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Everything posted by Athanasa

  1. 1) Search the forums first 2) Search google too (I'm guilty of both of these) 3) Look at all the other sub forums for FO4 - they're slow too. Combine that with people making a new thread instead of searching and everything gets buried pretty quickly.
  2. Within a sensible range it's really your choice depending on how you make the PC look.
  3. Well, if you guys are interested you could give THIS a bump? I can't make it myself, but I've put a lot of time into editing voice files for it if anyone picks it up.
  4. Having the same issue. Honestly not sure what the issue is. The .ini is set up fine, the plugins.txt is populated... I don't get it. And I mostly get so frustrated trying to find out that I give up.
  5. Blergh! Re-scanned through the 2000-odd vanilla Deacon lines to see what could be spliced and rejig how I actually log what I've done... then a quick scan through the 2500-ish Danse lines. Just to match up with what I'd done before. But hopefully, when it's all done, I can dump a .zip file with the spreadsheet database of the voice lines and the lines themselves for modders to use. And thus, good night.
  6. Input Requested! Please post your ideas, potential post-death scenarios. Stuff you'd like to see in the mod, stuff you'd like to have the option to disable. Dying Sucks I think we can all agree that dying sucks. Bang! Your camera and control are yanked away as your lovingly created character turns into noodles and slow-mo flops to the ground. Would you like to load an earlier save? You do have a save less than two hours old, right? It’s immersion breaking through and through. The sudden camera change of death (why can’t we die in first person, collapsing into a heap as the screen goes dark?) followed by the obligatory reload screen yanks you out of whatever world you were in, especially if your previous save isn’t recent. You can’t just slip back into the mindset you had before. It’s suddenly about, “What did I do before I died? Will X item spawn this time? Did I remember to check this place or not?” What may have been atmospheric exploration and enjoyment becomes a rush to get back to where you were before. If only there was some alternative to that cold, impersonal interruption of play. Something that adds to your gaming experience, something that both encourages and punishes risks. Faction Based Rescues Wasteland Salvation intends to travel in the footsteps of the popular “Death Alternative” mod for Skyrim by BralorMarr, expanding upon its concept and growing. The basic mechanics of the mod will remain the same – you ‘die’, and some sort of event happens that moves you away from where you die with some sort of penalty. The Inns from DA are replaced with Settlements and bandits are replaced by raiders. Such events would include being robbed by raiders, being rescued by companions, teleported to the safety of the Institute, just plain dying anyway, and many more scenarios. Penalties could range from loss of equipment, items or caps to crippling of limbs and other negative effects (survival mode). The chances of different events would be various factors, including companion affinity, proximity to local settlements, settlement population/happiness/defence, quest progression, location of death and – of course – user settings, amongst other things. A Game Changer Adding an alternative to simply reloading an old file and replaying the same content again add options and depth to gameplay and mod choices. It fundamentally changes the balance of your game and how you play it. Mods and settings that, while tempting, were previously too lethal now become an interesting challenge rather than a Reloading Simulator. Settlements and their residents become valuable investments, a safety net for your survival. Happy companions are loyal companions – more likely to risk themselves to save you while at your side, but also to venture out from their assigned settlement to search for you. Your choices of equipment and supplies for exploration may change (if robbing is enabled). Do you risk raiders taking your best gun and armor when you venture into a new area, or you do you travel light to scout the area in case you get caught? Perhaps you store some of your equipment in a safe place nearby, to return to it if needed. Planned Features 1. Fully voiced NPS reactions / comments (edited audio) 2. Unique (ish) companion events 3. Influenced by main and side quest progression 4. Integration into Settlement system (see design docs) Design Documents [x] Death Events [x] Penalties for Death [x] Proposed Mechanics [x] Potential Issues, Bugs and Incompatibilities Commenting is enabled for all documents Albums and Snippets [Album] First Forays into CK - Creating a Medi-RV Roles / Help Needed The more the merrier and the faster this thing gets done. Script Wizard Voice Line Splicers – Athanasa Creation Kit Cell / Interior Designers - Athanasa? Creation Kit World Stuff Creation Kit Event Wizards Tools Used and Thanks FO4 Voice File Reference Tool Audacity FO4 Creation Kit BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
  7. It's more that as they generally make preggers mods ANYWAY (look at Skyrim) you might get some good responses there.
  8. Somewhere, flying one of the Brotherhood Vertibirds, is Zap Brannigan. Day off work tomorrow so I'll probably work on splicing some more voice lines. I can't script or do stuff in CK (who know it'd be so hard to make small interior cells that DON'T look like crap?) but I can at least keep making useful sound bites. And hey, if they don't get used here, I'm sure someone else will find something for them. For now, it's maintaining the Spreadsheet of all the voice lines... which, now I think of it, actually predates all the DLC. That's going to be an absolute pain in the ass.
  9. WRT Soul Survivor lines, getting them to say stuff that completely matches the text may be impossible, but you can but and splice existing lines to get generic responses. E.G "I'd like to ask some questions..." "Could you elaborate?" "No." "Yes." "Sure." It's time consuming, but you can find and recycle existing voice lines to cover some stuff. Please excuse typos, Phone.
  10. Wrong website hun! LoversLab is that-a-way. Also in the post apocalyptic future with all the radiation and other nasties chances are fertility is reduced in Wasteland females (prewar Nora ovaries are an anomaly) and males (Ditto Nate's gonads). So I imagine conceiving is hard and actually reaching a normal healthy live birth is rare. Miscarriages, stillbirths and infertility are probably the norm.
  11. Moved to Mod Talk https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5043155-wasteland-salvation-a-death-alternative/
  12. I have an idea for a mod, but I can't make it myself. Basically a more integrated Death Alternative, with the outcome varying based on faction relations, nearby settlements and other stuff. Shitty story board (apologies in advance for phone induced typos) 1. You hit a health threshold and 'die'. Screen goes back. 2. You are teleported to either a nearby area (locations defined in mod) or a small cell with generic looking surroundings. Your view (forced first person) is limited as you are probably on the ground, so you can't actually see it's a tiny cell. (Cell usage enables shorter loading times and helps avoid various real-world shenanigans). 3. In this cell a little scripted scene plays in which your barely conscious character sees whoever has found them. 4. Fade to black. 5. Wake up in wherever you end up. Where you end up depends on where you are near. Having well manned settlements nearby increases the chance they find you. Being high ranked in any of the factions increases the chance they find you. Using a settlement to have a hospital (I'm thinking unlockable little cell with an entrance in the settlement, rather than edit the settlement. Also good for stability and loading times) reduces the penalty.
  13. You can extract the companion voice files and splice then up for more dialogue. Deacon, for example, has a very flexible "not a fan" line with a natural dramatic pause. Also a good unenthusiastic "Yaaaaay." Deathclaws... Not a fan. The Brotherhood... Not a fan. Waking tanks... Not a fan. Synths... Not a fan. The Minutemen... Not a fan. Dying! Yaaaay. Ghouls. Yaaaay. Deathclaws. Isn't this fun?
  14. Okay, so my Fallout4Custom.ini is still showing... [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal=EDIT: Do I have to prefix my plugins with * in plugins.txt? Or is that a fixed thing now?
  15. Sadly, I'm female and (apparently) have a British accent that sounds like I have a stick up my arse. And a range from Budget Golumn to (apparently) a Camp Evil Wizard. Actually, I have zero files of a normal voice. (Also, my recording setup involves putting pillows all around the mic and a fleece blanket over my head.)
  16. Oh! The .ini! I completely forgot about that. I'll give it a try when I get back from work later.
  17. Out of curiosity (I very much doubt I have the time to do Voice Acting), would a British accent fit in anywhere? I mean, there's a lot of of potential lore bending / wriggling / avoiding to explain a Brit accent surviving 200 years in Boston.
  18. So, before I start I'll just say this: I haven't poked around with Fallout for over 6 months now, so I can't really remember how modding on it works (I used MO for Skyrim, NMM is making me want to claw my eyes out). Anyway! On to the issue. I've installed and downloaded quite a few mods, and the game runs fine. Turns out the game is running perfectly fine because NOTHING is activating. If I use a HELP search for items that SHOULD be in the game due to mods they aren't there. No new radio stations. Same for various settlement mods (except for "Lookup Failed!" text on a few categories, but they're populating and functioning as normal despite that - nothing new in the categories, though). Any idea what's going on? Obligatory Load Order From what I can see from the Load Order there are various .esp files that are actually deselected in my NMM, but still appearing in the loadorder.txt. Fixed, still no mods working? EDIT: I seem to have Elevators and scaffolding. Are these part of the DLC or part of a mod?
  19. Huh, I had something like that. I just kept on trying. Eventually the mods installed, after hours of going through the FOMODs repeatedly.
  20. Necro-ing this, as someone was looking for VAs.
  21. Select location. Do some calculations based on distance from location (1/distance for percentage, plus later modifiers) to affect trigger chances. As time goes on, add modifiers to increase the chance of the event triggering. Within the settlement (unless you're there to fight) there's some further calculations done involving settlement defense rating and settler count to determine the outcome of attacks. The awkward bit would be everything else. Possible but time consuming - picking spawn locations so ghouls don't drop from orbit, quests to clear the infestations, picking infestation 'source' locations.
  22. Semi off topic, but it seems to be a purposeful facade on the part of Coursers. X6-88's friendship lines and whatnot at high affinity have him talking like a normal person, rather than in that weirdly musical emotionless voice. Basically, once he's comfortable around you he talks like a normal person. My theory is that coursers are actually self aware and whatnot, but they like being part of the Institute. They have power, they have a place, they are looked after and valued. Plus, some of them may well be sadistic bastards and enjoy their job. They have no reason to want to go rogue and escape the Institute.
  23. Death Alternative was something from Skyrim that basically meant that when you 'died', you didn't actually die. Instead, you wound up bleeding and naked on a road somewhere with all your money gone. Or rescued by kindly travellers or something. Either way, it would allow you to play on harder game difficulties without having to repeatedly reload a saved game and break immersion. Plus, ideally the chance of a GOOD outcome would be based on the proximity and status of nearby settlements (their defense, population etc) and your progress with certain factions (Institute teleports you back when you go down, BoS sends out Casevac). If you have a high relationship with a companion, they're likely to come out looking for you. As for quests, I was thinking more custom quests with new NPCs. Just stuff to tie various factions together post-MQ, depending on your ending. You went Brotherhood? Help get them to see eye to eye with the Minutemen, getting the BoS to train Minutemen, or have BoS be on call to defent settlements in exchange for food (and finally someone else can deal with Preston's requests...). Did you go Institute? Work on fixing their public image by becoming head of PR! Or just abduct everyone and be a dick. Railroad? Use your status as SAVIOUR OF EVERYTHING to try to get Synths reintegrated into society, or hunt down any remaining Coursers or... something. Did you go Minutemen and betray everyone? Well, s***.
  24. Restore New Vegas / FO3 style dialogue, and allow for adding more dialogue options than just 4. Death Alternative style mod Tatoos and scars for arms, legs, scalp - everywhere Immersive First Person Alternate starts (If possible, anyway) Damage Threshold on armor instead of straight percentage damage reduction (tank pistols, die to RPGs) Configurable hardcore mode (I want to eat, drink and sleep, but I'd also like to save.) More Perks that are PERKS, damnit. Expanded and extended plotlines / missions for main factions
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