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Everything posted by Mujuro

  1. GuaZi As you've probably realized, CTDs can be caused by any number of different factors. Sometimes you can tell what's causing a predictable CTD by looking at the logs at the timestamp, sometimes you can't. This is because the CTD may only be the final symptom of a culmination of conflicts among mods, load order issues, etc. Regarding Ceri's SMARTCast line, that's a specific debug trace log line I put in to help me troubleshoot; notice there's no "error" language in front of it. What that line signifies is that (i) you're in combat, (ii) Ceri's got an opponent targeted, and (iii) she's assessing the opponent to determine what spell(s) to use. Specifically regarding the lvlpredatorscript, that's vanilla Skyrim and been around for ages (e.g., you can get that in your logs with ZERO mods activated). I'm not sure that causes consistent CTDs, so my guess is that what's causing your CTD isn't that script, but something else.
  2. @Exsanguinatio Nope, I would not add new archetypes directly to Ceri, not to worry. :) I've not decided whether to make the other NPCs I plan to create for Ceri's quest followers or not yet. The first "mini-installment" of the quest (part backstory, part "friendship" with Ceri) will be included in v1.6. BTW to everyone: I'll be closing this poll with the formal release of v1.6, and will be putting up a new poll at that time. Thanks to everyone who provided their opinions! :)
  3. @Exsanguinatio When I refer to archetypes, I mean roles. So the three major/top-level archetypes we have in Skyrim would be warrior, rogue and mage, and so far I've only worked on the last, and even then, more of a subordinate archetype (healer mage). Some of the folks on the main thread were interested in having me build out archetypes for "smart" warriors and rogues, so I'd added that to the poll. Over the past couple of weeks, the voting has principally gone towards backstory/quest first, and re-voicing the vanilla second. The archetype votes, combined, don't even add up to the re-voicing votes. :P That said, I'll be working on those archetypes "indirectly" as part of Ceri's questline, as I'm going to need some "smart" NPCs. :)
  4. @Moraevik I'll take a look at where they're coming from. If it is just removing the voice from Ceri, it's something I'll be able to do. If the lines are embedded as part of the vanilla quest, I can't get rid of them short of modifying the vanilla follower quest itself. With all else equal, and also as a general rule, I try to AVOID messing with any of the default quests for sake of compatibility.
  5. Hi everyone, a quick update on what I've been working on: Switched Ceri's voice type from 'FemaleYoungEager' to a custom one, but with the vanilla recordings still for the default dialogue; ThePoeticOne and I will be working to replace these, but given the sheer number of lines that need to be rerecorded, it'll be a bit before they're all done. That said, what we get to at any point in time that coincides with an upgrade to Ceri will be included. The core "infrastructure" coding for Ceri's backstory and quests have been implemented; as I'm able to get time to produce "content" for actual quests/backstory, etc., I'll be working those in with future updates. With the next version update, Ceri will have some backstory lines, and a 'mini-quest' of sorts that will serve as the foundation for getting to know her better, as well as an upcoming relationship quest. At the request of several of you, I've given Ceri the ability to recognize other companions to reduce friendly fire incidents among party members. I'm really hesitant to take over this function completely, as the main companion framework mods, AFAIK, are supposed to be handling friendly fire among companions already. In any case, this functionality also has the ancillary benefit of Ceri "recognizing" other followers for future content/quest updates. Ceri will be more situation-aware and a bit more chatty than your vanilla followers. I'm sure you've all heard your followers occasionally comment on going into a dungeon, getting to certain venues, etc., with vanilla dialogue (Ceri does this as well as part of the vanilla follower dialogue). Ceri's new dialogue will extend substantially beyond vanilla; for example, she'll occasionally comment on the weather. But her comments on weather may differ, not just based on the weather conditions themselves, but on time of day, where she's at in Skyrim, etc. I'll of course include a toggle, in which case, Ceri will only speak the lines associated with vanilla followers. While I do hope to minimize the "clean mod install" instances, I can't guarantee that. To help facilitate, I'll also be adding a debug dialogue option that will help with a "clean uninstall" for Ceri's internal workings and components. Of course, you'll still need to remove associations from other mods, etc. (e.g., if you've got her on your BBBLS house guest list, remove her prior to uninstall). That all said, and given the sheer number of things that need to be tested for Ceri, if any of you would like to help beta test, please PM me. :)
  6. You should be able to just do the CTRL+F4 to fix the NPC facetints from your ESP in most cases; more often than not you don't need to ESMify. Regarding changing ESP to ESM, have you tried using either Wrye Bash (copy to ESM) or TESVSnip (save as master, then open in CK, save, and it will set the bit properly)? You can do with either of those. I tried hitting your link and got an error.
  7. @polonoise Yeah, that's the rub with mods, particularly when most of us run around with a bunch of them and keep switching mods in and out. As a general rule, when uninstalling, try and make sure you have "ancillary" connections, both with the vanilla game, as well as other mods, severed. So stop the quests associated with the mod; if you've married a follower from the mod, break the marriage; if you have spells from the mod in your favorites, remove them; dismiss the follower from any framework mod; remove the follower from any housing mod/house guestlist, etc.
  8. What gasti89 said will work; you may also want to drop the NPC into a hostile faction as well.
  9. Those messages are harmless, just not very clean. Did you dismiss Ceri, remove the any of the custom spells you may have set as "favorites" and stop her quest prior to uninstall?
  10. @MstrShakta She'll randomly change hairstyles periodically (about 25% chance during the day, 50% at night to put her hair 'down') if you don't toggle her wardrobe to player control. You can reset her hair back to default via the debug dialogue options (set kcfDebugmode to 1) and then speaking with her.
  11. Sure thing, please do post if you find a solution. I've not tried this in quite a while, but I do recall that some CBBE armors work with UNP bodies (may not look quite as nice, of course); I remember downloading one a couple months back (can't remember which though) just to test and it worked on UNP body; something to do with whether the armor uses certain CBBE-specific skeleton bones/rigging or not. If so, it'll bork, possibly CTD. If not, it can be worn on UNP. Of course, take what I say with a huge pile of salt, as I'm no body/skeleton expert by any stretch.
  12. @MstrShakta Glad to hear it worked! Regarding the CBBE neck seam, if all else fails, try out Caliente's TexBlend and follow the neck seam fix instructions there.
  13. Gotcha, misunderstood your initial issue; didn't realize the issue wasn't necessarily the player being in the brawl, but that during brawls the cloak was affecting others nearby.
  14. Is akSpeaker declared earlier in the script as your actor base? I could be wrong, but I thought SetCombatStyle needed to be performed against ActorBase. EDIT: Woverdude beat me to it. :P
  15. Make sure you've set the appropriate rights via UAC. The issue is that you may have installed into a UAC-monitored directory. If this is a new game, I'd recommend redoing your install into another directory, as you're going to continue to run into UAC-related issues when you try to do stuff, e.g., install to Games\Steam or something.
  16. AFAIK, and I could be wrong, but aren't all "brawls" set up as a quest? If so, you can just condition your cloak not to trigger if the brawl quest is at certain stages (e.g., don't toggle until after the player has "accepted" the brawl and before the player has won/lost brawl). BTW, I'd just looked up your mod at the request of a Ceri user 5 minutes before seeing this thread. :)
  17. No problem, you have no idea how many times I've "borked" Ceri's code myself in the course of development; I keep multiple "progress copies" as I go just in case. :P That said, I'm not 100% sure what happened or what is causing the behavior issue. For example, a bunch of folks I know are using Convenient Horses, so that shouldn't be a problem unless it's interacting funny with another mod. Regarding the ESMify, that's the correct approach (in fact, I updated the instructions for the patch mod last night to include, specifically, ESMify instructions and screenshots); what COULD be causing the issue is if you forgot to ESPify afterwards. Here's what I'd recommend that you try: Disable the appearance patch mod, rebuild bashed patch, ASIS, etc. Load an earlier save, preferrably one where the patch mod changes aren't included Check and see if Ceri works properly If so, redo the appearance patch mod but be mindful of the steps listed below Reactivate the new appearance patch mod, rebuild bashed patch, ASIS, etc. The steps: Prior to loading the appearance mod in the CK, make sure all dependent masters are included (e.g., check via Wrye Bash) For any masters that are ESPs (including CerwidenCompanion.esp), ESMify and then add as master using Wrye Open the CK, make the desired changes, save (don't forget to do the purple forehead fix too) Do the CTRL+F4 export Reload the appearance patch mod in the CK and verify that all is good, exit the CK In Wrye Bash, ESPify any ESP that you ESMified Regarding her neck seam issue, I've been told that using the console, clicking on her and doing a setweight adjustment "should" work, but I've never personally come across the seaming issue so I can't say (try e.g., setweight 80). Regarding getting the CK to "remember" a load order, alas, there's no way I know of.
  18. Sent you a PM earlier; you may be able to do an empty reference alias and fill it dynamically with your assassin boss?
  19. I could be wrong, but I don't believe you can get the note to spawn properly with that method if you're also trying to use stored text. Instead of using a separate script to handle the note, it may work in your "Create Reference to Object" if you select "Create In" and then select your NPC's reference alias (e.g., your Assassin Boss). Note that I'm assuming that you want the note to spawn in the Assassin Boss' inventory.
  20. Ah, the forehead thing is another common CK issue if you use certain texture replacers I believe. To fix this, open the CK with Ceri's appearance patch mod as the active plugin, go to the Char Gen Parts tab, under Face Tint Layers select "FemaleUpperEyeSocket" and set the Preset to "color average". Note you'll need to do the CTRL+F4 to regen the facetints again. The next seam boils down to your body type replacer, I believe you can try different variants of "setweight" between 0 and 100 and then save + reload to fix the neck seams. If you're NOT using facepaint/tattoos, you may not need to save + reload.
  21. There are at least a couple different ways to handle this; off the top of my head: Set a separate cooldown magic effect with duration of what you want and bind the cooldown condition to you (lesser) power Bind a script to the power's magic effect that enforces the cooldown through variables measured against gametime or other timer you choose Using either approach, you can show some sort of notification to the player relating to attempts to use the power while in cooldown, etc.
  22. The eye and skin color changes, unless you are using specific mods for those, I'm assuming that you are doing in the CK directly? Are the changes showing up properly in the preview window? I've not tried this pack myself, is it a new ESP that goes along with the usual Apachii ESM? Here's a way to verify you added dependent master(s) to CerwidenAppearancePatch.esp properly: Open the CK and bring up Data Files to select mods In the Data Files panel, scroll down to CerwidenAppearancePatch.esp and select it to be your Active Plugin In doing the previous step, DO NOT select any other ESM or ESP, only select CerwidenAppearancePatch.esp If you did the headers correctly, you should see ALL of the masters of CerwidenAppearancePatch.esp show up on the right side panel At a minimum, the masters that show up should be Skyrim.esm, ApachiiHair.esm and CerwidenCompanion.esp, and in that order If you have other dependent mods, they SHOULD show up between Skyrim.esm and CerwidenCompanion.esp Note the ORDER that they appear; this order MUST match the RELATIVE ORDER when you PLAY Skyrim An example may help. Let's say you use, in addition to Apachii, 2 other mods for Ceri's appearance. Let's say one is a racial mod (you want to change Ceri's race to something custom) and the other is a mod that adds more tattoos, freckles, etc. Let's then say your SKYRIM load order (when you play the game) looks something like this: Skyrim.esm (other mods) ApachiiHair.esm RaceMod.esm (other mods) Freckles.esp (other mods) CerwidenCompanion.esp CerwidenAppearancePatch.esp If you did the header dependencies correctly, when you set CerwidenAppearancePatch to be the "Active" plugin in the CK, your right side panel should show the following, and in this order: Skyrim.esm ApachiiHair.esm RaceMod.esm Freckles.esp CerwidenCompanion.esp If you are getting the correct "relative" load order in Skyrim AND the CK, then your changes SHOULD be taking hold in the appearance patch subject to some caveats below. For example, Apachii hair options should show up in the "Hair" dropdown in the Actor Chargen Parts panel. As a rule, any hair and eye changes should show up just fine in game, assuming you also did the facegen facetints export properly (the CTRL+F4 to avoid the gray face). Skin is a bit trickier, particularly if you use a mod that gives options for skin color (e.g., extended slider colors) ... you may need to make custom components if this is the case. Also for skin, make sure that the color you're choosing is CONSISTENT (available) for the race. This could be one reason why your skin color isn't showing up. Note that there are a couple of known issues with FACES generally in the CK, but it doesn't appear that those are your issue here. By "known issue" I'm talking about changing lip(stick) color and those showing in the CK but not in-game; this occurs for certain other face elements/make-up stuff but I tend to mostly notice around lip color. There are probably some workarounds that I don't know about, but I just edit the exported facetint DDS to fix.
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