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Everything posted by Mirocu

  1. If I write that Pagafyr wins, is that true then even though I made the last post? :huh:
  2. I say let the EU and euro crumble to the dust it was destined to be from before it was even a thing in the wet dreams of the corrupt politicians! Don´t let them make another vote in order to make the people vote for the "right" option because then you are truly stuck! No more votes will be tolerated then "because the people have spoken!!" They have spoken now, accept it!
  3. When winning begins to be about if you win or not, the win is not what it used to be....
  4. I will need some help to carry all my wins :D
  5. Did you...? Did you just take the win from the entire British people?? :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
  6. England voted OUT OF EU and therefore I dedicate my win to the English people! :dance: :dance:
  7. Time for England to regain control of their economy, fishing and not least their borders. About bloody time. Even if nothing happens because of the thoroughly corrupt system, it´s still a good statement that the people has had enough of this crap. Hopefully this voting will leave rings in the water that spread and multiplies. I for one would like to see the same voting here.
  8. Even if the a-holes at the top are most likely gonna ignore the results... CONGRATULATIONS, BRITAIN!!!!! You have once again the chance to put "Great" in the beginning again!! :D :D :D
  9. What are Beth gonna do when they run out of provinces? :P
  10. To quote mr Milo: "Feminism is cancer. Thank you." *sits down* But to elaborate, we don´t need it because women already have more rights than men do in western countries. Who typically wins in a divorce court? Who gets allimony? Who often gets the house? Who is favoured when it comes to employment and position in a company? Who can call rape and basically win before the case even goes to court? I can tell you who I´m not talking about here; men. Or more correctly; straight, white men. They get the dirty, dangerous jobs like working in mines, and you never see feminists complain there isn´t a 50/50 split there. Shocker.
  11. Something happened when upgarding my browser so I can no longer quote anyone here or on Bethsoft, BUT I STILL WIN!!!!! Until someone else posts, as per usual :P
  12. Found out I have a cavity yesterday so I don´t win today. Bah. First the knee accident and now this. I think Pagafyr someone has it in for me... :dry:
  13. How about going back to the way things were where each country governs itself and makes laws according to them instead of to someone else? :)
  14. Anyone called Winner McWinnerson yet? If not, I´m changing my name right now!
  15. Yeah, no, islam is all about love and appreciation... :P
  16. His point is that what started off a trading block has morphed into something quite different, if you knew anything about the subject you'd have known what he meant. Pretty much this. I´m surprised that needed to be highlighted. My way of posting may not be the best in a debate, but I´m trying to make people think as to why I write what I write and post the videos I post. I try to encourage anyone to seek out info themselves, and look at things from a non-mainstream media point of view, as I have a tendency to 'write half and just think the rest'. I do this all the time in real life, but it doesn´t mean I haven´t pondered and considered things thouroughly. I just happen to be a bad presenter. Plus, English is my second language and political lingo is such a pain for me. No one but the elite politicians and business men benefit from this monstrously huge project. If you´re not part of that elite then you don´t benefit. You´ll only get more regulations and taxes and I for one think that should stop asap. Edit: And just for that, here is another video: BREXIT and The End of The European Union EXPLAINED by WeAreChange. Runtime 2:12
  17. If nothing else, the EU should be deserted by everyone simply because it´s so far away from the initial state, and promises by the Yes side, that it´s not even funny. It has evolved into a beast of burden rather than a relief and simplifier of things. And things do not look as they will get any easier or for that matter, cheaper. Of course, it was never intended to be that.
  18. And now we have a third place in this category: Fort Cedrian! Moving slowly upwards through the Nibenay Basin, Lothran just cleared the place out. Nothing much of interest although a Nirnroot and a cuirass were welcome surprises. The Nirnie was left alone as Lothran stopped picking them up several years ago. Fun was also had in the underwater sections :)
  19. The title suggests it´s actually possible to stop playing it ;) Kidding aside, yes I do. It will in fact be ten years come February 2017 and while I don´t play nearly as many hours per day as I used to, Oblivion is still my main game :)
  20. Life is about nothing more than moving things, including yourself, from one place to another constantly. Win wins!
  21. The Word ‘No’ Preserves Cultures & Nations
  22. :mellow: :sleep: :laugh: :dance:
  23. It´s Friday and therefore everybody wins!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
  24. Awwwww! And I was so close to win this!! :(
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