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Everything posted by JohannesGunn

  1. Not sure how you'd go about it, but there's already a quest in Freeside, for the Kings, where people are playing dead, and you can loot them, but you also have the option to examine them closely. Maybe you could modify that script to trigger the wakeup of the Feral Lurker?
  2. I have a mod currently up called Food of the Gods, and I was wondering what everyone would like to see added to it. So far, the list includes: Ambrosia Nectar-Mmm, mmm, good... Apple of Forbidden Wisdom-For those know-it-alls out there... Carrot of Clarity-Does a Body Good... Strange Glowing Dumpling- Uh, yeah... Pommwonderful- Made from nature's super fruit... Bacchus' Party Pleaser- No one knows what it's made from, but after one sip, no one cares, either... Angry Potato- Enraged at the countless number of his brethren eaten by wastelanders, this potato wants revenge... and he doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. I'd really like to expand that list. What do YOU want on it?
  3. Hmm... Have you tried adding an if/then statement? short doOnce begin OnEquip player If RepNVPowderGanger <= 0 AddReputation RepNVPowderGanger 1 1000 endif end Also, you could try taking that lone 1 between RepNVPowderGanger and 1000 out, and see if it isn't just adding one to your Powder Ganger rep. Not sure if I got the syntax right, but hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say. Also, it may not be the same values as Karma, in which case I would look around in the GECK and see if I couldn't find the script which subtracts rep for killing powder gangers. If you do, it should be pretty simple to modify that for your purposes.
  4. What you'll probably have to do is combine all the mods you're modifying into one .esp file. This way, all the guns you reference, and the leveled list as well, are all from the same mod.
  5. Hmm... Not sure. If it's anything like Karma, it'll probably be 1000 to -1000.
  6. HellfireXS posted a mod which does the exact opposite, it can be found here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34829 If you ask nicely, maybe he'll make an alternate version to make it harder.
  7. If you want to level up, and you want your exp to show that you've leveled up, don't use "advlevel", use "rewardxp #". You can control exactly how much exp you get by putting the desired number in place of the #.
  8. Problem with the search engine is that if you type in, for example "headgearfix.esp", nothing will show up, because that's the name of the file. The name of the mod may be completely different. Thank you, anyway. I tried FNVEdit. It's good. If MUW changed the weapon stats of unique weapons, then another mod which changes weapons stat loads after it, does it mean MUW won't work? I tried the search function, and you're right, it needs some more work. I'll see if I can't help you find them. As for another mod changing the stats of the MUW guns, can you load it BEFORE MUW, or will that cause problems?
  9. Uuhhh.... I choose not to reply on the grounds that I may incriminate myself.
  10. Hmm... Well, okay. Horses weren't the best. But still, wouldn't it be nice to ride SOMETHING on the endless trek around the wasteland? Even a Vespa would be better than walking... maybe.
  11. I'm sure we're all tired of all the geckos, ants, coyotes, and bloatflies that seem to be EVERYWHERE. Are there any plans for mods which either increases spawn rates, or adds a leveled list, at least?
  12. Huh. That's a stumper, alright. I am sad to say I have no idea what your problem is. Wish I could help, but good luck, anyways.
  13. Wow, this conversation just seems to keep popping up. This make about four in the last two days.
  14. Uuhhh.... That's a MAJOR mod, there. You'd have to alter EVERYTHING outside. It would probably take a month or more of non-stop work by a VERY talented modder. The winterized armor, now, that would probably be a lot simpler.
  15. A. Yes, just give them a hat (or other piece of armor) with a custom item effect of StealthBoyInvis, and no conditions, so they are always invisible. B. Yes, just set them to Essential in the Geck. They will only go unconcious, and will revive shortly. C. Not Sure. D. Yes, make the magnitude of the stealth field in the custom item effect 100. Then they could walk up to a deathclaw, punch it in the nose, spit in it's eye, and watch it charge of, enraged. Be careful, though, you could permanently "lose" them like this, if you don't know what to look for.
  16. Unfortunately, all of Frank Sinatra's songs are the property of companies which get REALLY OBNOXIOUS about unlicensed use of their stuff. Sorry, but unless you get permission from them ( which I rate the chances of as roughly the same as four thousand people getting struck by lightning... simultaneously. Well, unless you have gobs and gobs of money.) I'm afraid it would be copyright infringement, punishable by fines and imprisonment.
  17. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37465 ^^^^Shameless Self-promotion^^^^^^^
  18. Hmm... Didn't the Prototype Medic Power Armor talk to you? I'm pretty sure I remember taking it off after about the fifth time it screamed, "LET EM EAT LEAD!!" There has to be a way to change the sound files, triggers, and effects to apply to the Pipboy, but I don't know how you'd go about doing that. Nevertheless, this sounds like an awesome idea, I wish you good luck in breathing life into it.
  19. Well, I tried to design a blank weapon using the grenade animation and the rock projectile, only to find that it has been removed from the FNV geck. This does not mean it can't be done, it just means that I can't do it... yet. I just don't have the skills. Still, I hope someone with more talent decides to give this a look, as it would be awesome. Good luck with this, it's a great idea.
  20. There was a mod for FO3 that allowed you to place a number of things, turrets included, called Placeable Equipment. Maybe you could ask the creator to port it to New Vegas?
  21. OMFG, I almost pee'd myself when I read this.
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