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Everything posted by Alcrin

  1. Imperials have the Voice of the Emperor ability still, but we still know nothing about skill bonuses.
  2. Just finished watching the interview. Nothing new from it, just Todd saying exactly the same things he's been saying in Skyrim interviews since February.
  3. Dumbing down is not the same thing as cutting cruft.
  4. Gingers, of course! But they couldn't have dragon shouts... As for a serious suggestion, I've always had a bit of a fascination with the mysterious, absent Maomer. Though I'd really prefer to see Bethesda's interpretation than anything the modding community puts out, no offense.
  5. Probably not, but it would be pretty cool. I searched and searched for a hidden Wild Elf settlement in Oblivion for days until I finally read on the internet that it didn't exist.
  6. Interestingly, body is an entirely separate category... Maybe there's more than one slider? Unless the body category also has hair for some reason...
  7. The dirt option is probably for NPCs, beggars and the such: Only included for players to be complete. Then again, how many people actually wanted Oblivion's asymmetry sliders to make a character with?
  8. Khajit/Argonians do not, as of the PAX demos, attack with their claws. They seem to use the same attacking animations as everyone else. But it is a strong possibility for a last-minute addition to the game.
  9. *blasts a giant fireball to nuke all the spiders away* None!
  10. Compared to Morrowind, they were. Technology marches on. In another 5 years we'll all think Skyrim's people are deformed mutants compared to whatever new thing is coming out.
  11. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! *kills it with fire*
  12. What I don't understand is why they went out of the way to try to stop the cameras. What, do they not want free advertising for their game? It's not like anything in a 15-minute demo (with the main quest chopped out anyway) could possibly be spoilery... Frost looks pretty good, you actually get to see people freeze. Plus, Frost does fatigue damage, Shock does magicka damage. Since it's fairly safe to assume almost all enemies in the game will be pure melee-ers, I think frost is actually going to be a non-useless option this time. Then again, lightning also bounces around corners...
  13. All I know is, they'd better have a proper redhead option this time :/
  14. Yeah. You can bring along a big strong Nord to carry all the loot for you. Eh, it's mostly a new trend. Older RPGs either ignored romance altogether or made it entirely railroaded. As for Dragon Age, the only partner the player can ever get technically married to is Alistair (and only if you're a female human noble), and he only likes the ladies.
  15. I've been thinking... You know last night where we were told that there's still stuff to do after you become guildmaster? What if they just meant something like the hike to Bravil every week to listen to the night mother statue babble on? I seriously hope not >.< @AxeAlot: There's just a single slider for different hair colors. Whoever recorded that video decided to cut lots of things out and didn't give us smooth continuous gameplay, so it's not entirely ruled out that there's an "advanced hair options" thing somewhere. I wouldn't get my hopes up for it though. A bit disappointing because, if it's anything like Oblivion, the hair colors provided by default will be nasty and I'll want to tweak it myself.
  16. Confirmed: No height sliders. Body size is just a simple "weight" slider. By the way, here's the Bosmer's racial description from that video: (Looks like Bosmer are stuck with a nigh useless power. Again. There's also an Imperial description for a brief instant, but it can't be read because someone's head is in the way.) And whoever made that conveniently decided to edit out the magic menu. Again :/
  17. Yeah, I know, it's one of the last pickpocketing perks. Still, it'd be nice to have NPCs actually react to that little prank.
  18. Judging by what we've seen so far, conjuration still works on a timed duration system: Summoning something is a constant effect for X seconds after casting.
  19. Here's a great idea: A mod that makes NPCs point and laugh when someone walks around in their underwear in public. Combined with the ability to steal someone's clothes off of them...
  20. Well, the new dragon bone armor has both light and heavy versions, so maybe...
  21. Your spouse can provide services for you as a companion, but other than that probably not.
  22. A few people who played Skyrim demos managed to get to an enchanting altar, and none of them saw more than an hour from the start of the game. You definitely don't have to progress through a long questline to get access to one.
  23. Yes, enchanting is supposedly much more accessible this time around. You can get to one just as easily as an alchemy or smithing station.
  24. The worldspace is about the same size as Cyrodiil, if not a bit smaller. And remember Skyrim will be on a dual-layer DVD; Oblivion fit on only a single layer.
  25. Did anyone complain when Thaumaturgy bit the dust?
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