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Everything posted by JohannesGunn

  1. I'd like to lead this off with a few old ones.... What if: Rosa Parks had owned a car? Michael Jackson was an only child? Vampires were real, but only five inches tall? Aliens really DID build the pyramids? Cotton Candy came in 56 flavors? Michael Jordan liked football instead of basketball?
  2. Okay, one of my long-time friends is involved in a research project which just received funding from the Department of Defense, and as a condition of that funding, all his research is now classified. What are YOUR feelings on the matter? Should they be able to make secrecy a condition for funding research?
  3. Not like it hasn't happened before... But still, this is no longer a cold war world. We shouldn't want to "take someone out" just because we don't like what he does... And if he DOES disappear, it's not like no one is going to know who did it...
  4. You have to go to the New Vegas Nexus, and click the Files tab. Go to browse, and look around for a mod you want. When you click on a mod, it opens a page with a general description. Click on files after reading the description, and click the link revealed. All mods on the nexus are compressed, so you need a program like 7zip or winrar to extract them before you put them in your Data Folder.
  5. how can you say that? they must have customer support for their product, EVGA has 24/7 with an Email, the creators of the simulation should do better (I want Tea at my desk tomorrow, otherwise i will bug your OS Admin!), plus, even if they find out, it's a first amendment right to speak freely! err... isn't it? Yes indeed, customer support is a must ... now will someone please shoot the damn dog !!! Why not just use a console code? Though if you see a message that says "Reality Error- Abort, Retry, Fail?", you should probably hit Retry.
  6. WALL-E would be awesome. You could give him various misc. metal items, and he could compress it into scrap metal; he could collect all your shell casings; he could craft items for you; he could recharge empty MFC, SEC, and ECC ammo; he could carry your stuff; he could repair your equipment, the possibilities are truly endless...
  7. Not to mention that if there's water, you can make oxygen and fuel. Also, ice turns out to be a very good insulator, and all you need to carve it out is heat.
  8. Okay, the recent WikiLeaks debacle has begged the question: Is publishing classified information immoral, as well as illegal?
  9. Okay, it is my understanding that basically archiveinvalidation invalidated tells your game that the older files are not to be used, and instead to use the ones in the data/textures and data/meshes folders. It usually fixes the "Red Exclamation Mark of Death"... usually. To edit .ini files, just open them in Notepad or a similar text editor. Sadly, I know not what changes you need to make to the .ini.
  10. Whoa, I just noticed that. Weird. Gotta admit, though. The moon isn't really that cool. It's just got big holes everywhere. And it's just and endless expanse of gray. Not really most people's idea of a good time. Yeah, not exactly prime real estate. But it does have lots and lots of titanium... Also, one of the moons of Jupiter would probably work as an outsystem base, but you'd need some REALLY good radiation shielding.
  11. Actually the radiation on Mars isn't really an issue. What everyone seems to overlook is the fact that dirt does just fine as a radiation shield, if you go deep enough. My proposition is to drop an advance team with some earthmoving equipment and habitation module, both shielded against radiation. They dig a BIG hole, and more hab modules are dropped nearby. They are connected together, and when the structure is large enough, it is covered over, except for a few surface accesses.
  12. Why, Firefly, of course... :laugh: Summed up in one sentence, "Shiny, let's be bad guys." :devil:
  13. What you need to do is check both mods in the geck, but make NEITHER active. Save, and make a new plugin which will reference both mods, and have it load after the other two. Make your changes to the new plugin, and you should be good. If you have problems, post again, and I'll see what I can do to help.
  14. I know exactly what you mean. Just once, I would like to see a game where the developers actually sat down with gun manufacturers (or their representatives) and discussed the nuts and bolts (literally) of the weapons they wanted to use in the game. IMO, this would be a great big step toward increased realism.
  15. Gary Scissorhands The Gary Wars The Gary Strikes Back Return of the Gary 101 Gary's The King and Gary Gary Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Gary :whistling:
  16. I believe the reason given is that all Brahmin are hermaphroditic. Only makes, sense, one head male, one female. @Frank Lee: I've seen trailers in quite a few places in the wasteland which look to be made from the bed of a pickup truck. Makes sense, as it already has working axles and wheels attached. Maybe a eight-gecko team? Ten? Shouldn't take more than that to pull one of those, as long as it's not loaded with lead, or gold, or something like that. Tranquilize them, run up, pop a modified slave collar around their neck, and Hey, Presto! you've got a cart team! Also, interesting science fact: You can move a load on the railroad rails for about 1/8 the effort it would take on PRISTINE roads. As for the pitiful excuses for roads found in the wasteland... please. It'd be more like 1/30, or less. So let's ride the rails!* *Railcar and gecko team not included; all railroad rails property of Rail-Tec, a subsidiary of Vault-Tec, any use other than the designed purpose voids the limited thirty-three day warranty on ALL rails.
  17. Actually, one of my infinite ammo weapons (<---Shameless Self-Promotion) fires a beam which, imo, looks a lot like the proton stream, except it doesn't snake around. I achieved this by modifying the projectile of the RCW, and increasing the fire rate and number of projectiles fired. Basically, it looks like a large, constant beam. Screen included.
  18. All of the mods on this site are zipped, to conserve bandwidth and drive space, so you need to extract them first, and then put them in your data folder. Hope this helps...
  19. Just found this thread, (thanks for bringing it back to the front, SimplyWayne, you've made a lot of fantastic discoveries like this) and if you still need voice actors, I'd be willing to be one any time. PM me a little script, and I'll send you an .mp3 file, and THEN you can decide if you want me.
  20. Interestingly enough, I was wondering this myself, but hadn't gotten around to figuring it out. Now I have a little more motivation, though, I'll look into it during lunch, and get back to you later today.
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