was fixed. But thanks anyway, because it was the right solution :happy:
  17. That was Thor who said I wasn't a mage, but I'm not quite sure myself........? I win the game now, so I can relax.
  18. wow, that would be cool! (but i don't use twitter :sad: ) I wonder if that could work with the Nexus Forum's chatroom?
  19. I'm afraid, grannywils, that I have now won :biggrin:
  20. My favourite retro game is definately The Settler's II. I love how the little characters pass wood to eachother and walk around :teehee: Does anyone else have this game?
  21. That kept happening to me aswell, I was thinking of posting about it, but I see someone else did :blush: If anyone finds a solution, that'd be grate :biggrin:
  22. Wish granted, but when you slice it off, it floats away before you can ties it down :biggrin: I wish i knew how to use Blender :sad:
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