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Everything posted by philcollins

  1. I am going to have to create a new guy because ocato went crazy after jaufree attacked him and i had to disable him :(
  2. Just finished the main quest and NOW i can't wait to become emperor. :biggrin:
  3. Oh come on! I really need the hoove legs and hands! :wallbash:
  4. Rahkshi could also be creatures yeah this mod might be goooooood Double post oops! sorry!
  5. Three mods: 1 You start at the home tree 2 you find a wizard 3 just the race and nothing else.
  6. I would enjoy (For some reason :blink: ) to have hooves with legs i know i searched hooves but they are not for vanilla bodies. i need some hooves that would be used as armor or clothes but just plain hooves with no extra armor on them they should work like a boots greaves mixture. Also anybody got a link to three fingered hands for vanilla hands or make them.
  7. The one with the wizard will have the na'vi as a playable race right?
  8. Do you start at the home tree as any race or just the na'vi? You should make two versions of the mod one starts at the home tree the other is just the race with no extra stuff.
  9. Despise of all rumors, I'm not george clooney. You sure :(
  10. he could spontaneously combust :mellow: but that would be weird. or a piano could fall on him :mellow:
  11. I put a link to the bionicle page on on my signature just click gali and you'll be on your way. and thats probally why i have two pages... I think
  12. Good idea. :thumbsup: Also the buildings should be new.
  13. A guild of critics you join the guild and once you have joined the guild you get 5 quests. Like the mages guild and fighters guild except with theater critics and food critics. What happens to the places depend on what you choose if you like it it gets a star if you hate it it loses a star and if you REALLY REALLY don't like it it gets closed down.
  14. They should of made it so that once you get all gold pieces you can build a small gold mata nui THAT would have been better than some armor. Lego got cheap on these guys hope later this year they have more sets otherwise lego sucks and how could they have replaced bionicle with BENFRIGGINTEN?
  15. All the gold pieces go on to tahu :biggrin: To make golden armor!!!! That gave me an idea that there could be 2001 tahu armor and stars tahu and armor of tahu but with gold pieces! http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/7/73/Goldtahu.png http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/0/05/Bionicle_Stars-Tahu.png
  16. Yeah i get that sometimes. :confused: Like now! DAMN YOU FLOOD CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Gali was my first one. I NEED GALI'S MASK!!!!
  18. No FOOKU! :rolleyes: I think it's some sort of fallout 3 armor and weapons mod with and odd odd title.
  19. Thank you for giving me a lesson in klingon. :thanks: :wallbash: SO MUCH KLINGON! EDIT: DAMN FLOOD CONTROL!!! giving me double post :bomb_ie:
  20. The Bionicle stars piraka should be the goblin skeleton and the 2006 piraka should be the minotaur skeleton :thumbsup: .
  21. OF ALL AGES!!!!!! Should of oh wait i'm still in yellow. Should of not put piss buddah gots his ban hammer ready!
  22. Push the fan off dive rock find his corpse and well you know...
  23. Just got an idea sorry for the double post but some piraka could be nice they could use the goblin skeleton. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/7/7b/The_Piraka_2006.png http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/bionicle/images/9/9c/Nektann.jpg L33Nexus could help.
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