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Posts posted by k361

  1. Name: "Hex" Monroe (her first name was forgotten overtime as she switched it with Hex, no idea where did she take that from).
    Combat Style: Tactical / Infiltration if possible. Silenced weapons, traps, sniper rifles. Prefers toying with her enemies in closed areas, buidlings, hit and run tactics implemented.
    Specialties: Recon, Use of melee tools to instill fear (terrify her enemies in lets say...legion-like way).
    Weaknesses: She is prone to snap when her strategy fails and tends to go all-in. Sometimes charges head-on thinking about consequences later. Her ways of "punishing" people indicates earlier Legion influence.
    Likes: NCR, her machette, night raids, exploring and Cass.
    Dislikes: Alice Lafferty, Chem addicts, Legion, Big Sal...yeah the list is quite long.
    Wants: Never was really sure what she wants exactly, though her big dream is to explore most of the wasteland.
    Fears: Deathclaws, Herself (sometimes), NCR discovering that she is from Denver.
    Friendly Factions: NCR, Followers, Kings....
    Enemy Factions: Legion, Fiends, Anyone who badmouths NCR or did hurt Cass before.
    Companions: Cass
    Love interest?: Not sure about that, but she is quite obsessed with Cass.
    Parents: Doesn't remember anymore.

    Born and raised in Denver.

    Teen years / Early life: Spent her naive years preparing to enter the Legion as back then she was quite intrigued by Caesar's way. Though she mostly admired Joshua to begin with. Later she realized that women aren't supposed to fight in the legion and decided to snuck out into the world. A lot later she found out that Joshua was "punished" for his failure at Hoover Damn and most recently the "Lottery at Nipton" which finally made her to admit that her vision about Legion was blurred. While she is maybe not openly hostile to Legion as considering Nipton full of junkies and gangers is something even she wouldn't let go that easily, the Legion colors remind her of her shattered dreams thus she may or may not attack on sight. Mostly depends om her mood that is.

    Yet as she travelled around she found out about NCR and to her greatest suprise even women were allowed into military service among other things.


    How did he/she become a courier?: Doesn't remember anymore to be honest. Think it all begun in Navarro from which she was supposed to deliver a package to Great Divide.

  2. I am not sure if this helps, but I usually get triggers after I travelled a bit with her around and....(don't think its a prerequisity) did all BOS quests replacing McNamara with Hardin. For me the last trigger usually goes off after I gave her that dress. The whole idea is to change the Brotherhood's point of view so I guess replacing McNamara might be necessary after all. There are more triggers actually, as I never dragged her to Nelson / Cottonwood.

    Just McCarran. Well as far as I know there are 3 triggers necessary to start the quest. But it may be bugged in general.

    I did talk to her in Mormon fort (with Julie present), McCarran terminal building and Silver Rush (After I killed them all). Ofc I did give her the formal dress after I finished dead money and gave her also the disk from Elijah (Unrelated anyway).


    Also...powering up Helios for NCR, Recovering data from Vault 22 for OSI and lastly getting the pulse gun before starting her quest will make it impossible to complete (at least in my case).

  3. had no problems with DG so far, well after complete reinstallation of skyrim that is.

    I always used the same mod combination, the most significant of them being Ashen race and better vampires

    (as I believe my recent "bug" is caused by these two, weird that it didn't happen before).

    When I acquire vampirism before starting DG questline I am unable to feed yet I am a vampire. :wallbash:

  4. yes they breathe. their blood circulates too. there is no benefit to circulation of blood without breathing and how do you kill a vampire? stop that heart. undead doesn't mean dead, it literally means between dead and alive. it's not a literal reference. zombies don't breathe, vampires do

    Truly an accurate insight, I did read once somewhere "vampires are fantasy beings so they can be altered in any way as laws of logic and reason don't apply to such beings". Maybe my point of view is heavily influenced by other vampire worlds, of course if their blood circulates indeed..that means...

    that except aging (which is still not confirmed yet) there surely are other processes that remained active.

  5. to be honest I took the whole MQ line as a mere chore. (As I don't really roleplay a dragonborn) so at the end I was like :wub: when almost no one knew I did it. It's not that I didn't enjoy the story or something. I wasn't expecting standing ovations at the end anyway, but the less people know about it in-game the better for me.
  6. Yeah seeing as you can drown, Serana also mentions at one point that it feels good to breathe again.


    So if they do breathe, then doesn't it defeat the point of being a vampire?

    I mean, espcially for Serana being taken by Molag Bal doesn't mean you Will survive...you will die anyway regardless of

    him being pleased by your right or not. The only difference is that if he's impressed he will bestow his gift on you, but that doesn't mean

    you Survived...in fact you died so ...if vampires do breathe after all that means they are not dead...thus their bodily functions are not halted

    so they age and die ..which means in fact nothing's changed and worshipping Molag Bal is pointless.

  7. Aspect of destiny sounds quite interesting, but apart from Dragonborn the "pc-hero" concept so far is a mortal being thrown into the events.

    apart from Dragonborn I mean, that so far no pc hero possessed abilities that made him /her if only partially equal to "eye of the storm".

    I mean..and with this I completely agree with Thalmor...no mortal should be offered a deification as if such would happen then, the Dragonborn

    is the most eligible to ascend into divinity which means (technically) that the pantheon would apart from Talos gain one more aspect making it ten divines as no matter what shaped the dragonborn throughout the entire campaign I doubt any Daedra would be interested in such being , only those seeking to corrupt him / her. And of course Daedras maintain rather "thin-ice" relationship between each other..so for example it's impossible to represent Boethiah and Molag Bal at once or Clavicus Vile and Hircine. While I am not saying it is entirely impossible I believe that not likely as

    why would be any Daedra considering to offer the throne of it's realm to a mortal (making Sheogorath an exception cause his gain was pretty much worth of such bargain).

    Regarding Sheogorath I have two theories...1st he just toyed with you the whole time.

    2nd: The "Skyrim" Sheogorath is indeed you and since daedric deities are not bound just to one form, perhaps "you" chose the most convenient form to rule over shivering isles and to toy with mortals as hes always depicted as such.

    Though impressed enough Daedras would most likely either one-time reward you or offer you a rather lucrative place in their realms, once you pass to death of course.


    On the other note there are few legends regarding mortals becoming major or minor deities.

    Sai, Tiber Septim, or dunmer living gods.

  8. while I am not sure about Morrowind, I believe that Oblivion changed few things in the world (Empire related at least).

    But that's me, I always roleplay a character who walks in the shadows throughtout eras passing by crucial events unseen since daggerfall. As for Daedric princes they govern variety of such aspects, deviations etc etc. Which is why since daggerfall daedric princes are still the most interesting deities to me. As for the role they play actually it's not that clear as some of them are not considered inherently evil.

  9. ya..actually I think pretty much that Sheogorath merely toyed with your mind...a herald of dragon break cannot simply replace a Daedra.

    After each dragon break the hero simply dissolves (I think) ceases to be as there is no purpose for him / her afterwards.

    That is precisely why I never actually follow the main quest line in elder scrolls games (yep technically I didn't finish any of them so far).

  10. Recently started playing and I've just reached Whiterun in which I'm supposed to kill a dragon or such.

    But the woman I'm supposed to meet, Irileth, seems to have disappeared.


    My objective is to "meet Irileth near the western watchtower".

    However, I didn't follow her out directly after the conversation with the Jarl, and now I can't find her. I can't find the wizard Faendal either.

    I've been watching guides, in which the character follows her to the meeting location where there are four guards waiting, but neither she nor any guards are there for me.

    The Jarl only tells me to go and help her fight the dragon.



    Any ideas?


    it's pretty much common I am always the first "runner" at the tower.

    takes a longer time for Irileth and the guards to come there, but they always did come, thing is you have to wait for them to come in real time.

    Waiting doesn't help and you are supposed to have 2 quest marks, one for the tower meeting and the 2nd tracks Irileth's movement. :thumbsup: As for the briefing in dragon's reach it is wise to stay til Irileth walks towards the front door, meeting at the gates is not necessary as they will move out after her speech anyway.

  11. never liked all this hero concept so my natural choice is that my character isn't dragonborn.


    Name: unknown (doesn't remember)

    Given name: Cael (by a wanderer to whom she refers as "mother")

    Born: exact date unknown, presumably 1st era after founding of eight divines religion by empress Alessia.


    exact origins shrouded in mists (still working on it).

    Found freezing to death at her physical age of twenty two, her body recovered by random wanderer.

    Passed into death after 3 days sttruggling on verge of death, emerged two nights after.

    Wanders the world of Tamriel since then in search for her creator, successfully walking in shadows whole this time. Walked past most events in Elder Scrolls series so far.




    Jealous and passively hostile to anyone who treasure, honor their origins.

    Shows her bright side on rare occasions.

    Loyal to Cyrodiil Vampyrum order even though she claims to have no affiliations.


    Philosophy: "monster, yes...some hunt out of their needs, some still deny what they've become,

    I find pleasure in what I am I do not regret it, I embrace what I am."



    Excessive blood addiction (feeds even when she doesn't have to).

    Doesn't use transformation (most likely to go frenzy everytime she transforms).

    Obsession with Molag Bal (even though she doesn't know why).

    Hatred towards anyone demostrating their power.

    Maintains rather large wardrobe and is a honored customer in Radiant raiments


    Current Residence: secretly lives in Solitude exploiting the fact that Jarl's court wizard is a vampire.

    Political orientation: Imperial, given the fact that she has ties to Cyrodiil vampyrum order and is a shadow shareholder of east empire company.



    After eras her endless journey leads her back where it all begun, to Skyrim...arrived in Solitude on a east empire company ship shortly before attack on Helgen. Caught up rumours about vampire hunters activity after encountering a vigilant of stendarr in Markarth. Where she went intrigued by rumours of forsworn.


    Despite her character she bears no hostility towards vampire hunters and dawnguard in general.

    Most likely she harbors resentment and jealousy towards Volkihar royal family ever since after realasing Serana from her slumber.

  12. true :thumbsup:

    as for Clavicus Vile...he altered the blood heritage of cyrodiil vampires ...mostly likely to annoy Hircine, as cyrodiil vampires are able to hide among common folk easily and those more powerful can enjoy their walks even in broad daylight...another hole?

    Hircine is the father of man-beasts, such as Werewolves. He has no connection to vampires that I am aware of. Did you mean Molag Bal?


    Nope...I did read it somewhere though it was long time ago...perhaps cause Hircine is Vile's enemy so he tied cyrodiil vampires to a bargain, don't remember anymore, but Glenmoril wyrd witches (Hircine's followers mostly) became their enemy.

  13. Vampires in general do not breathe. Being diseased is okay as you will pass into state of undeath on 3rd (in Skyrim 4th or 5th day).

    That means...yes you die. So their breathing issues in-game is just a mechanic detail that was left unattended.

  14. I didn't refer to Valercia, and the poster I quoted was talking about TES vampires in general. Yes, those two are Cyrodillic vampires, but the non-pureblood vampires in Skyrim appear to be 'similar', and Harkon doesn't think much of you if you have any strain of Vampirism that isn't his. It doesn't 'count'. I also remember hearing that one type of Vampirism that was 'gifted' by Clavicus Vile, though I can't find the reference at the moment.


    No, I don't know how Valercia manages to go without blood. But non-pureblood vampires who go for an extended period of time without blood suffer for it.


    in fact far more daedric princes dubbed in vampirism, though so far the most common is that of Molag Bal which created Cyrodiil covens and Volkihars

    which means that sure the non pure blood vampires fall into coma or turn to mindless wraiths.

    As for Valerica, Im starting to think that Bethesda simply forgot about it. :thumbsup:

  15. keep in mind that Rona Hassildor as well as Lovidicus are cyrodiil vampires (descendants of Lamae Bal) while Serana, Valerica and Harkon are considered (especially Harkon) progenitors of nordic vampire kind (Volkihar).

    Lamae did receive her "gift" in different way as Harkon and his girls :whistling:

    Bal's blood might have had different effect on both, question is why Serana fell into coma while Valerica did not.

    Valerica surely had to prepare herself before venturing into Soul Cairn.

    Not to mention that either Serana or Valerica aren't hostile towards pc.

  16. yes I did talk about that mechanism in the crypt..although it may seem its just a drop it had to be a bit more.

    The last part is correct, regarding lesser vampires however doesn't seem to apply for daughters of coldharbour like Valerica especially

    as in Soul Cairn there are no sources she could've extract blood from.

    For example...Serana never bugs anyone about her thirst despite that she's with you all along...could mean that for a rare occasion she is not with

    you (after you escorted her to the castle) she might feed. So she doesn't need to for the rest of the mq.

    Valerica is indeed a mystery though.

  17. I believe those who have been "blessed" directly by Molag Bal do not require blood to sustain themselves, however that is quite a misdirection,

    as Serana takes your blood upon her awakeing. Wild guess Bethesda didn't bother with such details to certain extent. (Sadly).


    Plus you are a lord as well and still that doesn't apply to you.

  18. quite true about Akaviir, but there are dragons in there (or were) as Taesci reveled in eating them as I did read somewhere.

    However the original question how they came to be and how do they manage their numbers is still in the mists.

    As I doubt Akatosh and Kynareth went through such ordeal creating all of them.

  19. So guards don't attack you while in beast form? hmm now that's interesting... :thumbsup:


    They didn't use to attack me, now they do. It makes sense, I just wasn't used to it.

    About the feeding, how do I do it? I can notice some UI invisble in the background, my shout hotkey gives my followers a buff, but I can't select anything. I know the Dawnguard vampire menu so I expected the same for werewolves. Did I mess my menu up with a mod or is there none?


    simply kill someone while in werewolf form and if you plan on pc..actually it doesn't matter , look at the dead body action button icon should appear

    like in my case "press "E" to feed on the corpse" or something. It is wise to use tales of lycantrophy though (I love it in fact) think that way you should be able to set your wolfplay right.

  20. now this is quite interesting topic.

    As for the deities sure Akatosh and Kynareth are probably the source of them.

    In fact I believe that Alduin was somehow corrupted overtime which made him desiring to devour tamriel.

    Other things...except Yokuda (as I have no knowledge about it ) the dragon lore seems to emerge from every single continent.

    Akavir and the dragon devouring...Nedic dragon worship back in Atmora...brought to tamriel as well (if I remember it correctly).

    It is said that the dragon priests ruled fairly in Atmora and went loose when the cult did spread ouver tamriel..especially skyrim.

    Breeding is another mystery for sure as far I can tell Alduin did revive his lieutenants mostly (Skyrim) if there were brood mothers, who knows.

    From all the nameless dragons in game some could be females in fact. question is ...Paathurnax is a solid proof that not all dragons were extinguished throughout history. In fact I think the rest fled to Akaviir.

  21. as for the armor unequip it is completely normal as normally the clothes would be ripped off during transformation.

    for the perk acquisition...you have to feed on your slain enemies, just killing them is pointless

    As werewolf (like vampire lord) you have no access to your inventory as in-game mechanics you are considered a beast.

    So guards don't attack you while in beast form? hmm now that's interesting... :thumbsup:

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