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Posts posted by k361

  1. I like the skyrim thieves guild the most so far, simply because their patron gets involved finally.

    Though the main plot is supernatural again, this time (unlike Oblivion which was simply a penance of one man) it does involve entire guild.

    Though bit saddened (such word exists right?) with how the fate of DB developed lately (maybe in 6th part (if ever) they won't be present anymore).

    I never considered either Thieves or the Brotherhood evil, after all thieves make out the best of their abilities and Brotherhood simply grants people

    their darkest whishes.

  2. It is my imagination or the developers seem to have a problem "getting it" with the Thieves guild stuff?


    The whole crew of losers in the Ragged flagon who sit around who demand the PC do all the work while they eat their lunch with the raw sewage (Bartender "People just seem to want to leave the guild these days" My PC looking at a dead skeever floating by "Imagine that")


    A lot of the quests are buggy with broken NPCs that auto detect you when you have to be stealthy or the quest fails.


    After the whole lecture from Noctonial about how making money is the only thing that matters, then a lot of quests that are charity work, to put it mildly.


    And the usual Skyrim collection of scummy NPCs who insult and belittle the character because the NPC is in the god mode. I think this last bit wouldn't be so bad if the developers put in dialog options were you could insult them back.


    Also not sure if I was missing something but that Museum in the main quest line were you have to fight a room full of town guards. That seemed quite opposite of being sneaky and subtle.


    Oh well, console commands solve those problems.


    you don't have to fight the guards you know :tongue:

    it's entirely possible to sneak past them all the way, just that takes patience.

  3. Yeah cant be CPU, Sleeping Dogs is abit consuming, best way is to see if a plain Skyrim has the problem so we know where to start,

    lets hope we find the problem for this so you can play both DLC or atleast one of them :thumbsup:


    o.O I have no problem with sleeping dogs for example, sure sure lagging a bit but more playable than skyrim sometimes :P

    Hmm usually it's always the DLC..my skyrim hasn't any problems..except the original's version long term play issues.

  4. I don't think TES VI should be centered on any one region. It should have the entirety of Tamriel available. The individual nations just feel too small. Skyrim feels too small. I mean, it doesn't take long at all to get from one point of the map to another. Meanwhile miniquests that appear to sound like it's happening right next door to you, turns out the location you're supposed to go is half way across the map or further.


    Skyrim feels tiny.

    Oblivion felt much much much bigger then Skyrim does. Local problems, to my memory, actually seemed to be local problems. That was and is my biggest pet peeve. How far you have to travel for a job that was painted out as though it was happening in the quest-giver's back yard.



    So. I want a HUGE game world to explore. I want... All of Tamriel. And then some! New areas on other continents could be continuously released in DLC. The games almost make it seem like Tamriel is literally the center of the universe. Like Tamriel IS the mortal plane, the other continents exist only in fairytales of ages long, long, long past.


    my wish exactly among other things of course like daedric quest chain for evil rp...yeah yeah ..but surely one quest for each deity is just not enough, then perhaps more interactions with npcs as it was before Skyrim. sure the list is huge, but most of things have been mentioned before already :thumbsup:

  5. Does anybody else kill this jerk every time during the escape?


    I do it as a matter of principal now - it really p*sses me off how he talks proudly about the Mage in the locked cell screaming for days before he died.


    It's just something that I feel I have to do to make Skyrim a cleaner place!!! :blush:


    expected no less from someone with Death dealer avvy :thumbsup:

    well so far he doesn't really bother me but well my characters usually kill anyone along the way.

    Not friendlies of course and since I always choose Ralof (simply to beat down that annoying imperial captain),

    that's what they get in return lol

  6. I'd make a new character. Seriously immersion-breaking to be saving the world and giving out sweets one minute and cackling madly and torturing people the next.


    *cough* quest for molag bal in oblivion*cough*

    Corrupting a heroic almighty justice character is sooo Molag Balish nom nom nom :biggrin:

    But of course I would just make another character and start from scratch. :thumbsup:

  7. do you have dawnguard installed by the way? as this was the main issue of Dawnguard DLC combined with wrong update and / or custom animation mods without Dawnguard support


    I DO have dawnguard installed. I also have RBS which I think changes some anims.


    What anim should I download and replace whatever I have with?


    for instance I'd suggest updating the game up to 1.8 through steam then perhaps searching for your anim. mods updates that fix the Dawnguard issue.

    or perhaps replacing animations with those with Dawnguard support.

    Also if you have crossbow animation bug you could check this:

    crossbow fix

  8. I am not expecting much as well simply due to the set up of the game, due to the aspects of elder scrolls I am enjoying so far :whistling:

    And simply because I think that making just another elder scrolls with whole tamriel to explore would be better (personal opinion) though it may cause heavy impact on hardware. Anyway simply another elder scrolls game with multiplayer support would suffice I think.

    Of course I may be the only one who thinks that setting TESO 1k years before Skyrim (is ok actually) but especially for me the main antagonist being

    Molag Bal and being unable to choose either werewolf or vampire (which I understand is troublesome in MMO's) path, is not really to my liking. :unsure:

  9. ah well you should post the solution for others to see and that sounds just like the Fallout 3 custom race Broken Steel crash bug


    for Broken Steel there was custom race patch for that if I remember correctly.

    so I am more inclined to race compactibility in the case as well :happy:

  10. I am currently trying to complete the Touching The Sky quest, I have chosen to fight on the Dawnguard side and have managed to progress to Auriel's Chapel where apparently I am suppose to confront Arch-Curate Vyrthur to get the crossbow. Problem is no matter what I do I cannot get him to start the conversation that precludes the fight, he just sits on the throne in that Yarl posture and stares at me. Is there another quest that needs to trigger him to react or have I missed something on the long trek to the chapel. I feel that the price tag for this DLC is high considering the bugs in it, you would thing a software company like Bethusda would ensure the game is at least playable before rushing it out. Can anyone please help as the DLC is useless to me unless I can get past this?


    I'd suggest to reload an earlier save..might be pain to do it all again, but reloading earlier save usually fixes quest glitches and bugs :unsure:

  11. Sounds like some parameters are to much in the INI file, but then with original unmodified INI the save wont load?


    Yeah that's exactly it. I've tried changing various LOD variables back to their defaults but the issue still occurs.


    hmm..deleting skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini from my documents (not from the steam/apps etc etc folder) and hitting launcher app

    might force the game to restore to defaults thus creating a clean ini for both, at least this works for me when I meddle with things I don't understand that much :rolleyes:

  12. I'd suggest rolling back the update before going any further into this as I am not quite sure and I finished dawnguard 4 times so far and never experienced such glitch or bug with gargoyles...true that initial gargoyles you come across are easy and as you progress further they will get tougher and tougher.
  13. About being forced into trusting and vouching for her, I don't mind on my current character. He's a Nord who grew up in Cyrodiil and before coming to Skyrim only knew what he read or heard about Nord culture as a child. as a result he strives to embody all those ideals of the perfect Nord, courage, honour, hospitality and loyalty. That means giving Serana the benefit of the doubt, if she betrayed him he wouldn't have hesitated for a second to cut her in half, but if she's nice to him, he's nice to her.


    I do see how it's annoying to others though and on principle I disagree with railroading the player into a certain way of playing in an RPG, especially one as open as Skyrim. I have a bit of a problem with just how much content forces you to be evil, but on the other hand, it can make for very interesting roleplay when your character is forced to break his own rules.


    since she has (unique) ai (maybe) it would be better to add some additional features...so far earning her friendship and stuff depends on correct answers or questions, but there could be more dialogue options in dawnguard in general.

    Like Orthjolf ..I soooo want to intimidate him as him and Vingalmo piss me off the most.

    My roleplaying is based on my character's impulsive behaviour...act all high and mighty around her and not even divines will save you :tongue: Did I mention that I can't really wander around towns while in rp mode? simply every single "we all heard about you and honeyed words" "cause trouble and your off to Cidha mine" equals spilled blood.

    But onto main topic...Serana judging your actions, interactions elsewhere etc etc would be nice.

  14. Well technically, every questline is assumed to have been done, but not necessarily by the PC. So if you didn't kill the emperor, someone else did.


    As for what would happen after his death, a new emperor would come into power, one that doesn't have all of the hatred Titus Mede II did, and could possibly use anti-Thalmor resentment across The Empire to spur people together into a fighting force to fight the Dominion.


    well true thanks, though for once I would like to see wolf queen's resurrection, but then I guess thalmor would become lesser evil :whistling:



    By the way, what's the deal with her just handing you bloodcursed arrows after the questline? Didn't we just put a LOT of work into making sure that the prophecy wouldn't be completed? Just like that she doesn't care anymore? And why is Valerica so sure that Harkon would kill her or Serana for their blood, when apparently there is no need for that? Just a little cut in her finger to get some blood is enough... plot holes.



    Harkon wanted to put out the sun forever which apparently requires sacrificing a "daughter of coldharbour" :whistling:

    Or Serana said...somewhere along the lines after they received their power her family went apart..mad and paranoid so pick one :thumbsup:

    Besides I keep DG around as well, but don't like it that much as they are pure blood ancients and I get to play some watered down lord? With no ritual? meh :whistling:

  16. @ TVD - i'm downloading that, + the vamp lords can loot mod linked on that page. First time I saw the looting one I thought I read something about icnreasing the damage they do, but seems I was wrong.

    Thanks for the link, be nice to be able to play as a lord without all the ...badly thought out restrictions.

    l get not being able to talk to npcs (at least outside your followers) but seriously, not being able to loot et al just ticked me off.


    Oh. Side note:


    l did figure out whats causing the save issue. It's not a bug per se - rather l'm unable to save for several seconds after transforming to or from lord form. the save option is greyed out and f5 doesn'[t do anything. After 20 or so seconds it returrns to normal and l can save as usual. Odd, but makes sense l suppose.


    it does (make sense) as it is a racechange command which makes you a VL so for the menus it has to reload them as well.

    btw are there any mods that change the appearance of VL? :thumbsup:

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