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Everything posted by JohannesGunn

  1. The easiest way is, when creating your armor, find a set which has the icon you want and, in the Geck, right-click and choose Edit. Change the Editor ID and Name, and press OK. Since you changed the ID and Name, the Geck will ask you if you want to create a new form. Click Yes. Now, open the item you just "made", and turn it into the armor you want, and Voila!, you have a custom set of armor with a standard pipboy icon, which doesn't replace any Vanilla items. Hope this helped.
  2. Hmm... I wonder if some enterprising, talented individual or group of individuals could combine this and a vertibird mod. IMO, vertibirds and Firefly-class transports share a lot of the same design basics, the Firefly is just larger, uses jet engines instead of propellers, and has a sublight space drive and a cargo bay.. Maybe a custom retexture is called for?
  3. In Point Lookout, there was an axe which, on death, dismembered all limbs and popped the head. I think they did it with a script, you might want to start there. ###Edit### Just checked, and it's not a script, it's just a custom item effect. Should be a lot easier.
  4. I see it's time for some more Shameless Self-Promotion... :biggrin: First, you need the Geck. You can find it here: http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/geck.html Second, read my article, here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=25 ^^^^^^^^^^Shameless Self-Promotion #2^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After you read that, send me a pm, and I'll answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.
  5. Aww, what about eye gouging, throat chops, and groin knees? Cause, come on, this is a post-apocalyptic cage match, here. If FO2, when you were boxing, the last guy sometimes ripped your ear off, with a corresponding drop in charisma.... and you could return the favor. I had forgotten about that, but this post made me decide to go play FO2 again, just for fun, so Kudos to you!
  6. Sure thing, man. Here you go, although the first two are REALLY unbalanced, the third is kinda balanced. And it has a working Tranquilizer Gun! http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36948 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37165 http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37474 ^^^^^^^^^^Shameless Self-Promotion^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I'd just like to say, however, that none of these weapons have custom "skins", or meshes and textures, as that is sadly beyond my ability. Still, I hope you enjoy!
  7. You should be able to do it with the Geck. What you do is when you're opening .esp files, open both of the ones you want to edit, BUT DON'T SET EITHER OF THEM AS ACTIVE. Save, and it will ask you to create a new plugin. THAT file is what you edit, you just have to make sure it goes after the other two in the load order. It's really just a work-around, as you still have to have the other two mods installed, but imo it's better than nothing, right?
  8. Oh, please, please let it be made. There aren't enough enemies in the wasteland to hinder a one-legged man with athlete's foot, much less Courier 6! :devil:
  9. I agree that anyone with any sense in the Wasteland would carry a backpack. It would increase your survivability by a large margin.
  10. I couldn't agree with you more. Here, read this, it'll get you started. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/articles/article.php?id=24 ^^^^^^Shameless Self-Promotion^^^^^^^^ 8)
  11. I'd like to request someone to make me a few custom pipboy icons, a mesh, and a model for this mod. I need icons for a whole pie, a slice of pie, and a sandwich. I also would like an icon, mesh, texture, and/or model for a cake. Any cake. I tried to port the cake from the intro of FO3, and evidently messed up something fierce, as I had to REINSTALL FalloutNV. So yeah, I need help. Bad. You'd earn my undying appreciation, kudos, and credit in the description of my mod. I might even name it after you, who knows.
  12. Wow, 24 voters in only 25 hours. You guys are awesome! :)
  13. No problem, just send us all a pm whenever you're ready, with a time to all get together and have a little board brainstorming. Sounds like fun.
  14. Heh. "Dance, mutie, dance!" This would be SO cool...
  15. Pretty sure you could box as a female, too, if you passed a speech check. Anyway, aren't there two different arenas in this game? Cause I'm pretty sure I've fought in both of them...
  16. I don't suppose someone has a pipboy icon for a cake? Maybe? I know FO3 has a cake in it, but it has no icon, is not pickupable, and you cannot interact with it. Maybe I can just port it in to use for a model... Hmm... On the sulfuric pie thing, maybe I could adapt the animation for the plasma gooification... Bears further thought, anyway. @FatherAzerun: Heh. Pepper gas grenade, maybe? Made using five jalapenos, a tin can, and a cherry bomb? Maybe I could use the model and animation of the NukaGrenade from FO3... @Deadzen: "What are you gonna do with those pies, boys?" is, I think, the line used by the sheriff... just before he dies. Not absolutely positive, though...
  17. Just out of curiosity, did you ever see that movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space?
  18. Heh. I actually thought about this, but since I couldn't find a tomato, I just used the potato, and made the Angry Potato. It maxes all combat-related skills. I think.
  19. Yeah, wanted to get more ideas. Love your ideas, by the way. Gonna play around later and see if I can't make a sandwich icon.
  20. I'm absolute drek at texturing and modeling, but I'm a pretty fair hand with the GECK. If you'd like some help learning that, I have articles posted for basic stuff. I'm not great at scripting, but I can put the items together and send them off to someone else to attach a script, and they can send it to you to attach the models and animation, and voila! there's a mod there. Or, you could pump everyone's brain for info, do it all yourself, and surprise the heck out of all of us one day. Regardless, if you need help, I'll do my best.
  21. Lol. What kind of fate would you hand down to someone wearing that jacket?
  22. I have a mod currently up called Food of the Gods, and I was wondering what everyone would like to see added to it. So far, the list includes: Ambrosia Nectar-Mmm, mmm, good... Apple of Forbidden Wisdom-For those know-it-alls out there... Carrot of Clarity-Does a Body Good... Strange Glowing Dumpling- Uh, yeah... Pommwonderful- Made from nature's super fruit... Bacchus' Party Pleaser- No one knows what it's made from, but after one sip, no one cares, either... Angry Potato- Enraged at the countless number of his brethren eaten by wastelanders, this potato wants revenge... and he doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. I'd really like to expand that list. What do YOU want on it?
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