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Posts posted by GBHis

  1. We can remove the unnecessary scripts. It would be far easier if my CS was working, but you can do it yourself.

    Open the CS. Choose "Load", find your mod. Mark it, do NOT press "Load". Press "Details". Find the scripts you are certain you do not need (There'll probably be a LOT.)


    Ok, we'll leave the book. But it's lazy :)


    If the posing worked in the original, I can probably fix it :)

    But not right now. I'm on vacation atm, and I would need your mod and a working CS here. (#¤#4% DirectX, tried everything.)

    The strange section was a huge list of referrences to some cell that ... didn't look like it was there.


    90 guards? All respawning? Hey - what happens if I kill one? I'll have to hide on the roof. :)

    Seriously, let me do a script for them... The player hired them? He should be allowed to kill them. The others shouldn't care, right? They do - after all - respawn :)


    Suggestion: You could make a Finger of Pointing. When used, the player orders all the guards to kill the target. (If within castle grounds)


    The name script is coming ok. I think it's ready for testing. Vulture and I have some minor disagreements about the names, but the script is pretty much done...

  2. I have, as I maybe said before, a vague idea of how to do it, but it would require a lot of testing, thinking and a better knowledge of Oblivion than my current. I haven't even completed the main quest....


    My sketch (post before this) of the script had the options you wanted. I didn't think that renaming multiple times should be used, but I put it in anyway. It's almost done... In the meantime (while you wait) you can create a letter (proof that the player owns the castle, maybe it's called a "Deed?") in the mod, along with a way to aquire it. (Finding it, butler giving it to the player, magic, A messagebox like "I've found a letter in my pocket", a merchant selling ... castles :) )


    You should make different funny levers in the prison. Gas for making them sleep, gas for making 'em talk (disposition 100), lever for capturing new prisoners (when the old ones are... "gone")


    EDIT: Akatosh, I post here two times daily!


    Well, thing is, when I was looking through your mod with notepad, I discovered some minor... Bugs.


    First. It looks like you've accidentaly hit the "Compile All". This includes all the stock scripts in your mod, thus making it far larger than it should be. It also makes your mod conflict with all fixes that fixes scripts, and that is BAD.


    Second, looks like you've put your own script instead of mine at that book thing. You should really use my. It doesn't use variables at all, and takes up less space.


    Third: Reznod's Mannequins. Do these work? The script looks like it doesn't fit with your mod. Sure you don't want any help?

  3. Double-posting is rude, i know.


    Thank you! I thought about adding that option, but it would require a huge script using a LOT of factions... Oblivion doesn't support string variables. (text)

    Could you please give me the top 16 list of names (those the player can choose from)?

    The script is almost done. If you post quick, I think we can get it into the mod that's supposed to be uploaded tomorrow!

  4. This is what I currently have:


    Scriptname PimpMyCastle

    ; By GBHis

    short renamedone

    short renameit

    short ihavetheletter

    short letssetownership

    float temp


    Begin OnAdd player

    IF (IHaveTheLetter < 2)

    ;The player can only name the castle _once_. Remove the ^IF^ to allow multiple renames

    set IHaveTheLetter to 1

    set temp to (GetPCMiscStat 15)+1 ; How many houses has the player got?

    setpcmiscstat 15 temp ; Well, now he has one more

    END ; IF


    IF (LetsSetOwnership < 1)

    set LetSetOwnership to 1

    END ; IF

    End ; OnAdd




    Begin GameMode


    IF (IHaveTheLetter == 1)

    messagebox "I have just recovered the letter. Maybe I should give the castle a new name?",


    "No, I like the name 'Pipp'.", "Yes, I should give it a new name immediately"

    set renameit to GetButtonPressed

    set IHaveTheLetter to 2

    END ;IF


    IF (renameit == 1 && renamedone != 1)

    ; Large Keyboard here!

    messagebox "-=(PLEASE CHOOSE A NAME BELOW)=-","-=(SYMBOLS)=-",

    END ; IF


    IF (LetsSetOwnerShip == 1)

    ; Separate IFs. We do not want to set ownership again just because of a silly rename..?

    SetCellOwnership *CellId, not name*

    SetCellOwnership *CellId, not name*

    ; ===== End of block

    set LetsSetOwnership to 2

    END ; IF


    End ;GameMode

  5. Access to the roof. I love sitting on roofs, sniping innocent, respawning (and unknowing) guards with my force push. Or frenzy. Uhm...


    On to scripting business :)

    I'm working on the script that Vagrant0 suggested, if you want it, WarKirby? I'm putting in most of the names on these pages and a few of my own? Of course, "The Castle of DOOM" is going to be on the top of the list. ;)


    Since my DirectX just blew up after trying to get SplinterCell to work, my CS doesn't work atm. Could you post a list of all of the cells the player is to have ownership over? Along with a short description. Example:


    10101010 WarkirbyHallway "Hallway"


    I haven't ever messed around with cells, so I do not know if they have an editor name and an "ingame" name, or just an "ingame" name?

    Then I'll script the ownership, so that stealing from the castle before you own it is - stealing. I'll also change the name of the cells (put the castle's name in front of it)


    Will have it done soon.


  6. Reworked the script. This should fit nicely into Oblivion. As I said before, the other one was just the logic behind it, not a working script.

    ScriptName WarKirbySecretDoorOpening
    BEGIN OnActivate
    If ( "WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer".GetDisabled == 0 )
     messagebox "A rumbling sound is heard in the distance...", "OK"
     messagebox "A light sound of a bell rings through the hallways of the castle.", "OK"
    End If

    When removing the bookcase it will (hopefully) display a messagebox like this:


    | A rumbling sound is heard in the distance... |






    Instructions (I don't know how much scripting you know, so this is plain, as close to the ground as it can get.):


    1. Place your bookcase in the castle interiour. In the middle of the hall, if you want to.


    2. Double-click your bookcase. See the empty field called "EditorID" ?

    Type in {WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer} there. Without brackets, of course.

    Press apply, save, confirm, done, whatever it says at the bottom of the form/window.


    3. Create a new book. Press the [...] and put in my script. Be sure to choose "Object" in the upper right part of the window. Save it. Do NOT press "Compile all." Click the X in the upper right corner. A dialog box asking:

    "Do you want to replace the current script?



    [Yes] [No/Cancel]"

    Click yes. Now your script should be attached to the book. You can either have the book as an object (Which you can pick up) or as an activator. I would go for activator.


    4. Place the activator/book/object/what-am-I-to-call-it in the castle. Close to the bookcase, so you won't have to run forth and back all the time.


    5. Time for testing!!

    Go test it. Your bookcase should dis/re-appear when you activate the book.

    Be sure to give me some feedback on the script. (Error messages, if any,)


    Happy modding,



    PS: If you put it on a book that should be picked up, put this script instead:

    ScriptName WarKirbySecretDoorOpening
    BEGIN OnActivate
    If ( "WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer".GetDisabled == 0 )
     messagebox "A rumbling sound is heard in the distance...", "OK"
     messagebox "A light sound of a bell rings through the hallways of the castle.", "OK"
    End If

  7. You should DEFINITELY ship it aaaalmost empty. Anyway, I like bringing back the books myself. This is MY, the gray fox's, secret lair/castle. Not some librarian's. Books are trophies of knowledge, ye' know!


    You could have some of your own works in. And your 10 favourite books from Oblivion..? How is this castle aquired by the player? Inherited from a rich (and mystical) uncle? Bought? Just randomly taken into possesion?


    Did my script snippet help you? Did you want any help with the HTML/books?


    Grand Arben

    Castle Slott

    Dunkee Marven

    Bog Pattap

    Pliir Caramnis


  8. @Sir Fuller

    Maybe the makers of the 'Mugger' mod should have changed it, so that the guards wouldn't kill the poor mugger - just throw him to jail / knock him unconscious..? :)


    Why do I never experience such a great AI? I must start going to dirty pubs at night...

  9. I've been messing around with HTML for 5 years (since I was 8).

    If you'll like some help, you can send me a word/rtf document with the books included. My email is public available (click on my username).


    .Nif (GameBryo format) model files are stored in large compressed files (like zip-files).

    Their extension is .bsa, and they are located in the \Data folder. You'll need a program to unpack these files.

    Either Ghostwheel's TES4BSA, or the BSA Commander, of which I can't remember the author.

    When you unpack a .nif, you'll also need the texture-files in another large bsa. BSA commander can unpack single files. (Not all at once.) And that is an EXTREMELY handy feature. I recommend getting that one!


    MY idea of guards... Would be cool to have some guards around your castle. It would provide some ... life.

    The palace guards are cool! You would (or I, rather) probably want to create a new sort of NPC with max disposition towards the player and other inhabitants of the castle. Then your thief character could use it as a hide-out as well :rolleyes: :ph34r:


    Some interesting ideas- Im still thinking.


    I need some help with a script- I want to open a secret door by touching an 'odd' book in a bookshelf. But I cant make the door open. I tried adapting the script for the secret door in castle leyawiin but it didn't work.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I don't have the CS/Oblivion here, but this is what I would have done:


    The script for the secret door:

    Your room/door is hidden behind an empty bookcase/wall. When you activate a certain book, the bookcase disappears, thus revealing your room/door. Create a referrer to the bookcase/wall piece.

    This is pseudocode. It looks much like VBscript (I like that), so you'll have to "convert" some of it.


    scriptname secretdooropening //find a name you like


    ref PoorBookcase

    short DoorIsOpened


    Begin OnActivate

    PoorBookcase = "WarKirbysSecretLibraryDoorReferrer"

    if (DoorIsOpened == 0) then

    PoorBookcase.disable // removes the bookcase from the world

    DoorIsOpened = 1


    PoorBookcase.enable // puts it back in, blocking the door. How rude.

    DoorIsOpened = 0

    end if

    msgbox "A rumbling sound is heard in the distance..." //or is it messagebox? Can't remember




    PS: Hope this'll help you

    PPS: Is there a secret door in Leyawiin? I gotta check that one out!

  10. Oh yeah, once I was at Frostcrag Spire (official download, $2) and I had a bounty of 25 gold after pickpocketing a LEYAWIIN jailor


    I got a bounty when using the alternate start mod... You stand in this dreamworld and see a daedra kill the emperor.

    I restarted and thought: "Hell, no! Not the emperor," and summoned The Console to kill that Daedra...

    Then I pickpocketed the emperor. He discovers me and said: "Get away from me, you lawbreaker!"


    When I steps outside my house in Bravil, the Bravil guards come rushing to arrest me for the 25 gold fine...

    "Hey... Is it illegal to DREAM of pickpocketing the emperor...?"

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