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Everything posted by bbe
Modified Eyren Vampire Hunter Armor: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/19822 Original Eyren Vampire Hunter Armor: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/18806# Tona's mod store: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/29090 I know this is a long shot and understand that porting oblivion mods into skyrim is difficult, but I am putting up this request in the hopes that someone with a bit of spare time will look into it. I'd do it myself if I knew what I was doing, but these are some of my favorite oblivion mods that I would like to see in Skyrim. The vampire hunter's armor needs no explanation and tona's mod store adds clothes & armor that, while probably not lore friendly, remain interesting to see without being all "boobs boobs boobs boobs bikini thong boobs" . thanks for reading!
in that case I don't know, have you tried removing the perk restriction via DoD options? Unarmed killmoves work for me just fine using DoD so it must be something weird on your end...
magic & arrow are both random but can be slightly customized to appear more often. Hand to hand killmoves appear very often by simply...punching people to death. You should get the Dance of Death mod and set your chances 100% then try punching someone dead, you'll get a kill move. The description also has details for how to customize the chance of getting magic/arrow kill cams but they can't be set to appear 100% of the time. As a vampire mage who's set the killmove chance to 70% via dance of death, I get magic kill moves relatively often, though not 70% of the time. here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10906
vindictus armors are already ported over in a steam workshop mod, which I can't link here. dunno bout LoL
it seems you've missed the most popular alternate start mod: Live another life: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9557 that mod does indeed allow you to start as a vampire, though the features you request aren't all there.
Smithmaster ring is a mod that adds a craftable ring which, when worn, unlocks all smithing perks (http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16987). Though this is obviously a cheat it's the least tedious route especially considering the fact that most modders add custom armors to the crafting list (unless using console to obtain them). I use this on some of my chars where I just can't be bothered to put perks into smithing or it doesn't fit their character, but I am also wondering if there is an equivalent of this for the enchantment tree? Again, these are perks I don't want to waste while leveling up on certain chars and would simply like to enchant my clothes/armor without a hitch. If not, I don't know how long this kind of thing takes in the CK, but I would be appreciative if someone would conjure up an Enchanter's Ring or amulet or whatever for me :D thanks to anyone who takes a look at this.
I've done that but the screenshots don't really convince me, well something along the lines of 1 out of 5 of them do which gives me the feeling that "enb could really look great, just not with this one". Will take a look at yours, thanks. what is the d3d9.dll method?
It seems every week a new ENB mod comes out and I have yet to actually try any of them, but now am looking into trying some out. I do have a couple questions before I do this though, -Are they compatible with SKSE? I remember trying one out a while ago that required I launch Skyrim via the launcher the mod provides, which didn't enable SKSE. -Are most of them incompatible with mods like Realistic Lighting & WATER? I have both of those and, though I don't mind uninstalling them if the ENB mod essentially does the same thing, I'd like to know before I cause some sort of incompatibility mayhem. -Which one are your favorites? I figure seeing as there are so many of them everyone has their preference, but I am interested in knowing which ones everyone uses.
lmao, this happened to me as well.
My best dragon fight would have to be my very first non-scripted one back when Skyrim came out. I was climbing up the mountains near whiterun with Lydia and I see it come flying over us, at this point I'm only level 8-12 so it's kind of a big deal. The whole thing takes place on a slope with trees everywhere so I don't even see the dragon half the time and am equipped only with a sword, shield, and the basic flames/healing spells. After a good 15 minutes of Lydia pelting him with arrows and me trying to flame him when he gets close enough he finally lands and proceeds to burn Lydia to a crisp instantly (she's essential in vanilla though so she'll spend the rest of the time saying "No..not like this" on her knees) and comes right for me, at this point I'm trying to run circles around it slashing furiously with my sword when he finally hits me with his flames WHILE I'm healing, the damage from the flames is stronger than my healing so I find myself with low health and no magicka. I begin sprinting down the hill to get away from him and all of a sudden, leaping from the trees seemingly out of nowhere, a sabre cat leaps on the dragon and takes out what seemed like 10% of his health at once (oh how weak you were vanilla dragons!), the dragon turns his attention to the sabre cat and promply chews him up and spits him out but gives me enough time to recharge and heal. The sabre cat having done the work for me I leap in for the final blow and Lydia finally gets up, victorious. I went over to the sabre cat's body and payed my dues. Apart from that, lately I've been playing the role of Thane of Whiterun by wiping out all sorts of bandit activity around whiterun which, with warzones-civil unrest, means clearing out the warzones as well. As thane (with UFO mod) I can recruit the whiterun guards into my party and so I grab Lydia and about ~20 whiterun guards and head out onto the plains. We get to WZ:Approaching Fort Greymoor which is a whiterun guards vs Bandits skirmish except this time, it was mostly bandits. About 30-40 of them all come up over the hill and arrows start flying down on us as I charge in with the warhammer (with stamina absorb so I can keep on trucking nonstop ;) ). At first the Whiterun guards try pelting them with arrows right back but they soon pull out their swords and run in with me, as we're running I see guards dropping left and right and a handful of bandits getting hit by the few arrows the guards manage to pull off. I get in close to the bandits and take out a handful of them, where I then take the moment to check my surrounding and notice that everyone I brought with me, including Lydia, is dead in the field behind me and that there are still about 2 dozen bandits coming at me, I hightail it and run towards the nearest "mammoth tusk" logo on the compass where I eventually run into 2 mammoths and I sprint in between both of them, agitating them. What follows is a stream of bandits running straight into 2 angry mammoths, all taken down by tusk-tackle in about 30 seconds maximum. I had to sprint away again to get away from the mammoths, but it was damn epic.
Naked enemy NPC's? Point me in the right direction on fixing this?
bbe replied to arglebargle4's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
try equipping their armor/clothes and see if you become naked as well. If so, art of magicka. Update it to the latest textures/meshes/esp and you should be good. -
I do have a question though, when updating do we go with the simple "yes" overwrite in NMM or uninstall the previous version and install the latest? It doesn't specify in the document.
LE Are there any JaySuS weapons style mods for 2handers? (warhammers most
bbe replied to bbe's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
ah! they do look good, I'll DL and let you know ;) thanks -
they are on the steam workshop. the Nexus allows ported stuff from other games as long as there is permission, such as the Witcher 2 things we can find on it, but I'm not sure if the vindictus armors modder got permission. Ah actually on his Q&A he says: apparently they bumped heads :whistling:
I'm a big fan of the JaySuS swords but I've noticed that there aren't many 2handers in his pack. I'm currently browsing through the skyrim nexus but can't really seem to find any weapon compilations of nice custom 2h weapons. I started a redguard 'barbarian' style character recently and am rolling with a steel warhammer which is fine but it would be nice to have more variety and choice ;) If there aren't any and anyone on here is currently looking to bite their teeth into something, I'd enjoy a custom weapon compilation for 2 handers! thanks
You can regress by 'starving' yourself of blood, it's in the description ;)
I agree with tdas_armoury, those are really sick models, loved em in oblivion
What do I do/where do I go when certain things don't show up corre
bbe replied to bbe's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Indeed, I found that it was simply a bug with Art of Magicka, I downloaded the new updates and they are fixed (as far as shrouded robes/ necromancer robes go) However my wood elves are still invisible, but I assume trial & error will prevail soon enough! thanks -
for now the best you can do (that I've found) is download 1-2 at best via NMM then when they are done, close NMM and hit download for whatever you couldn't open earlier. It'll reload NMM which is annoying but it'll download it correctly. Rinse and repeat....has only happened to me since the latest update as well, kinda lame ;/
As the title suggests, I have a couple things that have gone missing in my game. By that I mean that any and all wood elves have no textures for their hands bodies and feet, just their heads. Since most are clothed or armored the armor shows up correctly as does any skin that the armor would potentially show but if they are naked (or glove-less, boot-less) those parts don't show anything at all, basically a naked wood elf would be a floating head. On top of that, my dark brotherhood shrouded robes and necromancer robes (or any using that necromancer skull-head robe) have also disappeared. I have downloaded a robe replacer for the necromancer robes to see if that might be recognized to no avail. When I look at these items in my inventory however they show up just fine (in full 3d etc...) I'm not exactly sure how to go about fixing this but I'm not against doing it myself if someone could point me in the right direction, I will post my load order just in case someone notices something I don't. Thanks for any replies.
as the title suggests..every wood elf npc (and player char) are missing hand, feet, and body in my game. As in it's just a floating head if they're naked. I don't really know what the cause of this would be, but here is my load order just in case. thanks for any reply.
LE Mod that makes Imperial/Stormcloak named Camp commanders non-essentiel
bbe replied to bbe's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
ah sorry man I was in-game didn't see your replies ;) thanks to both of you for the links, appreciate the effort mikaelarp -
This might already exist but my searches don't yield much, I know that most if not all of those named camp commanders don't play a part in any quest so I don't like them being essential (especially when I take a camp by assault and end up having to leave one guy crawling away on his knees cause he can't die). I know I can make them non-essential via console but if a mod like this already exists or is quick and easy to make I would appreciate it.
thanks I just tried that and it still doesn't work. I noticed the author of Oriental Ashen Race advises to rename the esp from orientalrace.esp to orientalrace-vanilla.esp after changing body types which does indeed make the body appear correctly...but my chars face is now completely gone and the console commands he lists don't work. I am cursed..
Ah that's right forgot about Astrid's little scene. I don't think an old mod is the case because I only very recently got any body changers..