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Posts posted by GBHis

  1. Lol!


    Please, please, please -- change the weather. It's always raining and thundering when I go there :) I don't want to live in that region! *Moves to Topal bay, waiting for the gods to act*

  2. GBHis.

    Finger of Pointing: Works OK for guards in cell, but I'm struggling with the AI packages. I'll have to read up on them.


    Ring: It should be easy. I think I can make till in a few days.


    Loyal: Should be easy too :) You can have it with the ring.


    The prison: I've decided to keep it in my own mod. I'm sorry. I just keep giving out my time to other modders. I've released _two_ mods. I've written 50+ working scripts.

  3. Is custom spells cheating? I made this amazing one yesterday. It requires a passive NPC, but otherwise it rocks. "Force Look". Forces all nearby NPCs (friends and foes) to look at the target.


    Uhm... SNEAK ATTACK!

  4. He :)

    I hope you'll change the "thanks to GBHis for a script" to "thanks to GBHis for TWO scripts, and some scripting help"



    Only puts KNOCKED down people in prison.


    Locks/Unlocks cell doors (levers)


    Makes sleep/wakes people (levers)


    Disables/Enables cell walls (between walls) (levers)


    Sets disposition to normal disposition when the player releases them. (has a chance to backfire. Sometimes the victim will get angry.)


    Set people on fire (torture)


    Make pain (torture)


    Lock/Hold prisoner (levers)


    Torture Dagger, Torture Hammer and Torture Staff (no dmg, good for hitting the prisoners)

  5. Here comes the hard part...


    I've done a script for it. I've done a lot of cool effects for the jail, too.


    But I planned to release it as a really cool, exclusive feature on one of my own mods :(


    I can't really decide.

  6. Actually, it isn't needed :)


    The scripts doesn't set the MyCastleName. But they check for it.


    Should we ever want to LOCK the name of the castle, we can simply set the MyCastleName. I thought it would be cool for some quests.

  7. My scripts compiled without any errors here..?

    MyCastleName is NOT to be defined in the local scripts. It's a global var.

    Right now, it's not getting set, but it may prove useful later, if we are to put any name-based riddles or quests in the mod.


    Why I didn't make an external esp?

    I don't like scripting references that aren't there. I usually get a large bunch of errors. That was why I asked you for the latest version :)


    Finger of Pointing ...

    Maybe it's going to be a spell? Spell OR staff? What do you prefer?

  8. As for the high acrobatics and the welkynd stones: I did it with acrobatics 95.


    You can enchant the wings with the levitation mod, but that requires a little CS tweaking. I'm gonna' write a tutorial for this, now the new option is there :)

  9. It would work with the Open Cities mod. It might look ODD if you used the doors with the mod enabled, but as long as you don't, there shouldn't be any problems. I've emailed my outcast of the name-choosing thing to WarKirby and await his judgement of it.


    I think the castle is very ... empty. There isn't much lighting, and I get so confused that I have to use the map all the time. Castles should be big, but there should be some more ... marks. Special things that let you navigate around better. No teleports. Hell, teleports sucks!


    I loved the deer. I killed it with hand-to-hand. Really, it's the first deer I've ever killed! (in Oblivion)



    It's really, really anoying. Especially do to the lacking WIKI info.

    I've done you another version, that fits OK into the world. (Emailed you)


    This version allows unlimited renames, but there is support for limiting it.

    I kept getting errors from the mannequins, but I'll have to dig in the original version first.

  11. vulk harvesters. I've never received a single piece of spam. Really, it's not my personal email. I don't get much email there anyway.


    The problem is my handling of Messageboxes. I'll have to figure how to read it properly. I always get -1 with the GetButtonPressed.

    Any help would be appreciated. I'll try some returns.

  12. Guess what ... my DirectX is working!!!!


    If you could mail me your mod (yes, your current, not released, version) I'll do the script and things. I've located the bug. And I could remove the un-needed scripts as well.

  13. Undoing stuff: Press "Delete" on your keyboard. A little I should come up next to the item you deleted. You can select multiple scripts by clicking on a script while holding shift, then clicking on another script. Everything between will be marked. To remove one in the middle of your selected items, hold ctrl and click it. When done, load your mod, then save it. The scripts should be gone the next time you load it. This work for all other changes. (Terrain may be the only one that doesn't. I don't know.)


    CS: As I said, I tried everything. I'm running w2k sp 4, DirectX 9.c (This is the one that doesn't work) 1,2 ghz processor. NVidia GeForce 3 (2, or 4)


    Referrences: Just in the beginning of the mod. :)


    I could do the "loyal" guards. In some weeks, when I'm home again ;)


    Finger of Pointing. Could do that, but I'll need some time digging the scripting wiki...


    Names: Cause that would make the script much larger. And the selection menu more *does "tidy" mean "unclean"?*.

    Let's try to get it working before expanding what doesn't work :)

    Have you tried the one I sent you? (By e-mail)

    Put it on a letter and place it somewhere near the castle. (where you can see the doors.)

    Pick the letter up. The rest should be self-explanatory. Please post any error messages you might get.


    Sorry, I don't think I can get around to fixing it. The only way to do it was that I hacked something together, uploaded it for testing, got the feedback and so on. Would take a lot of time.

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