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Everything posted by NexBeth

  1. That failed. I'm going to test some published mods to see what happens. So, do you think the problem is not using the entire vanilla navs? The area I'm working with is huge and has massive edits to terrain by me, which is why its near impossible using vanilla navs. Also, I uninstalled all mod except for a texture mod, SkyIU, SKSE, and the Unofficial Patch. The only mod that may have edited a nav, but not in my area, is Point the Way which adds additional directional signposts. I didn't have building mods installed. Thanks for input!
  2. Definitely finalized. No other mods have anything to do with these cells. I just deleted all vanilla navs I dragged below terrain. Will finalize my own navs again and test. We'll see.
  3. Well, I've already moved the originals below ground and placed my own navs, redoing entire navs in these cells. I tried to go ahead and do this nav cutting procedure on one of the cells that I moved below ground, but NPCs still not crossing the boarders. Am going to have to delete all navs, including my custom nav and vanilla. reinstate vanilla and start the process over? There are 7 cells....Strange thing is, why has what I normally do (just move cells below the terrain) work in the past?
  4. Not sure what you mean, maxarturo. Are you saying to move the vanilla navmeshes I moved below the terrain further away?
  5. Well, thought I knew how to do ext. navmesh. I've done it twice before across several exterior cells. Not sure if this is an issue with the new AE version but now I'm having a big problem I can't figure out. My first house mod made for original skyrim had deleted exterior navs that I never fixed. Now I have updated that old mod for SSE and decided to fix this problem by just redoing all of exterior cells by hand. So, I deleted the old navmesh that I had edited before. Then I returned the game's navmeshes to its original state. All went well. I did what I did in my last mod and dropped the original untouched navmeshes down below the terrain. Then, I recreated my own navmeshes and linked them up to adjacent cells' vanilla navmeshes. Problem is, NPCs will not cross over from my modified cells to the vanilla cells. There are no errors in Xedit. All of my boarders are linked up correctly and showing the green bridges. Looking around, I see that people use a navmesh cutting technique which I did not do. I simply dropped the vanilla navs down below the terrain and created my own navs on the terrain. Any insights would be appreciated!
  6. Seems to have resolved today.
  7. I noticed that files which I endorsed are now appearing on my Download History as not Endorsed. Also, when I go to the respective mod pages, they likewise appear unendorsed. When trying to re-endorse, it does not take.
  8. You'd pretty much have to demolish and rebuild. But why do this? Just build your own custom house to your liking.
  9. I'm trying to get a new script compiled in the CK. I started by naming it (1st step) then got message that .NET needed to be installed (I recently did a clean install Win10). NET got installed. Went back to start the script again but now I'm getting a message that the script already exists (which it doesn't as I checked the scripts and source folders). It doesn't even show up when I attempt to "add" a script. I know I can just do a different name for the script but was wondering if anyone ever encounter this and had a solution?
  10. Yeah, it won't work for me. I think it has to do with it now being tied to Steam when the Beth Launcher closed down. You may still have your old Skyrim setup, but I have only just reinstalled everything and the CK is now only on Steam. Thanks, though.
  11. The scripts don't need new names because the scripts are located in the script folder and not located within the CK. Just make sure that they are attached to the items that require them. Your new mod is the active file. Make sure that the mod you are taking assets from is not active.
  12. Create your new mod and make it active. Open it along with the mod that has the NPC you want to extract. Copy all applicable files over to the new mod and rename all the files. Save.
  13. So it look like the ability to open multiple editors is no longer an option since moving to STEAM? Is there any work around for this?
  14. Well, back into modding after a couple yrs and of course, I have to to acclimate to all the CK bugginess. But this one, I've never experienced. Refresh F5 doesn't seem to be working to refresh the render window. Using the same keyboard I've always used. Any ideas?
  15. Yep, that's where I found it but it didn't come up in the Search within Steam. Also, the CK is still not showing up in my Library. I haven't tried loading my mod yet as I'm still working on getting other things up. I got to look up all the stuff that goes into the ini files. Yikes.
  16. Well, I took a bit of break from modding and I'm now trying to reinstall everything back on my PC. Beth Launcher is gone and I don't see it on Steam so where do you get the Skryim SE/Anniversary CK now? Thanks! Well, found it with Google Search. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1946180/Skyrim_Special_Edition_Creation_Kit/
  17. Toggle everything on in the CK. Sounds like something was left behind when you duplicated the cell. It may be an invisible marker that is referencing something else so if you toggle everything on, you should be able to see all that is in the cell. You can also look in Cell View which will list all the objects in the cell. You should be able to tell what you don't want there and then deleted it. Better to just save a new cell rather than trying to delete all from copied cell. But if you are going copy an existing cell, then delete from the Cell View.
  18. They're in the armor directory. I don't have the CK on my machine right now so I can't tell you exactly. However, use this example for Solitude which gives you the shield ID to copy/paste into the object window. http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Shield_of_Solitude
  19. Yep, been there and done that myself. A lot of wasted time. I don't write scripts, but perhaps the suggestion above would work.
  20. Expected engine behavior. Also, keep in mind for every real time minute, 30 minutes pass in Skyrim. So, while you've spent 5 real time minutes in an interior cell, your NPC traveled for 2-1/2 hours. If you fast travel, NPC AI packages don't always play as expect either.
  21. And that simply means that those meshes are not in the correct skyrim directory. Are you manually trying to install the mod or are you using a mod manager?
  22. There are some beds like in the modder's resources section.
  23. The changes you made resulted in the game no longer able to read the items you used. In other works, each item (known as MESHES) in the CK/GAME is referenced in the skyrim directory under MESHES. If things are renamed, or moved, then so must it's place in the MESHES directory. If you are using someone else's mod, they probably packed their MESHES and TEXTURES in to their own compressed file. What ever changes you made is not going to carry over just by moving objects in the CK. You're best bet for learning how to use the CK, or building structures is to go through a tutorial. Myself, I started out by using this tutorial. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/forum/114-creation-kit-basics/
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