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Everything posted by kniggit92

  1. Now I am fairly sure that when I have two graphical mods, lets call them mod A and mod B, when I let mod B overwrite mod A everything from mod A that isn't covered by mod B will still be there, I am 100% sure of that. Now what I am not so sure about is what happens when I add mod C. Lets say during installation I let mod C overwrite mod B, but not mod A. What will happen? Will it still get full priority over mod A? Will it only overwrite the files covered by both A and B(I'm fairly sure it's this option)? Will it not overwrite anything?
  2. Does this occur on a clean or very old save game?
  3. Did you try rebooting your system? Why is your racemenu plugin above the racemenu.esp?
  4. It's caused by multiple mods that alter how you hold weapons, which ones do you use?
  5. Yes, the fade distance. Increase the grass fade distance in skyrimprefs.ini I got it at 10k but I have a beast computer, 7k should be doable.
  6. I was wondering about image uploading, it says there's a 1.5 MB limit but when I upload an image smaller than 1.5MB and a bunch of thumbnails linking to an image hosting site it gives a size error. Is there a limit to the ammount of thumbnails? All the thumbnails are around 1.5MB optimized jpgs (as seen below) http://s28.postimg.org/jkj6ry76x/enb_2014_11_29_01_52_04_05.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/to2t3g549/enb_2014_11_30_20_54_36_05.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/eoaymihnt/enb_2014_12_11_15_34_42_73.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/gl76k6ew9/enb_2014_12_11_15_34_58_39.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/ded57gnvt/enb_2014_12_11_15_56_57_38.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/nxd4wmqjt/enb_2014_12_11_15_58_52_05.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/t7mp1o06h/enb_2014_12_11_16_00_47_66.jpg http://s28.postimg.org/5vylcklwp/enb_2014_12_11_16_01_00_42.jpg
  7. Your PC isn't strong enough for full ENB with the mods you are using obviously. Try disabling ambient occlusion and depth of field in the ENB menu.
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