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Everything posted by Athanasa

  1. Y'all seem to be ignoring the 'flip side' of rape mods. When I read it, I thought people meant player at the receiving end, rather than player dishing it out. Apparently rape fantasies (receiving) are fairly common. What say you to the mods that allow the PLAYER to be raped, rather than doing the raping?
  2. The issue for me would be with the absolutely terrible interface because it limits you to displaying only 4 options at any one time, with one of those options always being 'bye' or 'back'. So essentially you therefore only have three open dialogue 'slots' visible on the screen at any one time. See the problem now? It's horrifically user unfriendly. Imagine drilling down four tiers of menus to be able to ask your question.
  3. I think that, in terms of interface, we're stuck with terrible console mode '4 responses only', which could/would result in horrific amounts of chat tree nesting to get variety. Yes No More ___ Reactions ______ Persuade for something ______ Threaten for something ______ Attempt non conflict resolution ___ Questions ______ About Yourself __________ Who are you / what do you do __________ Why are you here / where are you going ______________ Persuade: You're not telling the whole story ______ About Quest __________ How do I get there __________ Any advice? Hints? __________ How did this happen? ______________ Persuade: You're not telling me everything Bye See? Now imagine a more complex conversation, with multiple topics. Imagine the mess from actually trying to ask Farther the appropriate questions a parent might want to ask. How many times would you have to nest another level down because you need more than 4 options?
  4. Is there a way in imagespace to darken the edges of the players vision rather than all vision equally? If not, is it possible to apply a screen space overlay with variable opacity?
  5. The same general mods as those equipped with a phallus. What a strange question to ask. A slight rephrase if your title (' How do women value different aspects of gameplay and mods?' or something similar) will probably yield better results. It's not like my possession of a functioning vagina somehow means I MUST like different mods to someone without a vagina. Having said that, I like mods that add depth into the game. Especially after Bethesda seemed to keen to strip out anything deeper than a puddle. Survival enhancements, revamped perks... And of course quests. Fallout 4 has such much potential for plot and making players really question things - story telling and poking humanity with a stick to see what falls out. This was a major part of previous Fallout games. Fallout 4 waves brief morsels of compelling plot and world building under your nose, sometimes even letting you have a taste... Before you find out that was all there was. "Would you like a sip of this wine?" "Wow, it's really good! Such complex flavours, but I really need another sip to--" "Too bad, we only made enough for one sip." "Oh."
  6. Yes. :PNo, because when you involve money suddenly it suddenly stops being mod-maker/mod-user and becomes producer/customer, with the associated entitlements (legal and otherwise). Just imagine the "fit for purpose" drama every time Bethesda patches the game and stuff breaks.
  7. Also those of us that don't live in America. Although the fact that modding is international probably adds many issues too - different laws and whatnot in different countries.
  8. Before we go that far, can we have an actual useful wiki and documentation for papyrus and Creation Kit? "We're pro modders! But we're not going to make it accessible for people to learn how."
  9. Genuinely surprised by people wanting lifelong afflictions for their characters. I'll try to put them in as optional things (activate by holodisk on exciting the vault) - that seems to make the most sense.
  10. Oooh, good idea. I hadn't even thought of stuff got from taking drugs - not just addictions, but other weird brain altering stuff.
  11. I'd like to be able to NOT nuke the Institute with the Brotherhood, and instead storm the place (RR/MM style?), executing anyone that resists and making a new Brotherhood stronghold. The Glow, without the glow. I mean, the Brotherhood is all about hoarding tech (either for the greater good or because they're dicks, ymmv) and advancing their own tech. Prydwen? Vertibirds? Power Armor? Hell, in FO4 they had cybernetics on Star Paladin Cross. What happened to that? Whatever. Build Proctor Ingram some new legs, get that gun nut scientist to stick plasma weapons on the vertibirds, shock troop Gen1 synths. Ad Victoriam. (But, it would be a massive undertaking.)
  12. Good ideas in there, although I'm going to avoid anything downright lethal or game ending, as well as anything genetic or "life long".
  13. I'm thinking of making a mod that adds some new 'fun' (horrible) diseases into the game, which actually impact on your game (rather than just being debuffs). Stuff like shivering, where your screen occasionally shakes slightly / blurs as your character shivers from fever, or the screen darkens/brightens and blurs in pulses as your character suffers from extreme dehydration and sleep deprivation. Thing is, I've been trying to research diseases, and they pretty much seem to boil down to the basic human response to infection / trauma: Fever and vomiting/diarrhoea. Now, I'm not going to have characters projectile soiling themselves in the wasteland (although sudden losses of food / water?), but it's all very same-y. I don't want it to just be Fever Simulator: 2272, or whatever the date is. I've found a few interesting diseases / afflictions that have more potential - tetanus, tinnitus, typhus, radiation induced ataxia, malaria.... But I need more diseases. Anyone have any disease suggestions, or some fictional disease ideas?
  14. Height is uniform as it determines how animations line up as well as hitboxes. Players using unusual character heights struggle to use terminals, for example.
  15. I'm not sure the game even HAS bullet drop, rendering rangefinding obsolete. Apart from that, bullets just... Stop existing after a certain range.
  16. There's already a 'plugging in pipboy' animation from the very start of the game. A possible cheaty alternative would be to start playing the animation, then bring the PipBoy up in front of the screen so that it hides the rest of the animation. If that doesn't work due to how the animations are (eg can't run animation and bring up pipboy), perhaps start the animation as before then fade-cut before actually plugging it in (avoiding that mess). Fade to black/blur massively, stop animation, bring up pipboy, fade back in. You could do a similar thing on exit - animate lowering the pipboy, blur/black, and play a zipping sound to suggest the cord retracting back into the pipboy.
  17. The framework required forÃÂ sex animations in Fallout 4 is currently in development and isn't available yet.So what makes you think it'll be available here? Or that the creators won't be on LL? This is the wrong modding website for outright sex.
  18. I think I saw it mentioned that it's an engine thing - something about loading up the info. But if going by pipboy bypasses it, I have no idea. Maybe it loads while you're in there, in the safety of the pause screen?
  19. And that's exactly how to make people view you with disgust and avoid anything you suggest.
  20. Thank you, it's feedback like this for parts that really matters. 40% more costs for 20% more power? I can understand these numbers. And now I know what I'd go for out of the two.
  21. Apparently the above was taken as a massive personal attack. It was not meant as such. Look, it's basic 101 for dealing with people. If you make something hard to pay attention to we won't read it. Your content could be the cure to all our woes, but if it's formatted in such a way that it's really hard to read then 80%+ of people will skip it. Do you want your posts read? If so, change your format.
  22. Slight update: I've been poking around in Creation Kit and learning things. So far it's a case of learning audio and imagespace filters. As "babby's first mods" I'm hoping to make two mods to learn stuff for WSalv: Pestilence - Sickness and Disease More diseases / illnesses for survival mode. Because, let's face it, 4 of the 5 current diseases are lacklustre. The 5th affect, infection, is just a DoT. With Pestilence I aim to create a few more varied and 'interactive' diseases or illness effects. What do I mean by interractive? I mean that they directly affect how you see your game and how your character controls occasionally. My character's got a parasite? Big deal. My vision suddenly goes blurry and my aim gets shot to s*** in a firefight? That's scary. Aim: To create a collection of symptoms, which can be activated on their own or together to simulate various negative conditions, and occur in varying intensities. This would also actually allow you to teat the symptoms (rather than the underlying disease) in Survival mode until you can find a doctor. Pain issues? Painkillers or (if extreme or you have nothing else) MedX. Chances are some of the other drugs would fix it too. Antibiotics? They don't fix everything. Theoretically it would serve as a 'framework' for other mod creators to plug affects into. • Headaches (Periodic screen blur and trouble focusing) • Pain (Periodic or continual loss of saturation, pained noises, blurred edges of screen, scope sway. Potentially interrupts sleep.) • Limb/Bodypart Pain (Temporary 'crippled' type status of the limb. Stomach cramps? Temporary torso crippled effect. Migraine? Temporary head cripple.) • Tinnitis (Periodic muffling of sound with generic ear ringing noises. Don't stand near explosions, kids.) • Light Sensitivity (Messes with bloom and light filters.) • D&V (Not going to animate you puking your guts out, but sudden gains of 'hunger' and thirst. Some of that Wasteland food is so rotten it's sapient enough to escape from your stomach.) • High Temperature (Increased dehydration rate, likely to occur with other things.) • Fevered (More than "a slight fever" - colour goes weird, between over-saturated and under-saturated.) • Chest Infections (Full of snot, coughing up crap. Decreased AP regen, coughing, some screen effects when coughing.) • Shivering (Shivering noises, increased scope sway, occasional screen shake.) Example Scenario: You have a meal of dubious meat and nasty water. You get D&V, puking and pooping your way through the next five hours, occasionally slowing down to just clutch at your stomach and regret everything in your life up until this point. This goes hand in hand with painful stomach cramps. This dehydrates you, makes you hungry, and generally makes you feel generally crap. You can't sleep, and keep being awoken by pain. The next day you're running a slight temperature, dehydrating you further. You're tired, hungry, thirsty and miserable. You now have a headache. The bright morning light hurts your eyes. It's like the worlds worst morning after, except it isn't stopping. Your fever gets worse, you're sweating buckets and the world's starting to feel slightly weird. You're starting to shiver. You're going through water at a ridiculous rate, and having to top up from ponds is just making it all so much worse. You're not entirely sure you aren't playing Oregon Trail at this point. Luckily you manage to limp to a nearby settlement with clean water and beds, powered by caffiene, painkillers, buffout Immersive Dying ERMARGERD SO IMMERSIVE. Jump on the bandwagon! But in all seriousness, throwing buzzwords around like confetti, the current 'death' system in Fallout 4 is the most unimmersive thing ever. You died! Let's go into third person, spin the camera away, and show how terrible our ragdoll physics are! Other AAA games have their deaths sorted out. Hell, indie games handle deaths better. 1) Don't drag the player out of first person. 2) Let them die, damnit! Enough with the spaghetti ragdolls. 3) Fade the screen to black like your character actually fading away into death. 4) Potentially: Instant cut to black if you die by catastrophic dismemberment.
  23. So I can't think of a way to write this that couldn't be interpreted as confrontational, so I'll just get it out: Please STOP posting by putting your own line breaks in instead of letting the website handle it. It's visually extremely hard to read and follow on the PC as most of the lines aren't even the same length, making it either look like you're writing the lyrics to a song or ever line is a new sentence. It's even worse on mobile - my particular mobile displays it so that your 'custom lines' actually cover one and a half lines, so posts end up looking like this... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquam pulvinar ligula, eget dignissim ex luctus aliquam. Donec et massa sit amet nisl auctor commodo quis at tortor. Aliquam tellus dolor, feugiat nec acus nec, elementum ommodo nunc. Aenean sit amet pretium nisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad Apart from this being latin nonsense, it's incredibly hard to follow. Please, don't do this. I for one can't get more than a few sentences into your post before I just give up from the struggle of trying to work it out.
  24. And all the legal stuff that comes with it. Would you be sue-able if your mod bugged? Or if it corrupted save files? The moment cash is involved people will start throwing around their legal weight, even if it's out of petty nastiness. Or, I assume that's the case. I imagine there'd be loopholes SOMEWHERE to allow that sort of thing, and frankly that makes me incredibly uncomfortable. If I'm modding for a hobby I don't want nightmares of some legal heavyweight in the US trying to smash me into the ground because one of my mods broke their 500 hour save file.
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